When receiving recommendations from a doctor, the patient often compares the drug prescribed to him with similar ones. Medicines may differ in composition, mechanism of action, cost and have different characteristics. In today's article, we will focus on the preparations Prednisone and Prednisolone. Differences and instructions for their use will be presented to your attention.
Composition and cost: two main differences
From the article you will learn how to describe the medicine "Prednisolone" instructions for use. The price of the drug is from 80 to 150 rubles per 100 tablets. The annotation says that the active substance of the medication is the compound of the same name: prednisone. Available in the form of ointments, injections and tablets. In this case, tablets will be considered, since the drug “Prednisone” has this particular form and is not produced in others.
The composition of the drug "Prednisolone" is 5 mg of the active compound. About the medicine “Prednisone” we can say that it is a structural analogue of “Prednisone”. It contains the same component, but in a different volume. This is the first difference between medicines. In tablets "Prednisone" may be 1, 5, 20 or 50 mg of the substance. There is a medicine in the amount of 100 tablets (5 mg each) about 1,500 rubles - this is the second difference. The Prednisone and Prednisolone preparations are positioned as analogues in the instructions for use. The price of drugs, despite the same composition, differs very much.
Indications for use
Before giving preference to the Prednisolone or Prednisone tablets, the instruction for use of each drug should be studied very carefully. It would seem that since the same substance is present in the composition of medicines, then their purpose should be the same. Is it really? Is it possible without fear to replace one remedy with another? Let's figure it out.
Prednisolone tablets are prescribed for endocrine disorders, adrenal gland pathologies, severe allergies, rheumatic diseases, hematological diseases and liver malfunctions. Also indications for the use of the drug will be oncological and neurological pathologies, diseases of an infectious nature, surgical interventions. The medicine "Prednisone" is used under the same circumstances.
Drug Prohibition Cases
After reviewing the information presented, we can conclude that the preparations "Prednisolone" and "Prednisone" are one and the same. But the third point that distinguishes drugs from each other are contraindications.
"Prednisone" is not used for viral and fungal diseases, hypertension, during the vaccination period, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, during mental illness. The list of prohibited situations is not as large as that of its predecessor. The medicine “Prednisolone” is not prescribed in the same cases, but there are also supplements. Contraindications to the use of tablets will be disturbances in the work of the cardiac system or recent myocardial infarction, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, renal or liver failure, as well as pregnancy. This is important: the medicine "Prednisone" can be used while carrying a child, but only according to strict indications and under the supervision of doctors.
Mode of application
The drugs "Prednisone" and "Prednisone" there are also differences in use. You already know that some tablets are available only in 5 mg, others have different dosages. Based on this, the doctor prescribes the medicine in a certain amount.
Instructions for use recommend the use of "Prednisolone" once a day with a dose of 5 to 60 mg of the active substance (1-12 tablets). The maximum serving is determined by a volume of 200 mg (40 capsules). Prednisone tablets are prescribed in a dose of 20-30 mg per day. The daily norm is 100 mg (2 tablets of 50 mg).
For children, one and the other drug is prescribed in accordance with body weight. "Prednisolone" is prescribed from 0.14 to 2 mg per kilogram (divided by 2-3 times). "Prednisone" is recommended for 1-2 mg. The entire serving should be divided into 4-5 uses. As you can see, there are differences in the method of use, but they are insignificant.
Adverse reactions
About the preparations "Prednisone" and "Prednisolone" there are different reviews, including negative ones. Most often, they are formed due to the appearance of adverse reactions. That is why, before using the product, it is necessary to read the instructions and pay attention to contraindications. If you have hypersensitivity to the components, then those and other tablets will provoke an allergy.
Adverse reactions of both drugs include obesity and diabetes mellitus, dyspepsia and digestive disorders, malfunctions of the cardiovascular and nervous system. The medicine "Prednisone" can cause hormonal pathologies: increased hair growth, impaired sexual function, a malfunction in the menstrual cycle. Its analogue contributes to a delay in bone growth, which is especially pronounced in children. Reception "Prednisolone" can disrupt the processes of tissue regeneration, extend the period of wound healing.
additional information
On the drugs "Prednisolone" and "Prednisone" reviews of doctors report that the medications are quite effective in their use. Both drugs have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic effects. Medicines also to some extent eliminate intoxication, enhance the effect of other drugs used to treat spinal diseases.
About the drug "Prednisolone" instruction says that it must be canceled gradually. Otherwise, the corresponding syndrome may develop. It is manifested by neurological disorders, loss of concentration. Long-term use of this composition can provoke vision pathologies, impaired taste buds, and exacerbation of depressive states.
Prednisone and Prednisolone: Differences
You already know the basic information from the instructions for both medicines. How can I summarize the information? What are the differences between Prednisone and Prednisolone, if their composition is the same?
The first difference that the consumer always pays attention to is the price. You already know that the medicine “Prednisone” is many times more expensive. But its plus and one more difference is the form of release. If Prednisolone tablets have to be taken at 10 or more pieces per day, then a similar medication can be used in smaller quantities, which is very convenient.
The difference in drugs is also that Prednisone is considered a more proven drug. Consumers respond more well about it. This medicine has fewer side effects, and therefore it is safer. Patients ascertain the fact that Prednisone tablets are difficult to obtain. They are practically not available in pharmacies. But some trading pharmacological firms bring medicine to order.
Preparations "Prednisone" and "Prednisone" are structural analogues. It would seem that they are identical and no different. But this is not so. The medications are completely different. Even the way they are used differs. That is why you should not choose a replacement on your own, comparing these or other medicines. In order for the treatment effect to be expected, follow the doctor's recommendations and purchase only the medicines prescribed for you. Be healthy!