The occurrence of acne is not always associated with puberty. Hormonal imbalance and an increased level of testosterone in women provokes the appearance of inflammatory elements and acne. In these cases, the Yarina pharmaceutical product for acne on the face and throughout the body can be prescribed by a gynecologist. Do oral contraceptives improve skin condition? Is it myth or reality? Let's take a closer look.
General information about the medication
Yarina is a low-dose birth control drug that is available in the form of tablets. The active substances of the drug are:
- Drospirenone in an amount of 3 mcg. It has a contraceptive effect, prevents fluid retention in the body, reduces the fat content of hair and skin.
- Ethinyl estradiol (30 mcg). It is important for the normal functioning of the female genital glands.
"Yarina" normalizes hormonal levels due to the combined effects of these two substances. They are also effective in the treatment of acne and oily seborrhea.
“Yarina” or “Yarina Plus” - what is the difference?
Oral contraceptive is presented in two forms, the basic composition of which is absolutely identical. "Yarina" is intended solely to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and the plus drug, thanks to the additional inclusion of folate, has an antiandrogenic property, that is, it is used to treat acne. "Yarina Plus" not only helps to cleanse the skin, but also replenishes the deficiency of folic acid, which is important for the female body. It is not worth replacing pharmaceutical preparations on your own. Adjustments should be made by the gynecologist.
The principle of influence on the body
"Yarina" refers to combined means, that is, it combines the hormones of estrogen and progestin. Due to their effect, ovulation is stopped, and the amount of cervical mucus increases, which blocks the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Effective "Yarina" against acne due to the active suppression of androgens. After normalizing the hormonal balance, the skin is cleansed, and rashes no longer occur.
Androgen effect
The ovaries and the adrenal cortex produce not only female, but also male sex hormones. Andro, testosterone - these are androgens. When the concentration of these substances in the female body exceeds the norm, dark hair can appear throughout the body, and the sebaceous glands produce more secretion. Excessive sebum becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria on the upper epidermal layer. As a result, the appearance of inflammatory foci and acne.
Cosmetic properties of the contraceptive
Official instructions indicate that the drug is used for contraception and the treatment of moderate forms of acne. “Yarina” helps with acne on the back, face and other parts of the body.
The positive effect of the medication on the appearance of the skin is manifested in such forms:
- excessive secretion of sebaceous glands slows down;
- pores are narrowed;
- the skin does not become so oily;
- swelling of the face;
- rashes and inflammatory elements are reduced.
Contraceptive Skin Treatment
"Yarina" helps with acne only if the cause of the rashes was a hormonal malfunction of the female body in the genital area. If black dots and foci of inflammation arise as a result of improper self-care, disorders in the thyroid gland or digestive organs, then taking the drug will be ineffective.
Hormonal drugs should be used with caution and only after examination by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Uncontrolled use of Yarina Plus can lead to problems, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the limitations before the course of treatment.
The medication is prohibited for use with:
- pregnancy or suspicion of it;
- lactation;
- transitional age up to 18 years;
- diabetes mellitus;
- thrombosis;
- liver diseases;
- the presence of gynecological malignant tumors or carcinomas of the mammary glands;
- allergies to components;
- vaginal bleeding.
Men are strictly forbidden to take birth control to eliminate acne, this can lead to serious hormonal imbalances and problems in the genital area.
How to use?
It is impossible to drink "Yarina" from acne "on the advice of a friend", whom the drug helped. Based on clinical tests and examination, the gynecologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes a hormonal agent. The course of treatment is generally three months, no more. This is enough to balance hormone levels.
"Yarina" is available in the form of tablets in a blister, numbered by the day of the week. Thus, a woman always sees whether she took the pill today or not.
On the first day of the menstrual cycle, a tablet is drunk corresponding to the day of the week. The package contains 21 or 63 tablets, for a one- and three-month course of therapy. Following the arrow on the blister, they drink one tablet every day, preferably at the same time. After three weeks, when all the dragees from the package are drunk, you need to take a break for seven days. As a rule, menstruation begins 2-3 days after the completion of the drug administration.
What to do if a tablet is missed?
In a situation where a woman forgot to drink the drug, it is necessary to do this as quickly as possible. A delay of up to 12 hours is not considered critical, since the concentration of hormones does not decrease. The next tablet is drunk at the usual time. It is not recommended to skip taking dragees for more than 12 hours, as this creates a drop in hormone levels. In this case, it is necessary to additionally apply barrier contraception (condom). If the pass was 24 hours, then you can take two tablets at once - forgotten and planned for this day.
On a note! To prevent skipping pills, it is recommended:
- carry the package with you in your purse or cosmetic bag, then at the time of reception, medicines will be at hand;
- set a reminder in the telephone device for a specific time of taking the drug.
Jess or Yarina?
The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of combined oral contraceptives. One of the most popular is Jess. The medicine is produced by the same manufacturer as Yarina, the well-known German company Bayer Pharma.
The pricing policy of the drugs is similar - more than 1000 rubles per package. Both are aimed at contraception and acne treatment, as they reduce the level of androgens. There are differences, namely:
- The drugs are identical in composition, but "Jess" has a lower dosage of hormones, therefore it is allowed for young nulliparous girls. It is tolerated easier and less likely to provoke side effects. With serious hormonal malfunctions and effectiveness, respectively, will be lower.
- Packaging of drugs is designed for 4 weeks, that is, one menstrual cycle. The Yarina blister contains 21 dragees and involves a seven-day break, and the Jess - 28 pieces, without a pass, the next course begins.
Lost in choice, the girls wonder: "Jess" or "Yarina," which is better for acne? The answer in this case can only be heard from a gynecologist, who, based on the results of a blood test for androgens and examination, decides which particular oral contraceptive is suitable for the patient.
Expected results
Many girls suffer from rashes for years - they torment themselves with trips to a cosmetologist and buy expensive creams that help only for a short time. The procedures do not bring effect, since they only affect the symptoms of the disease, and do not eliminate the root causes of increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
There should be an integrated approach to treating acne. That is why it is important to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist or dermatologist, who will establish the true factor provoking the appearance of oily seborrhea on the skin. When a specialist has identified an imbalance in the work of the ovaries, then the girl is prescribed “Yarina” for acne, and the result is visible after two months. You should not expect an effect after the first two tablets, it takes time and patience to restore hormone levels.
Reasons for drug withdrawal
If nausea, severe headaches, high blood pressure, asthma attacks and swelling occur during the administration of the drug, you should inform your doctor who will determine whether these symptoms are side effects of the tablets. If the assumption is confirmed, the specialist is likely to cancel the drug and recommend a similar, similar effect.
Shelf life and storage conditions
The drug must be used within three years from the production date, which is indicated on the package. Blisters are placed in a dark place, away from children. 21 tablets are in a blister with a drawn application diagram. Additionally included is a cardboard box with instructions. The drug is sold only in pharmacies.
Effective "Yarina" from acne and oily seborrhea in cases where the rash is caused by an imbalance in the work of the female genital glands. After a course of the drug, the hormonal background stabilizes, the menstrual cycle normalizes, and the skin clears.
It is important to understand that oral contraceptives are not a panacea for acne, which can be caused by other reasons - non-compliance with the rules of skin cleansing, allergies or intoxication of the body. "Yarina" for acne is prescribed after examination by a gynecologist, who subsequently controls the state of health while taking the drug.