"Nathan, the chest was stolen", or the Tale that the cartoon needs to firmly sit in the head of the people

Few people know, but everyone’s favorite cartoon about Kuzyu’s house was filmed based on Tatyana Alexandrova’s novel “Kuzka in a New Apartment” published in 1977. Then she wrote the unpublished during her lifetime storytellers of the novel “Kuzka in the Forest” and “Kuzka at Baba Yaga”. But their film adaptation came out, and this entire 4-episode cycle is so firmly stuck in the brain of the Russians that the catchwords from this cartoon are still alive today. And the main one is, of course: "Nathan, the chest was stolen!"

Why did it all go

In the old house, among a heap of new buildings and high-rise buildings, there was a wooden, decrepit two-story building, in which, along with the inhabitants, there were two brownies: Nafanya (according to him - 40 centuries old) and relatively young Kuzya (7 centuries old). The insidious Baba Yaga abducts Kuzya from the old house into her hut with slots to give her comfort, as the goblin announced to her that her master was not enough in her house. And then fuss and brewed.

The entire cartoon is literally teeming with winged phrases. What is not a monologue, and no matter who opens his mouth there - Kuzya, Nafanya, Yaga himself, a crow or a cat (the main characters), this is such a memorable statement that it literally cuts into memory, and if necessary, it is imperative to insert it.

Aphorism after aphorism from the first minutes

At first, when Yaga was chasing his hut, a little goblin asks the old one: “Grandfather, is Baba Yaga useful or harmful?” To which the goblin replies: “Every bar in the forest is assigned to something!”

Baba Yaga

In the hole at the goblin Kuzya exclaims to the goblin: "I am a hereditary brownie!" To which he answers: “That's why I look - it’s painfully wild ...” The phrase is often addressed to restless people.

Further Kuzma exclaims: “Pity the homeless orphan! From an early age he lived in people, didn’t eat enough, slept without asking ... In general, I didn’t get enough sleep ... ”The phrase is often used by those who jokingly want to complain about their fate.

The little goblin tried to offer the housekeeper an acorn, but he tried to bite it off, spat and said: “What a nasty thing!” When they asked him to hibernate until spring, he shuddered, “So, we will not have lunch?” This phrase is still no, no, and it will slip by contemporaries when they are not sitting at the table for a long time. And where does her “legs grow” come from - no one really knows.

Leshy to Kuzma asks: “If not a burden, wake me up on March 30, with a little word!” Although it’s autumn outside. The phrase is often pronounced by bedclocks, loving to sleep well, or people with a hangover.

Kuzya says: “You’ll wake up in the spring, and Kuzenka has already disappeared from hunger and cold ...” The phrase is often said by those who are afraid that they will not be awakened in time.

When Kuzya protrudes from the den of the goblin, Yaga grabs him and drags him to his hut on chicken legs, which constantly runs away from her. But this does not stop her from saying along the way: “We have a new samovar, silver spoons, sugar gingerbread cookies ...” This phrase is often used by people when they want to attract someone to visit.

Yaga throws Kuzma in the direction of the hut, and he, having landed on the roof of a hut rushing at full speed, without thinking twice, commands to stop and burrow into the snow. The hut obeys him implicitly, to which Yaga says: “General! All to grandma! ” It was not so long ago that was the favorite playful phrase of all the grandmothers.

When the grandmother turns around with a tray of pies from the table and goes after the cheesecakes, she stumbles over a brazen cat. At this time, a crow appears and asks: "They say you fell in happiness?" To which the cat, raking a bunch of pies under himself, says: “They are shamelessly lying!” This phrase, along with the phrase "Nathan, the chest was stolen!", Is also one of the most common.

When Kuzya decided to ride a little on horseback, Baba Yaga grabs him, strokes him and says: “This is our Kuzenka who is furious with fat. Go wild a little and bainki will go. " Also a favorite phrase of grannies.

Baba Yaga Cat

The cat immediately pronounces another catchphrase: "I got a parasite ..."

And this, imagine, only half of the first series!

Kuzi character

Girl Natasha

This person is restless. He does not even suspect that all his phrases, beaten up over the years of his life, cause laughter. But the girl Natasha, in the apartment in which he eventually settles, takes them at face value. Kuzya himself is constantly in some kind of movement, in the bustle. He always needs something. Something doesn’t suit him forever. Forever, he finds some kind of problem. And just a little, she constantly calls her grandfather: “Nathan, the chest was stolen!” Or what else happened.

Now a few words about Nathan

Nathani does not hold patience. From the height of his "house" experience, he always finds a way out. With measuredness and sluggishness, he repeatedly helps out his young relative, and not once outraged by the fact that he is constantly pulled back and forth. As some would say: imperturbable, like a tank. By the way, here's what Nafanya looks like in the photo.

Brownie Nafanya

More about the chest incident

Funny "Nathan, the chest was stolen!" refers to the series "House for Kuzka". In this series, after returning from the forest from Baba Yaga, the house-boy discovers that he was demolishing the old house, and Nathan in a left note advised him to move into the 16th floor.

At Kuzma, all the belongings are stored in a single chest, and anything can fit in it, like in Hermione’s bag from Harry Potter. He himself calls him “The chest with fairy tales”, constantly hangs around with him and tries to hide him everywhere, although he does not succeed in the empty apartment where the new tenants have just moved in, that is, the family of this very girl, Natasha. Here is a photo of this magical "chest".

Tale Chest

At one point, this chest catches the eye of Natasha’s mother, and she, thinking that this is someone’s rare gift in honor of the housewarming party, takes it in order to put it on the sideboard. Kuzya, who at that time was pretending to be a toy, raises an eerie cry: “Nathan, the chest with fairy tales was stolen!”

A Athos, Nathan, as calm as a musketeer, appears and “resolves” the problem.


Since this cartoon was released, it was watched by almost the entire population of the then USSR, and more than once. The cartoon is very funny, and the phrase about the chest has become the most winged. Now, whoever gets lost, everyone immediately starts jokingly joking: "Nathan, the chest was stolen!" Such are the things.

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