Milk thistle extract in capsules: instructions for use, indications and contraindications

The liver is not only the largest gland in the human body, but also one of the most important organs that is responsible for the digestive system and plays a huge role in supporting normal metabolism. That is why liver health should be given special attention.

Liver functions, causes of its pathologies

The main functions of the liver include:

  • Metabolism. In this organ, proteins are cleaved to amino acids. It also undergoes fat metabolism and the synthesis of such an important compound as glycogen, into which all excess glucose is processed, takes place. It is impossible not to say that it is in the liver that hormones and vitamins are metabolized.
  • Detoxification. The liver neutralizes various toxins and bacteria, after which their decay products are excreted through the kidneys.
  • Synthesis. In the largest gland of the human body, bile is synthesized, which consists of bile acids, cholesterol and pigments. She takes an active part in the digestion of fats and the absorption of vitamins. Also, bile stimulates intestinal motility.
Human liver

Many people suffer from various liver diseases. The main reasons for the development of pathological conditions of this organ include malnutrition, alcohol abuse, exposure to toxic substances, the use of strong drugs, and a viral attack.

To enhance liver health, as well as restore its normal functioning, most experts recommend the use of milk thistle extract in capsules. Instructions for the use of this biologically active additive, its features, indications and contraindications for use are presented below.

general information

Quite often, milk thistle extract in capsules is used to support the normal state of the liver. After all, the said body is more susceptible to negative effects than others, and therefore it needs special strengthening.

The active component of milk thistle extract in capsules is spotted milk thistle. This herbaceous plant is a member of the Asters family. It has an erect stem 60-155 cm high, as well as large wrinkled leaves with yellowish spines at the tips and white spots.

Milk Thistle

Flowering in Milk Thistle begins in July-August. The flowers of this plant have spiky petals of a rich lilac color. For medicinal purposes, various parts of the plant should be harvested in late July.

The properties

Milk thistle capsule extract is a highly effective drug. Its healing effect is due to the properties of the active component.

Milk thistle was used to treat various diseases in the IV century BC. e. Until the end of the 60s of the last century, almost all parts of the plant were used in alternative medicine. And only in 1968, experts conducted a more detailed study of its composition. In the course of it, it was found that the seeds of milk thistle contain such a unique substance as silymarin. This component is able to fight many diseases of the liver.

Based on research data, scientists have developed a special technology with which a unique drug called milk thistle extract was created. In capsules, this drug is prescribed only for adult patients.

Liver extract


What is the reason for the high efficiency of milk thistle seed extract in capsules? As mentioned above, silymarin is a unique component that is contained in the said plant. Its main ability is to remove toxic substances resulting from metabolism from the outside, as well as in the liver itself.

The protective functions of silymarin are due to its antioxidant properties and ability to strengthen cell membranes. With an excess of fat peroxidation products, a decrease in the viability of liver cells (i.e., hepatocytes) is observed, which is the reason for the decrease in the strength of the lipid layer. Silymarin prevents the accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides, significantly increasing liver protection. Also, this substance supports metabolic processes in the specified organ and stabilizes the cell membrane of hepatocytes, slowing down the process of various toxins entering them.

Other features

The use of milk thistle extract in capsules is indicated for various liver diseases. It should be noted that the high effectiveness of such a tool is associated not only with the presence of silymarin in it. The plant in question is also rich in substances such as:

  • flavolignans;
  • biogenic amines;
  • alkaloids;
  • resins;
  • saponins;
  • fixed oils;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins B and K;
  • slime;
  • minerals (including zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium and copper).
Liver pain

According to experts, a total of milk thistle contains more than 200 different nutrients.

Drug action

Due to the presence of a large number of medicinal substances in the medicinal plant, the extract of milk thistle in capsules (reviews of this remedy are indicated below) has the following effects on the patient's body:

  • enhances protein synthesis;
  • normalizes phospholipid metabolism;
  • improves all metabolic processes;
  • produces an antioxidant effect;
  • interrupts the process of destruction of the structure of the liver, improves the functioning of its membranes;
  • activates the production of enzymes;
  • accelerates the restoration of liver cells after poisoning or infections;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions and toxic substances.
Capsules for the liver

Indications for admission

When should thistle extract be used in capsules? Instructions for use report that such a drug is prescribed as a source of flavolignans to increase the protection of liver cells in

  • chronic hepatitis;
  • during the recovery period after toxic or infectious hepatitis;
  • toxic damage to the liver of various origins, including drugs, alcoholic beverages, salts of heavy metals, etc .;
  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty liver infiltration.


It is prohibited to take the considered dietary supplement during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Also, this tool is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to its components.

Side effects

Milk thistle extract in capsules is very well tolerated by patients. However, in some cases, this tool still causes such undesirable effects as:

  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • decreased appetite;
  • periodic bouts of nausea;
  • causeless irritability;
  • heaviness from the right hypochondrium.
  • disorders of the chair, etc.
Liver repair

With the development of such symptoms, the drug should be discontinued.

Mode of application

How to take milk thistle extract capsules? According to the instructions, it is advisable to consume the agent in this form with food. The course of therapy with such a drug should last no more than 30 days, however, for medical reasons, it can be increased to 3 months.

The recommended dosage of the drug with milk thistle extract for adult patients is 1 capsule 1 time per day.

It is strictly forbidden to combine the use of this drug with the use of any alcoholic beverages.

Varieties of dietary supplements

According to reviews, milk thistle extract with oats in capsules is an equally effective dietary supplement. Such a combination of plant substances not only contributes to the protection and restoration of the liver, but also has a positive effect on the pancreas.

Due to the presence of oats in the preparation, the considered dietary supplement normalizes the process of assimilation of carbohydrates, iron and fats in the intestinal tract. In this regard, such a tool is indicated for use not only with the development of hepatitis, hepatosis and toxic liver damage, but also with psoriasis, cholecystitis, anemia and serious digestive disorders.

It is impossible not to say that spotted milk thistle is often combined with dandelion. This alcohol tincture is actively used in renal and hepatic pathologies, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system.

Another type of extract is milk thistle with riboflavin. Experts recommend the use of such a complex for the treatment of the liver and the prevention of all aging of the body. Riboflavin (or the so-called vitamin B 2 ) contributes to the full generation of energy and enhanced recovery of all damaged structures of the digestive organ.

Milk thistle extract

Similar means

What can replace milk thistle extract? The analogs of this product are: Karsil, dry extract Silimar, Hepaphor, Milk Thistle Parapharm, Hepabene, Silegon, milk thistle with dandelion, Sibektan, milk thistle with riboflavin, milk thistle with vitamins B2, B1 and B6, milk thistle with pectin and others.

It should be borne in mind that before using any of the listed drugs, a mandatory medical consultation is required.

Reviews, cost, storage conditions

What do patients say about milk thistle extract capsules? According to their reviews, such a herbal preparation is very effective, especially if necessary to support the liver. The main advantages of this tool include its natural composition, as well as accessibility, ease of use and low cost. The approximate price of such a drug is 100-140 rubles.

In some cases, patients indicate an insufficient therapeutic effect of dietary supplement. At the same time, experts note that the use of such an additive does not cancel the main drug therapy of existing liver diseases.

Keep the product in question at a temperature of up to 25 degrees, out of the reach of children.

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