Dwayne Johnson is an American actor. "Rock" with Dwayne Johnson. Biography and filmography of the actor

On May 2, 1972, a child was born into the family of a famous wrestler without rules, now known as Dwayne Scala Johnson.

Sport family

The boy’s father, Soulman Rocky Johnson, was professionally engaged in ketching, and the boy’s grandfather was a legend in this sport. His name was Peter Maivia. The sports life of father and grandfather became a determining factor for young Dwayne when choosing a profession, he intercepted the baton and, like them, connected his fate with sports. It is interesting that Johnson Jr.'s mother, who is a Polynesian by nationality, was engaged in promotion, in particular, she was a promoter of her husband, Dwayne's father. And the grandmother of the future actor was also engaged in promotion.

rock actor

In connection with the frequent relocations of the family, Dwayne studied at different schools. So, when he was in primary school, the family moved to New Zealand from America. After spending some time there, the boy’s parents decided to move to Hawaii, but they didn’t stop there either, returning to the United States, or rather, to the state of Pennsylvania.

University studies and sports

Future actor Dwayne Scala Johnson first went to university, where he began to engage in professional American football. But the injuries did not allow him to pursue a career in this sport. If not for a back injury, Johnson could have taken place as a great footballer. Back at the university, playing American football, Dwayne in 1991 was able to join the national team of champions Miami Hurricanes. After that, Johnson managed to play in the Calgary Stampeders, belonging to the Canadian football league.

Carried away at the school by American football, Dwayne still managed to attend the athletics and wrestling sections, which he was also interested in from his school years. Perhaps his sporting genes played an important role - in so many competitions, Johnson emerged victorious. The desire for victory that the actor had, and, of course, his abilities ensured his relevance at the end of school. Almost all universities wanted Dwayne to study with them.

rock movie actors

First young champion

After graduating from an educational institution and obtaining a degree in criminology, Dwayne gets into the International Federation of Wrestling without Rules (ketch), where he is waiting for success and athletic achievements. When Johnson was only 26 years old, he became the world champion in ketch. Before that, there were no champions of this age. When entering the ring, the future actor was presented to the audience as The Rock or announced that Dwayne Scala Johnson was coming out.

Transition to professional struggle without rules and achievements

Due to the fact that he did not have a career in American football, the future actor Scala decided to go into professional wrestling, to become the same champion in this sport, like his father and grandfather. You can say more, even the more distant relatives of Johnson showed themselves well in this type of competition.

actor rock johnson

Dwayne made his debut here in 1996 and quite successfully. Actor Skala Johnson, during his wrestling career, was part of the International Wrestling Industry, was known and initially entered the ring as Rocky Maivia. Later he was replaced by a pseudonym for the Rock. In all, during his sporting life, actor Duane Scala Johnson turned out to be the world champion nine times, including setting a record that seven of these nine times were the champion of the World Wrestling Industry, and twice became the champion of the world wrestling championship. In addition to these considerable achievements, Johnson has repeatedly won in other professional competitions.

Participation in films and television

In 2001, fate connected Johnson with cinema. His first main role was the role of the King of Scorpions in the eponymous feature film. The same film brought the champion a place in the Guinness Book of Records. The fact is that the actor Skala Johnson, whose filmography by that time consisted of only episodic and minor roles in films, received for his role an unheard-of fee for beginners, amounting to five and a half million dollars. Participation in this film made him not only recognizable to the audience, but also after that the directors began to invite Duane to star in various films.

actor rock filmography

So, the actor Skala, whose filmography is currently quite extensive, starred in the television series Star Trek: Voyager, The 70s Show, where he played the image of his own father Rocky Johnson. Johnson also made attempts to become a leading member of the Johnny Bravo program, but his candidacy was rejected. Instead, the actor took part in a Walt Disney show called Cory in the House.

Not only in feature films with a combat plot, Dwayne Scala starred. The film, the actors in which would have been with a sense of humor, was the actor's long-standing dream, and when such films appeared in his filmography, Dwayne liked acting in comedy. Among such films in his file cabinet there are comedies “Game Plan”, “Amazon Treasure” and “Tighten Brains”.

On the account of the actor a lot of participation in various television shows, programs, reality, talk shows. One of the most significant of these projects is NVO: First Look, Biography, Hannah Montana, Crazy Television, and many, many others.

Awards and ceremonies

At the eightieth Academy Awards, actor Scala Johnson was invited to present the winner with the best visual effects award. This happened in February 2008. In the same year he was nominated at the Kids' Choice Awards, organized by the Nickelodeon children's channel, for the award in the nomination “Favorite Movie Actor”. The film for which he was nominated as the nominee was “Escape Plan”. However, Johnson in this case was not lucky, the winner of the nomination “Favorite Movie Actor” was named Johnny Depp, who played a wonderful role in the third part of the grandiose film “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

actor rock johnson filmography

Dwayne Family Life

The wife of the celebrity was a girl named Dani Garcia, the wedding took place on May 3, 1997. Four years later, the couple had a daughter named Simon Alexandra. In 2007, the couple announced the end of their relationship. However, they noted that in spite of everything they will remain friends.

Many famous actors, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, can be called friends of Dwayne Scala. The film, in which the actors make a duet with Johnson, is doomed to success.

actor dwayne rock johnson

In addition to the fact that the actor Skala Dwayne Johnson is a professional fighter who has achieved a lot in sports, is engaged in filming in art films and television programs, he is also a certified lawyer. This specialty has helped him more than once in concluding various contracts in the sports past. In addition, despite the fact that Dwayne has long moved away from wrestling, he is still considered one of the greatest wrestlers of this sport.

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