What is low blood pressure? The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the characteristics of the body or does hypotension appear for reasons beyond our control? Such questions arise in the head of a person who for the first time hears a terrible diagnosis at the doctorβs appointment - hypotension. Let's try to figure it out.
It happens that in the morning you feel great and are ready to conquer the universe, but, after some time, the whole fuse disappears somewhere, and you feel tired, feel sleepy and weak. Probably the whole point is low blood pressure, which, contrary to the general misconception, is just as dangerous as high blood pressure.
Low pressure (the causes of this phenomenon will be described below), many doctors consider not a disease, but a feature of the body. However, such an opinion is unlikely to find support among those who have experienced all the "charms" of this state. It is noteworthy that low pressure is the privilege of the female half of humanity.
A pressure of 120 to 80 is considered normal. Moreover, not only the numbers themselves are important, but their ratio, the difference in indicators should not exceed 45 units, since then we will talk about circulatory disorders.
Moreover, all indicators are purely individual, so there are people who throughout their lives have a pressure of 100 to 70, but at the same time they feel great. In this case, it is appropriate to talk about an individual norm. A deviation from the norm (for example, usually a pressure of 120 to 80, and recently - 100 to 70), the body reacts to specific changes and signals a malfunction. It is precisely these phenomena that reveal the essence of the concept of pressure reduction.
Low pressure (the causes of the phenomenon vary depending on the type) can occur in such forms:
Orthostatic intolerance (OH), when systolic (upper indicator) and diastolic (lower indicator) pressure is reduced by 20 and 10 units, respectively.
A decrease in pressure of this type is often observed in women under the age of 35. Typically, pressure drops when a person is in a standing position. It manifests itself in dizziness, weakness, muscle pain, headache, palpitations, darkening in the eyes, etc.
Orthostatic hypotension (OG), when the pressure decreases by more than 20 to 10.
Reduced pressure by type of exhaust gas is more often observed in older people. The dominant cause can be called a weakly functioning nervous system. When a person abruptly rises, the brain lacks oxygen, which causes dizziness and fog before the eyes.
In addition, we can talk about primary hypotension (the so-called low pressure) and secondary. The cause of primary hypotension is considered to be a hereditary predisposition, the causes of the second appear in the process of life (hepatitis, a stomach ulcer, etc. can be attributed to them).
The causes of low blood pressure can be much more mundane, that is, not directly dependent on the person. Weβll talk about them.
So low pressure. Causes
The most common causes of lowering pressure include a change in climatic conditions (heat, high humidity, radiation). The body in such periods works in a weakened mode to adapt to new conditions. As a result, blood thickens, pressure drops.
Quite often, pregnant women experience a decrease in pressure. The body of the expectant mother is being rebuilt to make the baby, changes are occurring in the work of some organs and systems (in particular, the circulatory system). For a child, this phenomenon is undesirable, since it reduces the access to oxygen, in this regard, it is necessary to normalize the pressure for bearing a healthy baby.
Another reason that can cause a decrease in pressure is dehydration, emotional stress (stress). Therefore, it is reasonable to learn how to calmly react to occurring phenomena, especially if we are not able to influence them.
Since a decrease in pressure is the result of a decrease in vascular tone, one of the most obvious reasons is the presence of diseases of the vegetative-vascular system. Therefore, therapists, noting low pressure in the patient, are advised to visit a cardiologist and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Low blood pressure is often observed in patients who have undergone severe surgery during the so-called rehabilitation period.
Hypofunction of the thyroid gland and severe chronic diseases can also contribute to lowering pressure.
Often, women note that pressure decreases on the eve of menstruation. This phenomenon is quite widespread and, as a rule, does not cause concern, since pressure quickly returns to its usual indicators.
These are the main causes of low blood pressure in humans. I would like to emphasize that it is not so much dangerously low pressure as a sharp decrease in indicators. This is especially true of the elderly. Therefore, one should not complain about the disease, but, if there is one, understand the cause of the malfunction of the body and, if possible, eliminate it.