Ointment "Exifin": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Almost everyone has to deal with fungal skin diseases sooner or later. Conditionally pathogenic microflora surrounds a person in any sphere of life. It is worth a little lower immunity, as fungi attack the body. Verified drugs help cope with unpleasant symptoms. One of them is Exifin (ointment). Instructions for use describe how to take the medicine correctly.

Description of the drug

What is Exifin? Description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews - all this should be studied before starting therapy, even if the doctor prescribed the treatment. The medication belongs to the group of antifungal agents, is available in the form of ointments for external use and tablets for oral administration. Terbinafine hydrochloride is used as the active ingredient. The ointment also includes the following components: sodium hydroxide, polysorbate, benzyl alcohol, purified water, monostearate, isopropyl myristate. In tablets, the following elements are additionally included: microcrystalline cellulose, pregelatinized starch, anhydrous colloidal silicon.

exifin ointment instructions for use
Terbinafine is a substance that has a wide spectrum of antifungal action. The substance also affects the vital activity of microorganisms of the genus Candida. A medication has the property of accumulating in the body, if used incorrectly, it often leads to the development of side effects. For internal use, Exifin tablets are rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Ointment, the instructions for use which has some differences, also has a positive effect in the first day after the start of treatment.


The therapeutic effect in any case depends on the type of fungus encountered. Why are Exifin tablets and cream not equally effective? Instructions, price, reviews - all this information is important. But the appointment should be made by a specialist after a series of diagnoses. It is important to find out which infection provokes unpleasant symptoms.


Describes whether to take “Exifin” (cream), instructions. Indications are given the most attention. The medicine is intended primarily for the treatment of skin candidiasis in various manifestations. The causative agents of the pathological process are yeast fungi of the genus Candida. The problem can be faced by both adults and children. The plus is that the medicine is not prohibited for use in pediatric practice. An ointment is prescribed for women during pregnancy and lactation, if such a need arises.

exifin analogues and prices
Yeast fungi are present on the human body as a natural flora. Until a certain time, these microorganisms behave absolutely normal without causing discomfort. They begin to multiply rapidly when a person's body defenses decrease. This often happens after prolonged administration of antibacterial drugs by the patient. When can Exifinum (ointment) be used? Instructions for use indicate that the medicine can be prescribed when itching and skin irritation occur, when cracks appear in the corners of the mouth. These symptoms indicate the development of candidiasis.


Multi-colored lichen is another disease in which a drug in the form of an ointment can be used. Pathology is a fungal infection of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The disease is most often encountered by preschool children. The problem is that multi-colored lichen is easily transmitted by airborne droplets. If in a children's team one child falls ill (in a preschool, for example), others may also encounter pathology.

Exifin tablets also have many indications. Instructions, price, order of use - all this is slightly different. Tablets can be used as part of the complex treatment of candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes. With the independent use of the drug, it is possible to succeed only at the initial stage of the disease. Tablets are widely used to treat mycoses of the scalp.


Exifin-ointment remains more convenient in use. Instructions for use show that the medicine in this form has practically no contraindications. In rare cases, patients may develop individual sensitivity. An allergy test is recommended before first use. A small amount of ointment must be applied to the inner part of the wrist and observe the reaction of the body after 10 minutes.

exifin ointment reviews and application features
What other contraindications does Exifin (ointment) have? Reviews and application features - all this should be clarified before starting treatment. Experts note that the likelihood of developing side effects from therapy is higher in patients suffering from renal and liver failure. With caution, it is recommended to use the ointment for people with cancer pathologies, as well as for those who have encountered vascular diseases.

Exifin tablets have a bit more contraindications. The medicine is not prescribed for patients with body weight less than 12 kg, as well as for babies up to 2 years. That is, the use in pediatric practice is limited. Pills are also not taken during breastfeeding, during pregnancy.

special instructions

There are peculiarities of using Exifin (ointment, cream, tablets). The instruction indicates that in the first days of treatment, the patient may notice a significant improvement in the condition and immediately stop treatment. It is not right. Irregular use of the drug leads to a relapse of the disease. With repeated treatment, pathogenic microflora may develop immunity. We will have to use a more potent drug.

exifin drug description instructions for use reviews
If you had to deal with candidiasis of the mucous membranes, do not use "Exifin" ointment. Instructions for use indicate that with external application of the drug, the situation may worsen. In this case, it is advisable to take pills.

If within two weeks of treatment a positive therapeutic effect is not observed, you must re-see a specialist. It is possible that the pathogen was initially incorrectly identified.

The procedure for taking the drug

The methods of external and internal use of the drug are slightly different. How to use Exifin Cream (1 g, 10 mg)? Before applying the drug, the affected area must be washed with clean water and dried. The medication is applied and rubbed a little. In this case, it is not worthwhile to act aggressively, unpleasant sensations should not arise. If the disease is accompanied by diaper rash (weeping), after applying the ointment or cream, gauze can be applied. So you can avoid the attachment of a bacterial infection. In most cases, it is enough to apply the ointment to the affected area once a day. The duration of therapy depends on the diagnosis. It is possible to get rid of candidiasis of the skin in 10-14 days. At the same time, a positive therapeutic effect begins to be noticeable after 2-3 days. Therapy for pink lichen lasts more than two weeks. Each case is individual, the duration of the course of treatment is determined by a dermatologist.

exifin cream 1 10 g
With foot mycoses, Exifin ointment can be used for prophylaxis. It is recommended to carry out 2-3 courses lasting two weeks with a break of 7 days.

The procedure for taking the tablets is slightly different. Dosage depends on the patient’s body weight. Children are prescribed 125 mg once a day (one tablet). With a body weight of less than 20 kg, half of this norm is prescribed. The duration of therapy depends on the diagnosis and is determined by a dermatologist.

Side effects

Unpleasant reactions of the body at the initial stage of therapy are quite common. In most cases, drug withdrawal is not required. The patient may complain of burning and itching at the site of application of the drug. Less common is hyperemia. However, after a few hours the discomfort disappears, the patient feels significant relief.

Exifin cream or ointment is not taken orally. With oral administration, side effects from the gastrointestinal tract can occur - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. Additionally, the patient will complain of headache, weakness. If such manifestations occur, symptomatic treatment is carried out - the intake of activated carbon, gastric lavage.

Drug interaction

The active ingredient practically does not affect the bioavailability of other medicines. However, if parallel therapy of other diseases is carried out, it is worth informing the attending physician about this.

It is worth considering that the inducers of the enzymes 450 accelerate the process of removing terbinafine from the body. This information is important when calculating the correct dosage. Must be studied before using the ointment "Exifin" instructions for use.

The price of the medicine is about 300 rubles. The drug is quite affordable, but, unfortunately, it is not possible to find it in every pharmacy. If you had to face such a problem, you should know what substitutes exist.


This medicine also belongs to the category of antifungal. The active ingredient is also terbinafine, as is the case with Exifin. Analogs and prices they have similar. The cost of Binafin ointment is from 280 rubles. Indications medications are almost the same. Ointment is used to treat mycoses of various etiologies. Outwardly, the drug is not recommended to be applied only to the mucous membranes. If fungal manifestations appear in such places, tablets should be used.

The drug "Binafin" has many contraindications. This is a significant difference. Use during gestation or breastfeeding is possible only if the potential benefit to the mother is higher than the possible harm to the baby. For children, the medicine is prescribed only after reaching the age of 12 years. It is not recommended to use the product in the form of ointments or tablets in case of impaired renal function. An antifungal drug is prescribed with caution to people over 65 years of age.


This analogue of the drug "Exifin" is also popular. However, the medication is classified as expensive. So, for “Lamisil” spray you have to pay about 800 rubles. The active ingredient here is also terbinafine hydrochloride. Spray is a clear liquid. A medicine in such a dosage form is conveniently applied to the affected areas, the medicine is distributed economically. The medication is especially effective for mycosis of the extremities. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

exifin tablets and cream instruction price reviews
The drug "Lamisil" can be used with caution during pregnancy only as directed by a specialist. There is no experience with the use of spray in children. In this regard, in pediatrics, the medicine is not used. Contraindications Lamisil has the same as Exifin. This is an increased sensitivity to the active ingredient. In renal and hepatic insufficiency, the medicine is used with caution.


On sale you can also find a drug that is named after the active ingredient. Pills, spray and cream “Terbinafine” are popular. The medicine attracts a low price. So, for pills you have to pay only 175 rubles. Cream will cost even cheaper, only 90 rubles. The medication can be used by women who are breastfeeding or pregnant, since the concentration of the active ingredient is lower here. But in pediatrics, the medicine is not used.

exifin instruction Price
About Terbinafine ointment, you can hear a lot of positive reviews. The medicine in a few days removes the symptoms of fungal diseases. But, unfortunately, the active component does not cope with all conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Reviews about the medicine "Exifin"

The medication shows good results if you use it for its intended purpose. Unfortunately, many begin to use an antifungal agent without contacting a specialist. The medicine does not work, hence the negative reviews. Be sure to be studied on the "Exifin" -maz instructions for use.

The price reviews are positive. If the drug was prescribed by a specialist, you will be able to purchase the package for only 300 rubles. With the correct intake of cream or ointment, the therapeutic effect can be noticed almost immediately.

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