Vitamin preparation "Eleovit": instructions for use in veterinary medicine

What is the Eleovit preparation? Instructions for use in veterinary medicine describe it as a vitamin complex with immunomodulatory effects for the treatment and prevention of diseases of farm animals. And now let's find out in more detail about the properties of this medicine, the features of its use and existing analogues.

Eleovit instructions for use in veterinary medicine

Indications for use

"Eleovit" is prescribed to animals (cattle, horses, goats, sheep and pigs) for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in case of hypo- and vitamin deficiency, impaired immune system, tetany, rickets and osteomalacia. In addition, the drug is recommended for increasing reproductive ability, as well as an additional tool for the treatment of skin diseases (dermatitis, long non-healing ulcers and wounds, catarrhal suppuration).

The composition of the drug

What active ingredients does Eleovit contain? The instruction for use in veterinary medicine clarifies that the composition of this drug includes multivitamins with a pronounced synergistic effect. These include vitamins A, E, K3, B1, B2, B6, nicotinamide, pantothenic and folic acid, cyanocobalamin, biotin.

Vitamin A is responsible for the regulation and regeneration of the epithelium, helps to increase the immunity of farm animals.

Vitamin D3 is involved in calcium and phosphorus metabolism and prevents the development of rickets.

Vitamin E, acting as a powerful antioxidant, helps regulate redox processes and increases the efficiency of vitamin A.

B vitamins regulate and normalize metabolic and nervous processes.

Since the drug is practically safe (it has hazard class 4), it is safely tolerated by animals. The only contraindication that Eleovit has is individual hypersensitivity to drug components. In this case, it is necessary to choose an alternative vitamin preparation.

Eleovit for animals

Release form and storage rules

"Eleovit" for animals is made in the form of a sterile solution for injection, placed in a bottle of dark glass. The drug is hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers, which are additionally reinforced with aluminum caps. Each package is supplemented by a user manual.

How to store "Eleovit"? Instructions for use in veterinary medicine prescribe that the drug must be kept away from food and feed in a place protected from ultraviolet rays. The optimum storage temperature is from 5 ° to 25 ° C.

The duration of storage of the drug is 24 months. At the end of the expiration date, its use is unacceptable.

Eleovit analogues

How to use vitamins for animals "Eleovit"

Instructions for use in veterinary medicine reports that this multivitamin preparation involves intramuscular injection into the thigh or neck. At the same time, to avoid leakage of the solution, the skin at the puncture site is shifted to the side.

If the injections are carried out in the winter, the medicine should be brought to room temperature.

The frequency of administration of the vitamin complex for preventive purposes (to increase fertility, during pregnancy, during stress, high physical exertion, with the slow development and growth of young animals, deworming) is 1 time in 14-21 days.

For the treatment of Eleovit Ascount, it is used for animals once every 7-15 days.

In addition, it is important to consider that if you miss another injection, the therapeutic effect may be reduced. In this situation, the drug should be resumed at the same dosage and according to the appropriate scheme.

Depending on the type and age of the animal, a different dosage is set, which is described in detail in the instructions.

Eleovit Ascount

Security measures

When working with "Eleovit" it is advisable to use protective gloves. In addition, it is recommended to administer the medicine in sterile conditions.

Before injection, the skin of the animal should first be treated with any alcohol-containing agent.

Upon completion of work with the drug, it is recommended to thoroughly wash your hands. Used syringes and packaging must be disposed of.


What are the Eleovit analogues? According to veterinarians, this drug contains the largest range of vitamin components, and there are practically no equal vitamin-based products for animals. In veterinary pharmacies, of course, they can offer vitamins for injection, such as Sedimin, Tetramag, Vitam, Multivitamin and others. However, all of them are to some extent inferior to Eleovit.

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