After alcohol, bile feels sick: possible causes and relief

With the use of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages, a person becomes intoxicated with an intoxication. Alcohol poisoning occurs against the background of problems with the visual system and speech apparatus, memory disorders and blurred consciousness, impaired coordination in space and a urge to nausea and vomiting. Often, simple vomiting is accompanied by the secretion of bile, with which the human body fights toxins and cleanses itself. This reaction is aimed at eliminating alcohol toxins from the body and symptoms of intoxication. What are the main causes of vomiting of bile after alcohol and what to do?

Bile in vomiting

Vomiting with bile occurs as a result of intoxication of the body with harmful substances, but in most cases, poisoning occurs due to the intake of a large amount of alcoholic beverages. Bile in the vomit is characterized by an unusual color. In the presence of bile in the allocated vomit, greenish or yellow impurities can be noticed. In this case, the patient feels an unpleasant bitterness in the oral cavity.

Bile in vomiting

Most often, when the stomach is cleansed, and with vomiting, the bile secret leaves the body, you should wait for the soon recovery of the body and normalization of the condition.

Bile masses penetrate vomiting in the following way:

  • first, the contraction of the muscles of the gallbladder begins, in which the entire load leaves the liver and the pressure on the biliary tract decreases;
  • after the bile secretion passes into the duodenum 12, reducing the total load on the pancreas;
  • The duodenum 12 begins to contract in the reverse mode and pushes the bile masses accumulated in it into the gastric cavity;
  • when exposed to bile secretion, the acid-slit balance in the stomach is significantly worsened, which negatively affects the mucous membrane of the organ;
  • the stomach begins to push the bile masses into the esophagus, which then go outside. At the moment when bile passes through the esophagus, it greatly reduces the sensitivity of its walls, which as a result improves the general condition of a person and eliminates vomiting syndrome.

When does vomiting take place?

If bile is present in the vomit of a person, this indicates a serious intoxication of the body, in which, even after the removal of accumulated toxins from the stomach cavity, the patient continues vomiting reflexes.

As a result of alcohol intoxication, serious malfunctions occur in the digestive system, which cause bile to change its direction of motion and throw itself into the cavity of the stomach, from where, together with vomiting, it goes outside. Most often, vomiting after intoxication with alcoholic beverages disappears after 2-3 episodes. If vomiting with an admixture of bile continues, it is important to call an ambulance, which hospitalizes the patient in the hospital.

Causes of Alcohol Intoxication

If a person is sick with bile after alcohol, the cause of this condition, as a rule, is intoxication of the body, which takes place against the background of disruption of the digestive system. As a result of this process, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, and the bile secretion passes into the cavity of the stomach, mixes with digested food and goes back through vomiting. This is the main reason why the patient develops bile in the vomit.

Alcohol intoxication

Why is bile sick after alcohol? In addition, yellow vomiting may occur in humans due to the negative effects of alcohol on the function of the biliary tract. As a result, their functioning is disrupted, which provokes the casting of bile secretion into the cavity of the stomach, esophagus, pharynx, and mouth. At the same time, a person in the oral cavity feels characteristic bitterness, and in the abdomen an unpleasant burning sensation, in some cases even a pain syndrome. A large amount of mucus accumulates in the throat cavity, and the excreted vomiting, in addition to a specific yellow hue, is also distinguished by its sour smell.

Causes of intoxication

If vomiting bile after alcohol, it is dangerous, but not in all cases. This condition does not indicate the presence of any disease in the body. But if vomiting with bile continues for a long time or occurs regularly, then it is very important for a person to undergo a comprehensive study with a doctor. Such symptoms may indicate gallbladder or liver disease. After the first signs of malaise appear, it is important to consult a doctor who will help determine the patient’s health status, identify the main deviations and make up a comprehensive and effective treatment.

What to do

What to do if vomiting bile after alcohol? If vomit goes out with bile for a long time, and the syndrome does not disappear, then the patient should take the pill “Tserukala”, drink it with a minimum amount of water so that there is no repeated vomiting. After 20 minutes after taking the medicine, experts are allowed to re-take the pill. If the Cerucal tablet does not produce any result and vomiting continues, then an ambulance should be called immediately.

If vomit occurs with bile, the patient should try to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms on his own. To begin with, it is worthwhile to wash the stomach, but this procedure has several contraindications, therefore it is not allowed in all cases.

Recovery after washing

It is forbidden to wash patients with cholelithiasis, gastritis, ulcers, hypertension or heart attack. A person should be put on a chair and give him about 2 liters of water, after which provoke vomiting.

To exclude dehydration, after washing, experts advise every 5-10 minutes to drink a sip of water, and it is best to take a rosehip broth or mineral water. After the vomiting has passed, the patient should not eat food for the next several hours. It is best at this time to try to relax and sleep, and after waking up, drink a small amount of chicken broth. It is important to refuse spicy, salty, smoked, too fatty foods.

If after washing the stomach, vomiting with bile does not stop, then you should immediately consult a doctor.


How to stop vomiting of bile after alcohol and the reasons for its appearance? After washing, doctors advise taking a person absorbent. It is best to use the following agents: Polysarb, Polyphepan, Enterode s, Enterosgel, activated black coal. Such drugs will help to quickly eliminate toxins from the body that could remain in the stomach cavity after washing.


You should also use symptomatic drugs that are specifically designed to restore the body after alcohol poisoning. A good effect can be achieved by taking Zorex. Such a drug helps to strengthen the process of cleansing the body and removing toxins from the tissues of the liver and stomach.

Effective means

The tool enhances the oxidation of alcoholic products, positively affects the breakdown of alcohol. You can also use the tool "Limontar", which includes citric and succinic acids in its composition. Its effect helps to improve a person’s condition, relieve negative symptoms of poisoning, and stimulate physiological processes in the body.

The same effect can be achieved by taking Metadoxil, which helps to eliminate the symptoms of a hangover, accelerate the decay of alcohol products and their removal from the body, reduce the toxic effect of alcohol on liver and stomach tissues. The following symptomatic medicines have similar therapeutic effects: “Glycine”, “Yantavit”, “Biotredin” and others.

If vomiting occurs against a background of a strong hangover, then the patient may be prescribed a dropper, for which they use drugs that thin the blood, vitamins, saline, hepatoprotectors, glucose, and also magnesia. The composition of the solution filled into the dropper is selected depending on the condition of the patient and the strength of his intoxication.

Traditional medicine treatment

If morning sick with bile after alcohol, doctors are allowed to use traditional medicine. Ginger water is considered the most common and effective method of combating intoxication of the body, which should be taken to eliminate the urges of nausea and vomiting reflexes. When preparing the product, finely chopped ginger at the tip of a teaspoon is added to a glass of hot water.

Traditional medicine treatment

What to do if after alcohol you feel bile sick: causes and treatment?

Mint tea brings a good effect on relieving vomiting syndrome and eliminating intoxication. Such a drink helps stop vomiting, improves the condition of the liver and stomach cavity, and also normalizes the functioning of the digestive system as a whole. A few mint leaves are added to a glass of hot water and the remedy is infused for 20 minutes. Ready broth is taken in small sips throughout the day.

Valerian roots

A good restorative effect is brought by tincture of valerian roots. To do this, finely chopped root of the plant (3 grams) is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 30 minutes. Filter the finished product and start drinking a large spoon 3 times a day. A good effect can also be achieved by taking green tea or lemon water.

Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Use such folk remedies should be in the case when the urge to vomit with bile is not dangerous for a person and cannot provoke complications and worsening of the condition. The best prevention for combating intoxication is to stop taking large amounts of alcohol. In this case, no treatment is required in the morning.

The main signs of defeat

The main cause of intoxication is the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol in the human body. The oxidation of ethanol proceeds with the formation of acetaldehyde, which results in conversion to ethanoic acid. The components released into the body during the decay of ethanol are much more toxic than the original form of alcohol.

Symptoms of Intoxication

The main symptoms of alcohol intoxication are:

  • severe pain in the abdomen, urge to vomit;
  • bowel problems;
  • severe chills, a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • coordination problems, dizziness;
  • throbbing headache;
  • a sharp increase and decrease in blood pressure, while the capillaries in the sclera burst, from which the whites of the eyes become inflamed, the eyes begin to hurt;
  • sweat production intensifies, salivation and tearing begin;
  • the patient feels general weakness and malaise.

Green vomit

If vomit includes clots of green color, this indicates that the bile secretion has passed into the cavity of the stomach. Bilirubin in the blood in this case is very high. Bile can occur in the stomach in the following cases:

  • improper structure of the digestive system;
  • increased pressure of the peritoneum;
  • inflammatory processes in the liver, biliary tract and gall bladder;
  • the presence of a benign or malignant tumor in the body;
  • the operation to remove the gallbladder;
  • problems with the functioning of nerve impulses and the nervous system;
  • pathology of the sphincter during the transition of food to the duodenum 12.

Body alkalization

After consuming a large amount of alcohol in the human body, the acid-base balance is disturbed, it goes into the acid side. Acidity increases significantly due to the decay products of ethanol. Alkalization improves the primary functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to reduce acidity and eliminate the symptoms of a hangover, doctors advise using the following substances:

  • soda;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • magnesia carbon dioxide;
  • burnt magnesia;
  • sodium sulfate;
  • sodium phosphate.

Acute stage of defeat

In the acute stage of alcohol poisoning, a person can begin a coma. In this case, it is important to call an ambulance as soon as possible. The treating specialist will give the person a sensory injection of the permitted drugs, which will lead to a powerful awakening effect.

Seek help from the clinic in the event that the discharge of vomit is repeatedly or continues for a long time. An examination in the hospital will help to exclude possible pathologies and diseases of the liver, ducts and gall bladder.

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