Today we will discuss the film "Between Love and Hate." Actors and roles are presented below. Screenwriters: Sergey Melnikov, Valery Lyubimov, Olga Kulagina, Elena Arbuzova.
First, we discuss the plot of the film "Between Love and Hate." Actors will be presented in the following sections of this material. Two friends, Tanya and Lisa, had loved one guy from school, Pasha. The first got pregnant from him, but died in an accident before the wedding. However, she manages to save her child. Tatyana’s father does not allow him to see his daughter.
Next in the plot appears Max. That’s the name of the killer hired by Tatyana’s father. He eliminates the person guilty of her death. Max is caught and sentenced to him. When he escapes, he meets Lisa, after which he rapes her. The girl is pregnant from him. The girl does not dare to have an abortion. They and Paul will have a hard way to family happiness and love.
Main participants
Lisa and Pavel are the main characters of the film “Between Love and Hate”. Actors E. Shilova and A. Karasev played these roles. Let's talk about them in more detail.
Elena Shilova was born in 1988, December 6, in the Perm region, in Solikamsk. She studied at the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography, in the workshop of V. Fokin. Played in the films: “Strong Armor”, “Diamonds of Stalin”, “Family Circumstances”, “Debts of Conscience”, “Cornflowers”, “Significant Feeling”, “Forget-Me-Nots”, “Simple Life”, “Anya”, “Spaniard”, “Mermaid”, “Mute”, “White Crow”, “White Bulk”, “Proposed Circumstances”.
Artem Karasev was born in Leningrad. He completed training at St. Petersburg State Technical University, in the course of Professor A. Shvedersky. He joined the St. Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theater. Played in the films: “Aurora’s Glove”, “Spaniard”, “Piranha Trail”, “Outdoor Observation”, “Homeless”, “Plan B”, “Dozen of Justice”, “Daughter”.
Other heroes
Vasiliev and Alla also appear in the plot of the film "Between Love and Hate." Actors S. Boclan and D. Loboda transferred these characters to the screen. Further we will talk about them.
Stanislav Boklan was born in the city of Brusilov. Played in the films: “Executed Sunrises”, “Report”, “Unconquered”, “Provincial Novel”, “Werewolf Trail”, “Doll”, “Love is Blind”, “Five Stars”, “Brotherhood”, “Star Holidays”, “Antisniper”, “Situation 202”, “Adrenaline”, “My little daughter”, “Alone”, “New Year’s family”, “Good guys”, “Indian cinema”, “By law”, “Rules of theft”, “Black sheep” ”,“ Solntsekrug ”,“ Euphrosyne ”,“ Heartbeat ”,“ Match ”.
Darina Loboda was born in Kiev. She studied at the Karpenko-Kary Institute. She embodied the image of Masha in the production of "Living Corpse."
Actors of the film “Between Love and Hate” N. Boklan and V. Hodos appeared in the picture as Peter and Irina. We will also talk about these people.
Nikolay Boklan graduated from the Karpenko-Kary Institute. He played in the Young Theater. Changed the scene. He joined the Kiev State Academic Theater on the left bank of the Dnieper.
Valeria Hodos participated in the production of Dove.
Natalia Denisenko played Tanya. This actress was born in Chernihiv. She was educated at the University of Karpenka-Kary.
Valentin Tomusyak played Sergey. This actor performs in the Youth Theater on Lipki.
Ivan Gubanov played Max. This actor was born in 1984, January 1. He studied at the VTU Schukin, in the workshop of V.P. Poglazov. Played in the films: “My Best Enemy”, “Cop Wars. Odessa "," Psychics-detectives "," Keys to happiness "," Mad ".
Stanislav Melnik played Shurik. The actor was trained at KNUTKIT Karpenko-Kary, in the workshop of Rushkovsky. Frontman of the group “Heels on the paving stones”.
Valery Astakhov played Nikolai. This actor was born in the city of Slavuta.
Irina Melnik played Svetlana. This actress was born in the city of Fastov. She studied at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio Nemirovich-Danchenko. I got on the course of Viktor Karlovich Monyukov - Honored Artist.
Here is some information about the film "Between Love and Hate." The actors are already familiar to you. It's about the 2016 melodrama, which consists of 8 episodes. Camera work - Anton Tkachenko. Composer R. Dudchik. The film was created by the film company "UPS".
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