"Setegis": instructions for use, composition, dosage, dosage form, indications and contraindications

Setegis is an adrenergic blocker that lowers blood pressure, and also reduces urine flow resistance and normalizes the process of urination in patients with adenomatous proliferation of paraurethral glands. What instructions for use and analogues does Setegis have?

The drug is available in tablet form. Capsules are rounded, chamfered, odorless. Tablets are distributed in blisters of ten pieces, a total of three blisters in a package. The main active trace element is terazosin. In one capsule, the concentration of the active component reaches one, two, five, or ten milligrams.

Pharmacological actions

According to the instructions to Setegis, it is known that terazosin is considered to be the active microelement of the drug - it is an adrenergic blocker that improves urodynamics in patients with adenomatous proliferation of paraurethral glands.

Signs of this ailment are due to an increase in the tone of the triangle and neck of the bladder, as well as the proximal part of the urethra and prostate. Excitation of nerve impulses is controlled by alpha-adrenergic receptors. Terazosin suppresses contractions of the smooth muscles of the prostate that are triggered by phenylephrine. In clinical studies, the active substance eliminated the signs of adenomatous proliferation of paraurethral glands and improved urodynamics.

According to the instructions for use and reviews, "Setegis" has the main active trace element that expands the capillaries. It provokes a gradual decrease in blood pressure, as a result, it has a prolonged hypotensive effect.

When used in pharmacological dosages, the drug reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood by five percent. In addition, there is no increase in total cholesterol with the use of other antihypertensive drugs if terazosin is used together. The drug begins to work approximately fifteen minutes after the application of one dose, the maximum effect occurs after two to three hours. The duration of action is twenty-four hours.

After taking the medicine, the orally active substance is instantly and almost completely absorbed from the stomach and intestines. To a small degree is exposed to the first passage through the liver. It has high bioactivity - about ninety percent and a connection with blood proteins - ninety-four percent.

The maximum content in plasma reaches within sixty minutes. The biological transformation undergoes in the liver. It is excreted through the intestines - sixty percent of the drug, kidneys - forty percent. The elimination half-life is an average of twelve hours. Excretion of the active substance does not depend on the functioning of the kidneys.

setegis instruction


The drug is prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. Arterial hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure from one hundred and forty to ninety millimeters of mercury and higher).
  2. Adenomatous proliferation of paraurethral glands.
setegis reviews

What contraindications does the drug have?

Prohibitions on the use of Setegis are:

  1. Childhood.
  2. Lactation (the process of formation, accumulation and periodic excretion of milk in humans and mammals).
  3. Increased sensitivity to drug substances.

With extreme caution, you can use Setegis in the following situations:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Diabetes (an endocrine disease that is associated with impaired glucose uptake).
  3. Kidney or liver disease.
  4. Disorders of the microcirculation of the brain.
  5. Hypertensive retinopathy (retinal damage and impaired retinal circulation due to high blood pressure).
  6. Postural hypotension (a disease characterized by impaired ability of the human body to maintain a standard level of blood pressure in an upright position).
  7. Ischemia (a pathology that is characterized by a violation of the blood supply to the heart muscles as a result of damage to the coronary arteries).
  8. Disorders of the heart.
setegis analogues

How to take the drug?

According to the instructions for use, Setegis 2 mg must be taken orally:

  1. Swallow the tablet whole and drink with water.
  2. At the beginning of therapy, one milligram is prescribed once a day at bedtime.
  3. Then gradually - once every seven days - the dosage is increased until effective.

Optimum maintenance dosing:

  1. Arterial hypertension - from two to ten milligrams once a day (the use of a medication in a dosage of more than twenty milligrams rarely improves the positive effect, the use of higher concentrations has not been studied).
  2. Adenomatous proliferation of paraurethral glands - from five to ten milligrams once a day (efficacy at a dosage above ten milligrams has not been proven).

Adverse reactions

According to the instructions, Setegis provokes the following adverse reactions:

  1. Visual impairment.
  2. Drowsiness (a sleep disorder accompanied by a constant or periodic desire to fall asleep at a time not intended for sleep).
  3. Migraine (a neurological disease, the most frequent and characteristic symptom of which is episodic or regular severe and painful headache in one (rarely in both) half of the head).
  4. Dyspepsia (a violation of the normal activity of the stomach, difficult and painful digestion).
  5. A painful sensation in the epigastric region, chest, oral cavity and pharynx, often precedes vomiting.
  6. Vomiting (reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach through the mouth).
  7. Arterial hypotension with dizziness (lowering blood pressure by more than twenty percent).
  8. Weakness (a sign of physical or mental strain).
  9. Dizziness (a symptom that can occur with a large number of pathologies of different organs and systems).
  10. Peripheral edema (a condition of the limbs, characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues).
  11. Orthostatic hypotension.
  12. A feeling of a heartbeat (a condition in which a person is aware of every beat of his heart).
  13. Tachycardia (increased heart rate from one hundred beats per minute).
  14. Angina pectoris (a disorder characterized by a sensation or discomfort behind the sternum).
  15. Asthenia (a psychopathological disorder that develops against a background of diseases and conditions, in one way or another depleting the body).
  16. Shortness of breath (respiratory failure, which is accompanied by a change in its frequency and depth).
  17. Myalgia (an ailment of muscle tissue that is accompanied by acute or dull pain both in tension and in a relaxed state).
  18. Weight gain.
  19. Anaphylactic shock (a clinical manifestation of an immediate systemic allergic reaction).
  20. Priapism (pathologically persistent erection, which appears regardless of sexual desire and does not disappear after intimacy).


According to the instructions to Setegis, the following conditions are symptoms of poisoning:

  1. Ataxia (partial or complete loss of coordination of voluntary muscle movements).
  2. Hypotension (a condition characterized by a decrease in blood pressure).
  3. An attack of short-term loss of consciousness due to a temporary violation of cerebral blood flow.

It is necessary to lay a person on a horizontal surface with raised lower limbs. There is no specific antidote to terazosin. The method of extrarenal blood purification in acute and chronic renal failure does not have the desired effect due to the high degree of binding of the drug to blood proteins.


After using the first dosage of the drug and in the first days of treatment, the “first-dose effect” may occur, which usually manifests itself as orthostatic hypotension, accompanied by a feeling of insecurity, dizziness and fainting.

The likelihood of this effect increases hypovolemia. This phenomenon can occur in a situation of resuming use of the drug after a few days off, and therefore, therapy should be resumed from the initial dosage, gradually increasing it. Fainting can be triggered by too rapid an increase in the content of the active substance, as well as the simultaneous use of diuretics or other antihypertensive drugs.

Although most often this condition is due to severe orthostatic hypotension, it can also be associated with increased heart rate of up to one hundred and sixty beats per minute. Postural hypotension, as a rule, appears almost immediately after the use of Setegis, and the likelihood of fainting is highest after an hour and a half. Dizziness, the development of feelings of uncertainty, as well as loss of consciousness can lead to increased physical exertion, a long stay on one's feet, fever, and the simultaneous use of alcoholic beverages.


When fainting, it is necessary to lay the person down and give his legs an elevated position, in rare situations, the use of other measures of supportive therapy may be required. The concentration of the drug should be reduced for patients who receive diuretic drugs. In order to avoid the occurrence of arterial hypertension, it is necessary to prescribe the concomitant medicine in the minimum dosage, and the therapy should be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor.

According to the instructions to Setegis, it is known that patients of retirement age may experience increased sensitivity to the antihypertensive effect of the active component. With adenomatous proliferation of paraurethral glands, the drug is prescribed only after a complete examination of the patient, which allows to exclude malignant neoplasms.

During therapy, blood pressure should be monitored, especially at the beginning of treatment and with every change in dosage. The effectiveness of the medication can already be assessed after one and a half months of maintenance therapy. People with lactose intolerance need to take into account its concentration in the drug:

  1. In tablets, one milligram - the lactose content is fifty-five milligrams.
  2. In tablets, two, five or ten milligrams - one hundred and ten milligrams of lactose.

In connection with the likelihood of orthostatic hypotension at the beginning of therapy and with increasing dosage, it is advisable to refrain from driving and other activities that require increased attention.

According to reviews and instructions for use with Setegis, the drug is contraindicated for use by children and adolescents. In case of kidney disease, dosage adjustment is not carried out, but the medication should be taken with extreme caution.

For liver diseases, the drug is also used with caution. It is not necessary to adjust the dose, but it is important to consider that in old age, sensitivity to the antihypertensive effect of the active substance can be increased.

setegis instructions for use reviews

Can I take Setegis during pregnancy?

There is no clinical information about the safety of taking terazosin with an "interesting position" and breastfeeding, therefore, pregnant women are prescribed the drug only in situations where the expected benefit of the treatment is significantly higher than the possible risks for the unborn baby. If "Setegis" must be taken during lactation, then you need to stop breastfeeding.


According to the instructions for Setegis tablets, it is known that in patients with adenomatous proliferation of paraurethral glands who receive complex treatment with terazosin and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or diuretics, the incidence of dizziness or concomitant adverse events is slightly higher than in patients using only terazosin.

It is important to be careful when taking other antihypertensive drugs together, since significant hypotension may occur. In a situation of adding the drug to diuretics or other antihypertensive agents, it may require a reduction in dosage.

A group of drugs with analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects can reduce the hypotensive effect of the active substance Setegis. Adrenostimulants reduce the effect of terazosin, antacids and enterosorbents reduce its absorption. The use of sildenafil or vardenafil can be carried out only in that situation if the patient's condition is stable when using the medicine "Setegis". In this case, sildenafil must be taken no earlier than four hours after terazosin, vardenafil - at least six hours later.


The following drugs are considered substitutes for Setegis:

  1. Alfuprost.
  2. Hyper simple.
  3. Dalphaz.
  4. Omsulosin.
  5. "Sonisin".
  6. "Terazosin".
  7. "Tonokardin".
  8. Focusin.

Domestic analogues of Setegis:

  1. "Artesin".
  2. Glansin.
  3. Tamsulosin.
  4. "Proflosin".
  5. "Urokard".

Keep the drug "Setegis" should be in a place inaccessible to children at a temperature of fifteen to thirty degrees. Shelf life is thirty-six months.

Prescription medicine is dispensed. Next, the most effective and inexpensive analogues of Setegis tablets will be considered.

setegis 2 mg instructions for use


A synthetic medication that has a hypotensive and vasodilating effect. A single use of the drug provides a maximum hypotensive effect from two to six after taking the pill, the total duration of the positive effect lasts for twenty-four hours.

The drug is more effective in metabolic disorders of hypertension in people who are obese and have a decrease in glucose tolerance. A medication reduces the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease. The cost of the drug varies from 400 to 600 rubles.

Setegis analogues domestic


The active component of the drug is tamsulosin. Such a blockade helps to reduce smooth muscle tone and improve urine outflow, together reduces the severity of signs of emptying or filling due to increased smooth muscle tone.

The effectiveness of the active component against adrenergic receptors is twenty times greater than its ability to act on receptors that are located in the smooth muscles of the vessels. The active substance, with its high ability to detect a damaged element, does not provoke a clinically significant decrease in blood pressure, both with arterial hypertension and with a standard value.

Studies on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car and other complex mechanisms have not been conducted. But taking into account such negative phenomena as dizziness, special care must be taken when performing potentially hazardous activities that require increased attention. The cost of the drug varies from 450 to 900 rubles.


In most cases, reviews of Setegis are left by people who have already taken the drug with the occurrence of adenomatous proliferation of paraurethral glands.

Their opinions were divided. Some describe the increased effectiveness of the drug and its instantaneous effect, while others describe the absence of positive dynamics.

According to patients' reviews of Setegis, it is known that a significant improvement is noted after four months of treatment:

  1. The volume and speed of the urine current increases.
  2. The time of the process of removing urine from the bladder through the urethra is reduced.

The drug is well tolerated by patients. Adverse reactions provoke no more than nine percent of patients, while discontinuation of treatment due to negative phenomena is necessary only in three percent of cases. The cost of Setegis varies from 900 to 1500 rubles.

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