Does cognac increase or decrease pressure in humans? The opinion of doctors

Cognac lowers or raises blood pressure - a question that interests not only fans of this noble drink, but people who suffer from various ailments of blood vessels and are looking for an alternative to medicines.

At first glance, everything is simple - the drink dilates blood vessels, respectively, it lowers the pressure. But cognac is a natural product, that is, it does not have a clear and local effect, like a medicine, but affects the condition of a person as a whole.

What do the doctor's say?

The opinion of physicians on the issue of whether cognac increases pressure, normalizes or lowers it in a person is the same. It boils down to the fact that the influence of the drink is individual for everyone. Therefore, you need to find out your own reaction to the use of cognac, if you want to use it as a sleeping pill or for other purposes.

At the doctor

It is very easy to do. The pressure should be measured. After reading the indicator, you need to drink a glass of cognac on an empty stomach in a volume proportional to weight, that is, at 80 kg - 80 ml and so on. 15-20 minutes after taking cognac, re-measure the pressure.

Thus, you can accurately find out whether cognac increases pressure or lowers in a particular case.

Carrying out the test excludes food intake; drinking is also undesirable. Food and water in the stomach distort and slow down the action of cognac, that is, the results will be incorrect.

How much can I drink with hypotension?

The diagnosis of hypotension excludes the use of strong alcohol, but not everything is so clear on the issue of cognac. For example, English doctors quite often recommend this drink in strictly defined doses to just hypotensives.

The fact is that cognac is not just an abstract alcohol diluted with water to the desired degrees. This drink has a very complex composition, which has a complex effect on health in several areas, like all biologically active natural products, such as honey.

Hypotension is not only reduced pressure, but also a number of other symptoms - migraines, “icy” hands and feet, dizziness and much more is an integral part of this disease.

It is with such manifestations that cognac fights. In addition, the drink contains tannins, which have a beneficial effect on the vascular walls and the heart muscle - strengthening, promoting faster regeneration and increasing tissue elasticity.

But hypotension, of course, imposes restrictions on the use of this drink. General recommendations for the optimal amount for a person - a measure of weight, divided in half for men and three for women. That is, a man weighing 90 kg per day can drink 45 ml of brandy. And for a woman, weighing 60 kg, a dosage of 20 ml will be useful.

Can I drink with hypertension?

Diagnosed high blood pressure or a tendency to it, also exclude the use of strong alcohol. But the situation with such an exception is rather ambiguous, since tinctures for alcohol, for example, hawthorn, can not be taken with this diagnosis, but it is also necessary.

Cognac, unlike vodka, can be attributed to medicinal products. Its properties are in no way inferior to the same tinctures of hawthorn, rose hip and other natural gifts sold in pharmacies.

Pressure measurement

Doctors regarding the use of cognac for hypertension recommend testing their own body, as the reaction to a grape drink can be different. In general, cognac in reasonable amounts is useful for hypertensive patients. Winston Churchill, for example, suffered from high blood pressure, whose attachment to this type of alcohol became almost legendary.

The danger to hypertensives lies in the dose of this drink. If the first glass of cognac is guaranteed to reduce pressure and relieve all symptoms associated with this condition, then the subsequent ones will increase sharply.

Dosage recommendations are simple - it all depends on your own weight, regardless of gender. That is, with a weight of 90 kg, you can drink 90 ml.

What to do with smoking?

If on the question of whether cognac raises or lowers blood pressure, the opinion of doctors is still evasive and comes down to the standard “individually”, then everything is clear about cigarettes.

Cigarettes constrict blood vessels, and when smoking more than one thing in 30 minutes, regardless of the level of nicotine contained, they cause a slight spasm of the vascular walls.

Cognac and smoking

This has the most direct relation to cognac. A smoker reacts differently to a drink than one that leads a healthy lifestyle. When smoking more than one pack of cigarettes per day, the allowable dosage of cognac increases by 10-20 ml.

That is, smoking male hypotension with a weight of 90 kg can be taken "for health" not 45 ml, but 75.

How to be with coffee?

It's no secret that people who prefer cognac to other drinks like to start the day with coffee and, in principle, drink it very often. Coffee acts on the body individually, this drink, like cognac, raises or lowers blood pressure depending on the quantity, general health and many other factors.

But there are also constant, unchanging reactions of the body, independent of variable conditions, namely, coffee with cognac always increases pressure.

Cigar and cognac

With a sharp drop in pressure, this drink can easily replace drugs, and can also become a means of therapy with constantly reduced rates. Of course, the drink should be "right." That is, it’s stupid enough to worry about the health effects of a soluble powder cup, into which something from the bottle with the inscription “identical to natural” was splashed into the eye, added a few tablespoons of sugar, completing the whole action with milk recovered from the powder and stored almost not half a year.

Coffee with cognac is a black natural drink brewed from beans, without any extraneous additives in the form of sugar or dairy products. The proportional ratio is 10 ml of alcohol per 80 ml of coffee. Only such a drink affects pressure.

What to do with tea?

In addition to the question of whether cognac lowers or raises pressure in its pure form, its effect in various combinations is also relevant. In our country, it is not very widely accepted to drink tea with cognac, unlike coffee, but in Western Europe it is widespread. Tourism is now very developed. Often faced with similar offers in restaurants, bars and cafes, a traveling person projects his own knowledge about coffee with cognac on a drink, which is not entirely correct.

Tea, both black and green, in combination with cognac - evens pressure, normalizes it. The proportional ratio is different - 40 ml of alcohol per 180 ml of tea.

Flower tea with cognac does not affect pressure

In the question, cognac lowers or raises the pressure, being added to berry, herbal or fruit teas, the answer is clear. It has no effect. Such drinks do not contain caffeine, which comes into contact with the components of alcohol. That is, in fact, when cognac is added to this type of tea, a low-alcoholic beverage with a slight warming effect is obtained.

What to do with sweets?

Sweets with cognac are a favorite delicacy of many people and not only women, men are also not averse to swallowing a couple or two of chocolate “glasses”.

If the question of whether cognac lowers or increases pressure remains open regarding the drink itself, that is, everyone has their own answer to it, then the combination of alcohol and chocolate is definitely contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

Candy with brandy

Only two sweets can increase the level of pressure to a critical level in a person weighing 50 kg with a diagnosis of hypertension. Such a dessert will not harm hypotonic people, in reasonable quantities, of course.

Cognac raises or lowers blood pressure in a person - the question is individual, you can drink this drink for any disease, but only observing the measure.

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