Do you know how to cook lecho at home?

Few of us do not like such a dish as lecho - a delicious cold appetizer from a set of vegetables. You can eat it both freshly prepared and canned. Therefore, every housewife should know several recipes for how to cook lecho at home, so as to always be ready to set the table for a quick bite of your family or for unexpected guests. Let's analyze a couple of simple and interesting recipes that you can add to your piggy bank.

how to cook lecho at home
Where did this dish come from? The very word "lecho" came to us from Greece. In Hellas, they call a local appetizer, which necessarily includes sweet peppers, tomatoes and onions. It is eaten with spoons, and also used as a very spicy addition to some other dish, for example, from meat. To everything else, lecho can be used as the basis of soup.

Such a tasty and popular snack any table will make even more appetizing and beautiful. Therefore, consider how to cook lecho at home. There are a lot of options. Their differences are in taste (spicy or sweet) and in consistency (thick or liquid). There may also be some slight deviations in the components included in this dish. In addition to standard, cheese and sausage, eggs can also be included. No wonder they say that the taste and color of a friend is not. Nevertheless, the most popular and common is the recipe for such a pepper meal, which has a sweet taste.

Consider cooking lecho at home. In order to make 3.2 liters of a thick treat, you need to prepare the following ingredients: tomatoes (3 kg), sweet bell pepper (8 medium-sized pieces), granulated sugar (200 grams), garlic (five cloves), salt (one tablespoon )

The cooking process is not too simple and quick, it consists of seven stages. But there is nothing particularly complicated in it. To cook lecho at home, you need to do the following:

  1. Wash, peel and cut the tomatoes into small pieces - half the amount available. This harvesting will be our base for tomato paste.
  2. Cook, stirring periodically, tomatoes.
  3. We are preparing pepper. Wash thoroughly, clean from seeds and cut into pieces of a size that will give us pleasure in a fully prepared snack. What it will be - cubes or slices - remains at the personal discretion.
  4. cook lecho at home
    We process the remaining tomatoes. We cut them into pieces of the desired size and send them to tomato paste.
  5. Add garlic, salt and two-thirds of sugar to the resulting mixture.
  6. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  7. At the end of the process, pour the finished lecho into pre-sterilized jars and close them with lids. Then we put the banks upside down and wrap them on top with a warm blanket or blanket.

For a change, you can cook Hungarian lecho from bell pepper. Ingredients: chopped pepper (1.4 kg), tomatoes (0.6 kg), onions (two heads), paprika (five grams), pork fat (80 grams), bacon smoked (50 grams), salt.

And now we will tell you how to cook lecho at home in this version. We cut washed and peeled bell peppers in wide stripes. Dip the tomatoes for several seconds in boiling water, carefully remove the skin from them and cut into four parts. Onions cut into half rings.

cooking lecho at home

Cut the fat into small cubes and fry it in lard until transparent. Pour onion, fry it. When it turns light brown, add paprika and mix thoroughly. It's time to put pepper and tomatoes in this container, as well as salt. At the first stage, we extinguish the lecho without covering, over high heat, and then bring it to medium heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

When mastering how to cook lecho at home, you need to remember some nuances to make your dish the most delicious. Do not be afraid to change the proportions of the ingredients. For example, if you don’t really like the sour taste of vinegar, add a minimal amount. Carrots will help make lecho sweeter. Such a dish with carrots, by the way, is called Russian.

Enjoy your meal!

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