Colds in a child (2 years): how to treat and how to do it correctly

Not a single child in the world has grown without disease. During a cold , immunity is formed in babies. This is a vital necessity. In the future, the body of your child will learn to quickly cope with viruses that have already met and are familiar to him. During the period of illness, it is necessary to pay due attention to the child, choose the right therapy for him. After all, the outcome of the disease depends on it. It can be positive or negative: recovery or complication.

Often parents ask themselves a question: if a child has a cold (2 years), how to treat it? Today's article will tell you about different means of fighting infection. But it is worth remembering that any appointment should be made by a doctor. Especially when it comes to young children.

a cold in a child 2 years than to treat

Nature of the disease

Before treating a cold (2 years old for a child), it is necessary to understand the nature of its origin. All infections are divided into bacterial, fungal and viral. The latter are much more common than their predecessors. In this case, a viral disease with improper treatment can cause bacterial complications. Therapy for this infection is fraught with the addition of a fungal infection. Everything in the human body is interconnected. Therefore, one should not guess at the coffee grounds, what caused the malaise in the baby. In addition, some kids at this age cannot even explain what their pains are.

The main signs of the disease in a child: runny nose, fever, cough. If the baby has a headache and photophobia occurs, and on the thermometer his parents see a mark of 39 degrees and above, then most likely the baby has flu. When after a while a child develops a dry (later wet) cough, and the temperature does not drop in any way - this is bronchitis. Sore throat and plaque on tonsils indicate tonsillitis. Also, young children often encounter laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, otitis media and other diseases. They all have different treatment methods. Consider what to do if a child has a cold (2 years). What to treat the baby in this case?

Rhinitis treatment

In almost all cases (with the exception of some), babies develop a runny nose. First, the detachable secret has a transparent color and a liquid consistency. Some time before, parents may notice intense sneezing. Later, edema occurs, breathing is disturbed, nasal discharge becomes thick. All these are signs of a viral infection. If after a few days, the discharge from the nose acquires a green or yellow hue, then a bacterial infection has joined. How to treat a cold (2 years old baby) in this situation? How to make breathing easier?

Without prescribing a doctor, justifiably, you can use saline solutions. These are such means as Humer, Aquamaris, Rinostop. You can enter them into the nose of the baby up to 8-10 times a day. The drugs cleanse the mucous membrane from pathogens and eliminate edema by drawing out excess fluid. At the earliest stages of the disease, such medicines as Grippferon, Genferon, Derinat will be effective. These are antiviral agents that are approved for use from the first days of life. Use them strictly according to the instructions. Antibiotics for the nose are rarely prescribed. You can’t use them yourself. Running drugs: Isofra, Protargol, Polydex.

how to treat a cold 2 years to a child

Fever: when to bring down the temperature?

Almost always, in children, the body temperature rises with the disease. With this symptom, a cold begins in a child (2 years). How to treat and how to reduce the temperature? It is worth saying right away that to the point of the thermometer at 38.5 degrees, mother should not grab on antipyretic drugs. It is clear that all parents want to alleviate the condition of their children. But it is at this temperature that an active struggle of the immune system against viruses begins. If you want the baby to gain a good body resistance in the future, then wait. An exception to the rule are children with neurological impairment. For them, the use of antipyretic compounds is necessary at 37.7 degrees.

The safest way to reduce the temperature in a child is considered to be "Paracetamol" and its structural analogues ("Panadol", "Cefecon"). It is acceptable to use Ibuprofen or Nurofen. In exceptional cases, Nimulide, Nimesulide or Nise is prescribed. Remember that the dose of an antipyretic agent always depends on the body weight of the crumbs: calculate it correctly.

What to do if the temperature does not go astray?

In young children, white fever often begins with the disease. Such a feature can manifest a cold in a child (2 years). What to treat? The list of drugs to eliminate this condition is as follows:

  • antipyretic (often use drugs based on metamizole sodium);
  • antispasmodic (No-Shpa, Drotaverin, Papaverin, Papazol);
  • antihistamine ("Diphenhydramine", "Tavegil", "Suprastin").

Each component is selected in accordance with the age of the child. The most commonly used combination is: Analgin, Diphenhydramine, Drotaverinum. In this case, the child is 2 years old, which means that he needs 0.2 milligrams of each drug. An injection is administered intramuscularly.

a cold in a child 2 years old than to treat a list of drugs

Sore throat

Almost always manifested by painful swallowing a cold in a child (2 years). How to treat the baby in this situation? Most lozenges and sprays at this age are still prohibited. Only for hotel indications can the doctor recommend such products as Tantum Verde, Ingalipt (provided that they are sprayed not on the throat, but on the inner surface of the cheeks).

It is permissible to treat the child with tonsils and the mucous membrane adjacent to them with the following compounds:

  • "Miramistin" (kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, cleanses).
  • "Chlorophyllipt" (effective in bacterial infections, copes well with staphylococci, relieves inflammation).
  • "Lugol" (cleans, disinfects, is very effective for plaque and bacterial infection).

The use of antiviral agents

If a child often has a cold (2 years) - how to treat? Medicines with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects are now used in pediatrics right and left. Doctors prescribe them for the purpose of prevention and directly for treatment. It is known that the safest formulations are agents that stimulate the synthesis of interferon. Such drugs do not interact with the virus on their own. They make the immune system work and cope with the common cold. The trade names for these medicines are: Viferon, Kipferon, Anaferon, Ergoferon, and so on.

The doctor can prescribe such medicines as Isoprinosine, Groprinosin, Aflubin, Oscillococcinum, Tsitovir, and many others. But it’s better not to use them yourself.

a cold in a child of 2 years than to treat and how to

When are antibiotics needed?

Often, a caring mother grabs antibiotics if a child has a cold (2 years). What to treat? Symptoms that crumbs really need antimicrobials are as follows:

  • green or yellow snot;
  • coughing;
  • body temperature lasts more than five days;
  • prescribed treatment does not help, but the child becomes worse;
  • tinnitus joined;
  • a thick white coating appeared on the tonsils.

Even if your baby has all the symptoms described, this is not a reason to immediately give him an antibiotic. Be sure to show your child to a doctor. After all, only a pediatrician can correctly select the necessary drug and calculate the right dose. Most often, doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to children . Penicillin preparations and macrolides are preferred. Cephalosporins are less commonly prescribed. Trade names suitable for your baby will be indicated by a specialist.

Colds in a child (2 years): how to treat? Folk remedies)

In recent years, many parents have been trying to abandon chemicals and tablets, preferring alternative recipes. Indeed, some of them are effective. But in everything you need to know the measure. Do not bring the child to a faint. If you see that your methods do not work, consult a doctor.

  • You can reduce body temperature by wiping. Use plain clean water for this. It is forbidden to rub the child with vodka or vinegar. You can reduce the thermometer using Vitamin C. Brew the baby a weak warm tea with lemon or orange slices.
  • Natural antibiotics and antimicrobials: garlic, onions, aloe juice and so on. To increase the body's resistance, you can give the child a quarter of a spoonful of a mixture of lemon juice and onion.
  • You can soar your feet and carry out thermal inhalations (breathing over potatoes) only if the baby does not have a temperature. It is worth noting that many pediatricians do not welcome such events.
  • You can treat the throat by rinsing. The solution is chosen at your discretion: soda and salt, a decoction of chamomile or calendula and so on.
  • Cope with coughing will help warm milk with a spoonful of honey and butter. Please note that honey is a strong allergen.

cold in a child 2 years old than heals folk remedies

Create the most comfortable environment

If the first symptoms of a cold in a child (2 years) are manifested - how to treat? Prevention of complications and treatment of the disease involves the creation of the most suitable conditions for the baby. If you put your child in a warm stuffy room, it will only get worse. Ambient temperature should not exceed 23 degrees. Humidity is set at 60-70 percent. If the baby is cold, then it is better to dress him warmer than to turn on radiators.

If the baby refuses food - this is normal. Do not force-feed your baby. It is important to drink more often. Give the baby the drink that he loves: juice, fruit drinks, tea, milk. After all, it is with the liquid that the main part of pathogens is excreted. During illness, bed rest is indicated. But a two-year-old child is hard enough to observe. Therefore, responsibility is passed on to the shoulders of parents: invent any calm games. Even if the baby is out of bed, try to limit his activity (do not let him jump and run).

Is it possible to bathe and walk?

How is a cold manifested in a child (2 years), how to treat? What treatment should be, you already know. Parents always have a question: is it possible to bathe and walk? We will answer them.

Bathing a baby is not only possible, but also necessary. Water procedures must be excluded only at high temperatures. During bathing, the child breathes moist air, drops of water fall into the nose, contributing to the natural thinning of mucus and moisturizing the membranes. The ban on bathing during the common cold came to us from the time when children were bathed in a tub and were afraid to simply overcool an already weakened baby.

You can walk, but only in the absence of temperature. Even if the baby has a cough and runny nose - this is not a contraindication for a walk. It is important to dress the child according to the weather and minimize contact with other children.

a cold in a child 2 years than to treat drugs

The main mistakes of parents

You already know what actions to take if a child has a cold 2 years old (how to treat). Reviews of doctors report that parents themselves are often to blame for the attachment of a bacterial complication. Caring mom and dad treat the baby incorrectly, which leads to bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media and other diseases. Such pathologies require more serious drugs. So, what are the main mistakes of parents? If a child has a cold (2 years) - what should not be treated?

  • Antibiotics . These drugs are good for certain indications. But often mothers and fathers give their children unnecessarily. Antibacterial agents destroy the normal microflora, thereby enhancing the negative effect of viruses. Recall that antimicrobial agents are powerless with a viral infection.
  • Antipyretic . You need to take them only at high temperature (more than 38.5 degrees). Otherwise, you do not allow the baby's immunity to form correctly.
  • Antitussive . You should not give your child an antitussive, trying to quickly eliminate this symptom. Cough is a natural reaction of the body to an irritant. In this way, sputum is removed from the bronchi. It is better to use mucolytic and expectorant drugs.
  • All medicines at once. The medicines described are good, but each individually and with certain indications. If you give the child several drugs at once, then the opposite reaction will occur. When combining medications, be sure to read the instructions.

colds in a child 2 years old than treatment


The article provides information on how a cold occurs in a child (2 years). What can be treated, what drugs are best used as prescribed by a doctor - described earlier. Remember that neither you, nor the pharmacist from the nearest pharmacy can diagnose correctly. If after three days the child does not feel better, you should consult a doctor. Get well soon!

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