Otirelax drops: instructions for use, price and reviews of the drug

Various ear diseases always cause considerable discomfort. After all, the appearing symptoms (pain, backache, hearing loss, and so on) can cause you to cancel all your affairs. Most often, the problem occurs in children. It is in them that the nose and ear are connected by short, wide tubes through which the infection can move freely. Adults suffer from otitis media somewhat less frequently.

To correct the described condition, doctors can prescribe drugs for local and oral use. One of the drugs that are injected directly into the ear is Otirelax. Instructions for use of the composition will be presented to your attention in the article. You will learn about the reviews and prices for this medication.

otirelax instructions for use

Drug description

What is Otirelax? Instructions for use indicate that the active ingredients of the agent are phenazone and lidocaine hydrochloride. It is these components that affect the problem. In addition to them, the composition of the drug also includes other (additional) substances: sodium thiosulfate, ethanol, sodium hydroxide, glycerol and water.

The drug is available in a bottle with a dropper. This is provided for ease of use. The medicine is packaged in a cardboard box, which says: “Otirelax”. Instructions are attached to each unit of the medication.

The cost of drops in different drugstores

What is the price of Otirelax? The cost of the medicine depends on which pharmacy chain you purchase it from. The region of your residence also plays a significant role. In most pharmacies, the drug can be bought for 220-250 rubles. However, if desired, you can find a lower price. Some pharmacy counters offer to purchase medicine at a cost of 180-200 rubles.

The drug “Otirelax” is sold without a doctor’s prescription, which means that it is available to every ordinary consumer.

otirelax instruction

Indications for use of the described drug

When do doctors prescribe Otirelax drops? The instruction indicates that the medication is prescribed for treatment and anesthesia for otitis media of various etiologies. So, the following cases will be indications for the appointment:

  • external inflammation of the ear;
  • otitis media (while maintaining the integrity of the eardrum);
  • barotraumatic inflammation.

Often, the drug is prescribed in the complex treatment of ear diseases. At the same time, it goes well with other medicines. If drops in the ears are prescribed , then it is worth taking a break of about thirty minutes between the introduction of various drugs.

otirelax Price

Contraindications and side effects from it

About the tool "Otirelax" instructions for use reports the following information. The drug is not prescribed for damaged eardrum. In the manual, this information is repeated several times in separate paragraphs. It is worth recalling that ignoring this fact can lead to severe pain and even loss of hearing. The medication is not prescribed in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Also, drops should not be used for allergies to pyrazolone derivatives. If an unusual unpleasant reaction occurs during the use of the drug, then you should consult a doctor.

Consumers say the drug is well tolerated. However, the instructions for use warns about the possibility of an allergic reaction, itching, a feeling of stuffiness in the ear. When instilling the drug, discomfort and a slight burning sensation may occur. Typically, these symptoms disappear within a few minutes and do not require cancellation of the appointment.

Otirelax: instructions for use of drops

As you already know, this drug is injected directly into the ear canal. Before starting the manipulation, it is worth holding the medicine in a warm place for several minutes. You can just warm it in the palms. Instillation of a cold composition causes unpleasant reactions.

For children after three years and adults, the composition is administered 3-4 drops up to three times a day. If treatment is prescribed for a newborn, then the dose of the drug is halved. The duration of the course is always determined by the doctor. It depends on the onset of symptoms and the severity of the disease. However, the instructions for use do not recommend using the composition for more than ten days in a row.

drops otirelax instruction

The use of the described agent during pregnancy and during lactation

What does the instruction say about Otirelax on this occasion? The manufacturer reports that the medication is used exclusively locally. The active substance is not absorbed into the bloodstream, and therefore, can not harm the child.

However, doctors are inclined to believe that when prescribing this drug, it is worth considering the possible risks and positive effects. Do not use the medicine in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is actively forming. If necessary, use during lactation should decide on the temporary cessation of breastfeeding.

Otirelax: reviews of patients and doctors about the drug

Consumer opinions about this composition are positive. Patients report that the effect occurs within a few minutes after administration of the drug. Immediately removed pain, backache in the ear. After some time, the inflammatory process is completely eliminated.

Doctors treat this medicine differently. Some doctors actively prescribe it to eliminate the symptoms of otitis media. Other experts say that the drug can only drown out the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, but does not eliminate the cause. In such situations, the use of additional means to eliminate otitis media is required.

otirelax reviews

Instead of concluding an article

Despite the fact that the drug "Otirelax" well anesthetizes the ear canal for otitis media and has a lot of positive reviews, it can not be used on its own. If you encounter a problem, then you should first visit the ENT specialist and make sure the integrity of the eardrum. During the consultation, the doctor will help you find the right remedy for you. Take care of your ears and be healthy!

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