Cream of mascarpone and sour cream: cooking features and recipes

The most delicate cream, designed to decorate confectionery, can be prepared on the basis of mascarpone cream cheese. Next, we consider several of his recipes, as well as the main features that can be encountered in the process of preparing the cream.

How to choose cheese

The key to the good taste of the cream is the right choice of products intended for its preparation. Specialists in the field of cooking say that for the preparation of such jewelry it is necessary to use only a natural product in which there will be no additives.

Cheese, ideal for making cream, should have a fairly high percentage of fat content - at least 75%. From this, his taste does not get worse, but the taste of the finished cream is significantly improved.

It should be remembered that natural and high-quality mascarpone is not cheap, this is perhaps the only disadvantage of the product. The average cost of this product is 250 rubles per 300 g.

Mascarpone cream and sour cream

What can be included except cheese

To make a tasty and high-quality cream, using cheese alone will not be enough. This is primarily due to the fact that a good cream is characterized not only by sweetness, but also by a variety of flavoring shades.

In order to make the dessert taste more diverse, sugar, sour cream, condensed milk, cream, and chocolate, which is mainly used in melted form, can be included in its composition. In the event that subsequently the product is subjected to heat treatment, fresh eggs are often added to its composition.

Practice shows that for the preparation of cream from mascarpone and sour cream, it is best to use not granulated sugar, but powder. This is due to the fact that with this component the cream mass will turn out to be more uniform, and sugar grains will not unpleasantly crunch on the teeth during the use of dessert.

How to add flavor and color to a cream

A cake with sour cream and mascarpone will be especially original if its decoration has an unusual aroma and is presented in the form of bright paintings.

In order for the decoration to exude a pleasant aroma, in the process of its preparation, it is worth adding liquor, rum or some fruit essences to all the ingredients provided for in the recipe. In pursuit of this goal, quite often vanillin is added to the mass.

Practice shows that fresh berries and fruits are a great addition to the mascarpone cream, which make it more vivid and original.

By adding a teaspoon of brandy to the cream, the finished product can be given an unusual nutty flavor. It should be remembered that in the case of preparing a dessert for children, you should refrain from adding alcohol: in such a situation, you should limit yourself to vanilla or a natural flavor.

Sour cream with mascarpone

Cream with cream

To prepare the cream in question, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • 250 g of mascarpone;
  • a glass of cream (fat content of at least 30%);
  • a bag of vanillin;
  • some cocoa powder;
  • a few drops of liquor (to add flavor).

To prepare the cream, beat the cream until a thick foam is formed, gradually combining them with icing sugar and cocoa powder.

Grind the cheese in a separate bowl, after which cream should gradually be introduced into the air mass. Without ceasing to whisk, vanillin must be slowly added to the mass.

Classic cream with sour cream

A great option to complement any biscuit cake is a cream of mascarpone and sour cream. Moreover, it is ideal for decorating cupcakes and sand baskets. To prepare it, you should take the following list of ingredients:

  • 600 g of mascarpone cheese;
  • a liter of sour cream (it is better to take the thickest);
  • a couple of glasses of powdered sugar.

To prepare the cream, you need to combine sour cream with icing sugar and thoroughly beat the ingredients to a thick mass. During the implementation of this process, it is necessary to ensure that grains do not separate from the mass: the cream should be smooth and uniform.

In a separate bowl, beat the mascarpone, and then the airy cheese mass must be introduced into sour cream. After mixing the cream well, add vanillin to it.

How to make mascarpone cream for a cake

With mascarpone and eggs

Sour cream prepared with this recipe with mascarpone is ideal for making cheesecakes: the product is very tender and incredibly tasty.

To create the cream in question, you need to take:

  • 500 g of mascarpone;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • vanillin;
  • 3 fresh eggs.

In order for the finished cream to turn out incredibly lush and tender, you need to beat the cheese separately. After that, in another bowl, do the same with sour cream, gradually combining it with powdered sugar.

Break three eggs into a separate plate and beat them. Sour cream should be gradually introduced into the thick egg foam without stopping the mixing process, otherwise the mass will simply stratify. After that, in the same way, you should introduce the cheese into a sour cream.

In the reviews of the cream with mascarpone and sour cream, prepared according to this recipe, it is noted that in order to give a taste and a special aroma to the finished cream, it is worth introducing vanillin and, if desired, a small amount of rum or liquor.

Mascarpone cream for cake recipes

Chocolate cream

How to make mascarpone cream for a cake? A great option is chocolate, made on the basis of mascarpone. Its main advantage is that it perfectly takes shape and maintains it for a long period.

To make chocolate cream with mascarpone, you should take:

  • 300 g of cheese;
  • a bar of milk chocolate;
  • a glass of powdered sugar;
  • a glass of oily sour cream.

At the very beginning of the preparation of the cream in one bowl, you need to beat the sour cream until a thick foam cap is formed, gradually introducing the powder. In another bowl, beat the cheese, and then gradually introduce the sour cream into it, gently mixing.

Separately, melt the chocolate bar in a water bath, after breaking it into small pieces. After the liquid mass has cooled to a warm temperature, you should introduce it in a thin stream into the cheese and sour cream mass, whisking gently. To give the cream a brighter taste at this stage, it is necessary to introduce a small amount of liquor and vanillin into it.

How to make a cream with mascarpone

Cream with white chocolate

This recipe for making mascarpone cream for a cake will be an excellent find for those who prefer rich and sweet desserts. It will be a great addition to ice cream and fresh fruit.

To create such a filling, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • a glass of oily sour cream;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 300 g mascarpone;
  • vanillin (for aroma);
  • a bar of white chocolate.

To create the foundation of the cream, melt the chocolate bar over low heat, first breaking it into small pieces. Add a quarter cup of sour cream to the melt, and mix, remove from heat.

In a separate bowl, beat the rest of the sour cream, combining it with the yolks until a thick mass is formed. After this, the resulting foam must be combined with mascarpone, pouring the mass into the cheese in a thin stream. At the final stage, add a little vanillin to the mass to add flavor.

Use cooked cream is necessary only in chilled form.

Mascarpone cream creams options

Mascarpone Cream Tricks

Cream options - a lot. Choosing any of the above recipes, it is imperative to adhere to certain technologies in the process of preparing a dessert.

First of all, to prevent delamination of the cream, it is necessary that all ingredients have the same temperature.

Connect the components together only when they are all well beaten, mixed and dissolved. Moreover, the introduction of components must be carried out exclusively in small portions. This will avoid the formation of lumps. During the preparation of mascarpone cream, sour cream and cream can be replaced with yogurt, which should be natural and thick. Practice shows that Greek yogurt is ideally suited for this purpose: a cream prepared with it does not have the property to spread. In general, for the preparation of cream from mascarpone and sour cream, it is best to use natural and freshest products. Otherwise, the consistency may not be thick, and the mass risks stratifying right in the process of mixing the ingredients.

Cream with mascarpone and sour cream reviews

Cream from mascarpone and sour cream is best prepared immediately before use, since immediately after mixing all products sharply reduced their shelf life. This is especially true for fruits, which it is advisable to add only before serving.

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