Anabolic hormones: a list of drugs

Everyone who comes to the gym and works hard hopes for a return. In bodybuilding, the result is an increase in muscle mass. Stimulate the growth of muscle cells and increase the mass of muscle fibers by special substances synthesized by the endocrine glands. A special diet and training regimen allows you to increase the secretion of anabolic hormones.

anabolic hormones

Anabolic and catabolic hormones

Hormones are called chemicals that have a tendency to induce. They are produced by the cells of any living organism to influence the processes in the cells of all parts of the body.

According to their properties, hormones are divided into two groups: anabolic and catabolic. The hormone with anabolic action, allows you to build muscle mass, and catabolic - break down the fatty layer. Some hormones can be attributed to one and the other group, for example, growth hormone.

Anabolic hormones are divided into three large groups:

  • amino acid derivatives (e.g. adrenaline or tyrosine);
  • steroid hormones (progestins, estrogens, testosterone, cortisone);
  • peptide hormones (insulin).

Anabolic hormones

They are called chemicals that are produced by the endocrine glands, and the growth of muscle tissue depends on them. These biologically active substances are divided into two groups: steroids and polypeptide, or protein (for example, growth hormone or insulin).

To increase the level of such hormones in the blood, special training programs have been developed. How do they work? With intense physical activity, the protein breaks down, in response to the body produces a lost protein. Due to this reaction, muscle mass increases. If the growth process slows down, you need to stimulate the synthesis of substances such as anabolic hormones. The list of such hormones includes insulin, growth hormone, testosterone and others.

anabolic hormones


Insulin is an anabolic hormone produced by the pancreas. The substance helps glucose and beneficial fatty acids to be absorbed. By letting glucose into the cell, insulin stimulates the synthesis of glycogen, and by letting in fatty acids it provides the body’s own human fats, which joints need. Insulin skips amino acids to start the synthesis of intracellular protein. So it is insulin that is rightfully considered the main anabolic hormone.

However, the lack of physical activity, the consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates in food, and, as a consequence, excess weight increase the production of insulin. And since the hormone is involved in the synthesis of fats, fat will gradually accumulate in the body.

Exceeding the dose of insulin can be deadly, as there is a risk of developing hypoglycemia. For an overdose, you need to inject at least a full insulin syringe, and the lowest lethal dose is considered to be 100 units. But even lethal doses of insulin do not cause death with the timely intake of glucose into the body.

Substances that stimulate insulin synthesis

Banaba leaf extract contains an acid that increases the sensitivity of body cells to insulin. Strengthen the action of the supplement when taken with ginseng. In medicine, banaba leaf extract is used in the treatment of diabetes. Take the substance immediately after intense physical activity along with protein and carbohydrates (35-50 mg of extract at a time).

anabolic hormone

Sylvester hymnem plant extract has long been used to treat diabetes. The substance increases the amount of insulin produced, but does not deplete the gland responsible for its production. Take the extract slowly, in small sips for half an hour after training. It is more effective to take the hymnem sylvester along with proteins and carbohydrates (400-500 mg).

Alfalipoic acid (ALA) improves muscle glucose uptake. Acid is taken immediately after exercise at 600-1000 mg. When proteins of animal and vegetable origin are included in your diet, there is an increase in the production of protein with an anabolic effect. It is also effective to take essential amino acids dissolved in water (at least 20 g) during training.

A growth hormone

Growth hormone (other names: GH, growth hormone, STH, HGH, growth hormone, somatropin) is called a polypeptide hormone with anabolic action, it is synthesized by the anterior pituitary gland. Thanks to this biologically active substance, the body begins to actively use the reserves of fat, transforming them into muscle relief.

The effectiveness of growth hormone decreases with age: it is maximum in early childhood and minimal in the elderly. Growth hormone production usually rises at night, about an hour after falling asleep.

anabolic and catabolic hormones

Growth hormone preparations began to be used in sports after medicine. Despite the ban on admission, sales of this chemical have increased.

The main reason for the popularity of somatropin is the practical absence of side effects and its high efficiency in the formation of relief, due to the ability to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and the ability to accumulate fluid in muscle cells. In addition to the high cost of the drug, the disadvantages include the fact that taking this hormone does not increase strength, does not increase productivity and endurance. Growth hormone stimulates slight muscle growth (about 2 kg).

Substances that increase the production of growth hormone

Alpha-glyceryl-forforil-choline (alpha-GPC) actively stimulates the production of its own GH in the body. In medicine, this supplement is used primarily for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Accepted for 60-90 minutes before training, 600 mg of alpha-GPC.

Another compound is arginine and lysine. Substances stimulate the immediate production and release of growth hormone into the blood. Take a pharmacological agent in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon before lunch and before bedtime (1.5 to 3 mg of each substance).

Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is an amino acid that transmits nerve signals. Typically, drugs whose active ingredients include gamma-aminobutyric acid are used in medical practice to treat dementia. In sports, GABA is taken in significantly increased doses. The use of amino acids on an empty stomach is shown one hour before bedtime or before training 3-5 g.

Increases the secretion of growth hormone and melatonin, which is taken an hour before exercise 5 mg.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroids are a group of pharmacological drugs that replicate the effects of male sex hormones. The latter include, for example, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

anabolic hormones list

Unlike peptide hormones, anabolic steroids easily penetrate the cell, where they start the process of formation of new protein molecules. Due to this, there is a significant muscle gain (7 kg per month), an increase in strength, performance and endurance. However, in addition to the anabolic effects, there is a significant percentage of androgenic: baldness, increased hair growth on the face and body, masculinization - the appearance of male secondary sexual characteristics in women, virilization - excess male hormones in women, testicular atrophy, prostate hypertrophy.


Testosterone is the main hormone in the male body. The substance affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics, muscle mass, sexual desire, self-confidence and degree of aggression. A synthetic analogue of testosterone is officially banned in Russia, however, some substances and exotic plants can stimulate the production of their own testosterone in sufficient quantities.

insulin anabolic hormone

The biologically active substance has a number of side effects, but if you do not abuse synthetic testosterone and do not exceed the recommended dose, you will not have to face them. Even excessive doses rarely lead to irreversible processes in the body. The media exaggerated the danger of taking substances such as anabolic hormones.

Testosterone-stimulating drugs

Raises the level of testosterone damiana - a shrub from the Turner family. The preparation of the same name contains an extract of plant leaves. A pharmacological agent stimulates the production of its own anabolic hormones in the body and blocks the synthesis of estrogen, in contrast to drug analogues, which enhance the production of the latter. With an overdose, almost narcotic euphoria and a significant increase in libido are observed. Take the substance for half an hour - an hour before the first meal, as well as before physical exertion and sleep (50 - 500 mg).

anabolic hormones drugs

Another drug, Forskolin, contains an extract of an Indian plant called coleus forskolia. By influencing the production of its own anabolic hormones in the male body, the pharmacological agent stimulates the natural production of testosterone. Take Forskolin twice daily 250 mg.

A strong antioxidant containing the natural pigment astaxanthin, which gives coloring to aquarium fish - Astaxanthin. The substance is used in conjunction with sow palmetto, which includes the fruits of the dwarf palm. With a single dose of these substances, natural testosterone is produced in the body. Take the drug once a day in astaxanthin + sow palmetto (500-1000 mg of each component).

Anabolic hormones are produced naturally under the following conditions: a full eight-hour sleep, proper nutrition, and maintaining the body’s water-salt balance. Training should not exceed an hour of intense exercise.

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