Pregnancy is considered one of the most beautiful periods in a woman's life. But, unfortunately, many women are susceptible to various diseases at this time. Expectant mothers often exacerbate chronic diseases. And at the very beginning of the term, the likelihood of colds is high, because immunity is reduced.
For the treatment of colds and colds, the drug "Polydex" is sometimes prescribed during pregnancy. This article will tell you when it is necessary to use this medication. It will also be possible to find out what doctors think about such therapy. Indications, contraindications and method of application of the drug will be presented to the attention of readers.
The composition and form of production
In order to find out whether it is possible to use the Polydex medicine during pregnancy, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition. The main active ingredients of the drug are: neomycin sulfate, polymexin sulfate and dexamethasone sodium. Phenylephrine, a vasoconstrictor, complements this composition.
The medicine is available in plastic packaging in the form of a spray and drops. Its cost is approximately 300 rubles. For this price, you can get one pack of medication with a volume of 15 milliliters and instructions for use.
Is it possible to use Polydex during pregnancy?
The instructions have a separate paragraph on the use of the drug during gestation. According to the instructions, the medicine should not be used during the gestation period. The manufacturer does not have official clinical data regarding the safety of using the product. Therefore, it is not known how in the future such therapy can affect the health of a woman and her baby.
The instructions also contain evidence that the drug "Polydex" during pregnancy can lead to an ototoxic effect on the fetus. A similar effect occurs with prolonged use of the medication. However, there is also information that the medicine is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, but acts locally.
What do experts say about this?
Can I use the drug "Polydex" during pregnancy? Reviews of doctors report the following. During the period of bearing the baby, especially in the very early stages, a woman is exposed to colds. If earlier a runny nose and annoying cough could go away on their own, then during pregnancy complications often arise. This happens due to a decrease in immunity, which is quite normal in the early stages.
As a result of the complication, a bacterial infection joins. Determining it is quite simple: a woman instead of transparent mucous discharge from the nose appears purulent, green-yellow. In this situation, the absence of antibacterial drugs can become more dangerous than their use. Microorganisms living in the nasal cavity can spread to neighboring areas and cause otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, meningitis and other diseases. In this case, the drug is prescribed "Polydex" during pregnancy. The instruction sometimes indicates that a medicine may be recommended in a situation where the benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the child.
Indications for use of the drug in expectant mothers
In what situations is Polydex nasal spray and drops used during early pregnancy? The medicine is prescribed for purulent discharge from the nose. In this case, the diagnoses may be as follows:
- acute or chronic rhinopharyngitis;
- rhinitis of various etiologies;
- sinusitis or sinusitis.
Before prescribing the drug to the expectant mother, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study. A woman takes a smear from the nasal cavity. It is studied under a microscope and the presence of the sensitivity of microorganisms to the described active substance is determined. In the absence of resistance, the drug is prescribed according to the standard scheme.
Mode of application
The medicine "Polydex" is a local antibiotic. The use of the drug should not last less than five days. Otherwise, microbes will have resistance to the medication. The dosage of the medicine is usually as follows: one injection into each nostril on inhalation. Repeat manipulation is necessary up to five times a day. For expectant mothers, more gentle therapy is usually prescribed - one dose three times a day.
Even if the pregnant woman felt better after a few days of treatment, it is impossible to cancel the drug. It is necessary to complete the assigned course.
When waiting for a child before using any medicine, special attention should be paid to the existing contraindications.
The drug "Polydex" is never prescribed for hypersensitivity to it. Also, the medication should not be used for atrophic and drug rhinitis due to the content of phenylephrine in it.
A medicine for nasal use is not prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, organs of vision, as well as during viral pathologies.
Adverse reactions
The use of Polydex spray during pregnancy (3 trimester or earlier) can cause side effects. During the period of expectation of the baby, they appear more often. Among them, an allergic reaction is noted: dryness, burning in the nose, sneezing, urticaria or edema. If such signs are found, you must urgently cancel the medicine and consult your doctor. Further use of the drug can be very dangerous for the state of maternal health and development of the child.
Opinions about nasal spray
Experts say that the safest time to use the drug "Polydex" during pregnancy is 3 trimester. Reviews of doctors report that at this time the fetus is already fully formed. Little can affect its development. At the same time, doctors prohibit the use of the described medicine before childbirth. The thing is that the drug can remain in the body for some time and penetrate through breast milk. In this situation, it will not be possible to start lactation until the medicine is completely withdrawn.
Some women had to use this drug at the very beginning of pregnancy. In their reviews, they report that this did not affect the condition of the child. The baby of each of them taking the drug was born without any deviations.
Nevertheless, studies by scientists have shown that exceeding prescribed doses or increasing the duration of use of the spray leads to a negative effect on the condition of the fetus. Especially often this happens in the early stages, when the baby's body is still just forming. The active substance in large quantities affects the organs of hearing and provokes deafness.
Women need to be aware of the use of the drug "Polydex" during pregnancy. The instruction does not prohibit this therapy. Doctors report that when using small doses and observing the regimen of use, the medicine does not cause a negative effect on the fetus. But at the very beginning of pregnancy, you need to try to protect yourself from the need to use an antibiotic. Be sure to consult your doctor and find out which drugs can help. It must also be remembered that doctors categorically prohibit any self-medication.