Emergency care for frostbite of varying degrees

Frostbite or frostbite is damage to the skin under the influence of low temperature. Mild effects only affect the upper layers of the skin, but severe frostbite can cause tissue necrosis. Extremities, such as fingers, nose, ears and toes, as well as cheeks, are most commonly affected.

Frostbite help

Ignorance of the rules for emergency care during frostbite can aggravate the situation and cause irreparable harm.

Signs of frostbite

The earliest symptom of hypothermia is burning skin. The skin takes on a red tint. As the body cools, there is a decrease in blood supply to the frostbitten area. In the future, the following symptoms may appear:

  • loss of sensation
  • impaired motor function,
  • the appearance of a bluish skin tone,
  • pressure reduction
  • lethargy.
Cold weather

Degree of frostbite

The severity of frostbite depends on the duration of exposure to cold. Symptoms progress in stages. The longer the body is exposed to freezing conditions and the colder the temperature, the more severe frostbite can become.

There are several degrees of damage:

  1. The first degree is characterized by tingling, burning and pallor of the skin. After a few days, numbness and swelling of the frostbitten area may be observed. The pain is minimal. Subsequently, peeling may be observed in the affected areas. In general, the forecast is favorable.
  2. In the second stage of frostbite, numbness occurs, followed by swelling. Blisters with transparent contents may also appear on the skin. Within a few days, the skin coarsens and becomes darker. Pain is mild. Full recovery occurs in 1-2 weeks.
  3. The third stage is characterized by the formation of blisters filled with blood. Numbness, burning and pulsation of the skin are accompanied by severe pain. There is a necrosis of the sites. Tissue rejection takes place by 2-3 weeks, scarring lasts up to 1 month.
  4. In the fourth stage, damage occurs not only to all layers of the skin, but also to bones, joints, tendons and muscles. The skin is a characteristic blue hue, sometimes with a marble color. Blisters form in areas with less severe frostbite. There is a risk of gangrene. With severe damage to the limbs, amputation may be required.

First aid

The choice of emergency frostbite algorithm depends on the level of damage to the skin. At the first degree, it is enough just to warm the frostbitten areas. This can be done with the help of breathing, careful grinding, massage. After that you need to apply a bandage to prevent infection. With more severe degrees of frostbite, emergency care should be provided immediately. But it is worth remembering that in these cases the physical effect is contraindicated. You should immediately go to the hospital. Emergency care for frostbite of the 2nd degree and above is as follows:

Emergency care for frostbite
  1. Move victim to a warmer place.
  2. Take off wet clothes.
  3. If possible, immerse the victim’s body in warm water. It should be remembered that pain receptors during frostbite lose their sensitivity.
  4. If there is no water, wrap the victim in a warm blanket.
  5. In no case physically affect the affected areas.

It should be remembered that with varying degrees of frostbite, emergency care also varies. Due to ignorance of some aspects, you can not only not help, but also harm the victim. The choice of emergency care for frostbite is based primarily on the symptoms. It must be borne in mind that the first degree is characterized by pallor of the integument, and the appearance of blisters are signs of 2 degrees of frostbite and higher.

Additional recommendations

During emergency care during frostbite, it is recommended to warm the damaged areas as soon as possible. If it is not possible to get into a warm room, you must perform the following points:

  • Do not rub the cold parts of the body;
  • keep your hands in the armpits;
  • hold on to another person or animal;
  • drink a warm liquid;
  • put on an extra layer of clothing, take cover with a blanket;
  • take off rings, watches and other jewelry.
Emergency care for frostbite

As soon as the victim is in a warm room, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  1. Due to the risk of injury, do not use affected limbs, such as walking on a frostbitten leg.
  2. Wrap your face and ears in a moist, warm (not hot!) Towel. Take a warm bath.
  3. Do not approach the hot plate or heater.


To prevent frostbite on the skin of the limbs, the following precautions should be followed:

  1. Do not expose the body to extreme cold temperatures.
  2. Wear several layers of appropriate clothing.
  3. Do not ignore signs of hypothermia.
  4. Shelter from the cold wind, because of which the body temperature drops faster.
  5. Do not wait until hypothermia becomes frostbite. Call rescuers. Prior to their arrival, emergency care should be provided for frostbite.

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