Which is better - motherwort or valerian? Ways to use herbs

Sleep disturbances, poor health, rapid fatigue - all this can indicate a nervous breakdown. In pharmacies, you can find many sedatives. Herbs are also popular. Which is better - motherwort or valerian? Let's try to figure it out.

Indications for use of valerian

Many use valerian as a sedative for over-excitation of the nervous system. At first glance, the grass is generally harmless. Droplets are prescribed even for newborns who do not sleep well at night. The natural component can be used as a natural sleeping pill for adults. In addition, valerian can be used for indigestion. Herb helps relieve spasm, helps cleanse the intestines.

which is better motherwort or valerian
In pharmacies, you can find alcohol tinctures of valerian or a drug in tablets. Liquid medicine is absorbed much faster, so it is preferable to take it. How does valerian affect the body? This component calms the nervous system, relieves vasospasm. Women during pregnancy can also be taken valerian. How many drops are given to a particular patient? Dosage is calculated based on age. How many years - so many drops.

Are there any contraindications?

It is a mistake to consider that valerian is beneficial for absolutely everyone. Grass is the strongest allergen. There are many cases where valerian was the cause of swelling of the extremities and suffocation. An allergic reaction can develop instantly. At the first symptoms, emergency care should be called. So which is better - motherwort or valerian? People who are prone to allergies, it is advisable to choose motherwort.

healing motherwort
In some people, tincture of valerian can cause a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, people suffering from hypotension, it is better to refuse to take the drug.

How is medicinal motherwort used?

The herbaceous perennial plant belongs to the family Labiaceae. Tincture is obtained from dry leaves. The plant in dry form can also be purchased at pharmacies. Tincture, prepared at home, gives the best therapeutic effect. To prepare the product, you need to pour two tablespoons of dried leaves in a liter of boiling water and insist for 2-3 hours.

valerian how many drops
Motherwort has a powerful calming effect. Its effect is several times greater than that of valerian tincture. Such a remedy is often prescribed to people suffering from mental disorders, depression, and also alcoholism. Which is better - motherwort or valerian? It all depends on the condition of the patient. To simply overcome insomnia, it is advisable to use tincture of valerian. Motherwort is prescribed in more complex cases.

Who should not take motherwort?

If the medicine is prepared for alcohol, it should not be used to treat pregnant women, as well as children. An alternative may be an aqueous solution. It is worth remembering that motherwort in an increased dosage can provoke the development of side effects. These include pain in the stomach, lowering blood pressure, allergic reactions. Do not take medicine for patients with duodenal ulcer, as well as gastritis. For patients with arterial hypotension, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

how does valerian work
It is worth noting that motherwort promotes blood thinning. Therefore, women with heavy menstruation at the time of bleeding, it is advisable to abandon the use of medicinal herbs.

What happens if you exceed the dosage?

Both valerian and motherwort relate to sedatives. These drugs have a calming effect on the nervous system. If you exceed the dosage at first glance a harmless drug, you will see such unpleasant symptoms as a rapid decrease in blood pressure, indifference to others, lethargy. It is even possible loss of consciousness. Which is better - motherwort or valerian? The latter remedy is less potent, and therefore safer.

Sedatives can be prescribed even to babies up to a year old. However, parents should not blindly trust the advice of grandmothers. Before giving valerian to a child, it is worth consulting a pediatrician. Some babies have hypersensitivity to medicinal herbs. An alternative may be frequent walks in the fresh air. The more the baby will be next to his mother, the more calm he will be: in many cases, tincture of valerian is replaced by a simple sling.

Adults also should not take drugs at any opportunity. Good nutrition and good sleep will help restore health.

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