We harvest fruits for the winter. How to store dried apples?

Tasty and juicy apples are a favorite fruit of most people. And this is due not only to its availability. Apples are a source of vitamins and other substances. But if the harvest is large, then they must be prepared for the future. But it is better to take fruits from your own summer cottage. The main thing here is to preserve all the nutritional properties of this product. How to harvest and how to store dried apples?

How to store dried apples

The benefits of apples after drying

Dried apples are very healthy, despite being processed. They have fats, carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, starch, water, monosaccharides and much more. They also contain trace elements and a large amount of vitamins. This is why you need to know how to properly store dried apples. It should be said that preserving fresh fruit is much more difficult. They lose a lot of useful properties during storage. But dried apples contain much more vitamins.

Storage methods

How to store dried apples

But where to store dried apples so that they do not deteriorate? Hermetically sealed containers are considered ideal. It can be glass or ceramic jars with tight lids. Fabric bags (very dense) with good, tight ties are also suitable. How to store dried apples in boxes, baskets and crates? This container is also suitable for this. But it is advisable to line it with wax paper. Then lay apples, and again cover with paper again. The storage room should be dark, with good ventilation. Humidity should be normal. That is, apples should not be dried, but they should not be in damp. It is better to hang containers with dried fruits, but you can put them on the shelves. There should not be any products with strong and pungent odors near apples. Storage temperature should be no more than 10 degrees.

Possible trouble

Where to store dried apples

It is not always possible to observe all the rules for storing dried apples. Therefore, you should consider everything, even small rules that may come in handy during this process. Sometimes bugs, moths or ticks start up in apples. In this case, put the apples on a baking sheet and warm at 60 degrees or more. You just need to destroy the pests, and not fry the fruit. Another option is freezing. The temperature in this case reaches -15 degrees, and the time is 30 minutes. Therefore, before storing dried apples, you should definitely familiarize yourself with these simple requirements. If the humidity during storage was high, then the fruit may become moldy or become wet. In this case, they are removed from the container and dried in the sun or in the oven. The container should also be dried or replaced. The paper used to lay the boxes is replaced with a new one. Those apples that are badly damaged must be removed from the total mass and discarded. They are not edible and can be harmful to health. Knowing how to store dried apples, you can enjoy their excellent aroma in winter and replenish the body with nutrients. Before use, the fruit is well washed and soaked in water for a while. Then, if necessary, they are boiled and added to other dishes.

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