The film "The Great Wall": actors, roles, plot

One of the most exciting fantasy action movies of 2016 gathered a huge box office and aroused positive reviews from the most severe critics. Who starred in the Great Wall? Find out the actors, their roles and many other interesting facts right now.

great wall actors


A group of adventurers-traders makes a long trip in order to get to China. A serious matter leads them to the Celestial Empire - they heard that there is an unknown weapon that has tremendous destructive power. Despite the fact that they are experienced travelers, this trip becomes a real test for them. On the way, they meet the nomads of Khitani. Those are doing their best to prevent their mission. As a result, there are only two of them. William and Perot move slowly toward the goal. When only a few kilometers remain to the desired place, they are attacked by an unprecedented monster. A giant-sized creature tries to destroy the travelers, but William manages to chop off his paw. The beast retreats, but travelers are captured.

Soldiers of the Nameless Order lead the merchants to their commander so that he decides their fate. They looked more than repulsive - for several months without a razor and water procedures they turned young men into real tramps. It was decided not to immediately execute the insolent, but to give them the opportunity to explain how they defeated the ominous creature. After the travelers put themselves in order, they came under the supervision of Lin Mei. The girl was an experienced warrior and showed how the construction of the Great Wall is progressing. Why did the Chinese need this wall, they learned in just a few hours.

film actors the great wall

An ancient prophecy came true - countless creatures approached the borders of the city and began to attack enemies. The warriors boldly accepted the battle and managed to repel the first attack. They even managed to captivate one beast. He should have been delivered to the emperor’s palace. At that moment, it turned out how William managed to defeat the terrible beast - there was an ordinary magnet in his bag, and he brought the monster into a state of stupor. This discovery can play an important role in the decisive battle.

While William helped the Chinese repel the attack, Perot conspired with another captured European and escaped, grabbing a small amount of secret weapons, which turned out to be black gunpowder. The next attack led to the death of the city, and the creatures moved on - to the capital. William and Lin Mei had time before the enemies, but they failed to save the inhabitants and prevent the destruction. Only at the last moment on the verge of life and death could they destroy the leader. As a reward, William asked for the release of his comrade, who was captured during an attempt to escape.

Great Wall Actors 2017

The film "The Great Wall." Actors and roles

The painting became the most expensive tape ever shot in China. A large hall was built in a Beijing studio, where the captives were taken and where they were interrogated and the imperial palace, richly decorated with gold and red materials. In total, about 30 buildings were built, which entailed enormous costs. However, the film, which spent $ 150 million, paid off in the first week of rental. In total, the picture received 334 550 106 dollars. The actors of the film “The Great Wall” in 2017 received good fees for shooting.

Great Wall movie 2017 actors

Matt Damon - Willem Garin

The main role in the film "The Great Wall" went to the actor for his previous services. He played excellently in Bourne Identity and instantly became a celebrity. The handsome man with a charming smile and good physique easily fit into the role of a wandering merchant who did not lose his honor in numerous wanderings on the earth. He was able to gain the trust of the beautiful Lin Mei and even forgave his traitor friend, who not only set him up, but also robbed the people who trusted him. The director made the final of the film very intriguing - the merchant leaves with Perot, but promises to return soon.

great wall actors

Pedro Pascal - Feather Tobar

This actor of the Great Wall cannot boast of any high-profile and successful projects in his career. A lot of series, passing films like “Bloodsucking Bastards” - these are almost all of his creative achievements in cinema. The only vivid role is the Red Serpent in the TV series Game of Thrones. Thanks to her, he gained worldwide fame. A new chance to express himself was presented when he got on the list of actors of the Great Wall. In 2017, viewers saw him in a new role, and he received a significant portion of praise and recognition. He did not get the most pleasant role: on the one hand, he is a faithful friend and comrade, on the other, he is ready to betray a loved one for the sake of profit.

film actors the great wall

Tian Jing - Lin Mei

The young actress managed to star in three films that were not popular among moviegoers. The girl is actively engaged in musical creativity and recorded her own album. In addition, he takes part in charity work.

Great Wall Actors 2017

In the film, she happened to play the role of a harsh warrior who must save her people from extermination along with a foreigner. A spark ran between them, and the viewer was given the chance to think out the history of their relationship on their own.

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