Acne rash in adolescence is a common occurrence - there is a hormonal rebuilding of the body. But if acne occurred in an older person, then acne can indicate an imbalance. Eliminate them in such a situation with the help of specialized drugs.
These include oral contraceptives, which have two important actions for the female body - they protect against unwanted pregnancy and help cope with cosmetic defects in the form of acne. Will Jess Help Acne?
Actions of oral contraceptives
Contraceptive preparations contain a combination of hormones that inhibit the ovulation process, that is, they do not allow the ovum to exit the ovary. In addition, they change the structure of the secretion of the cervical canal, it becomes denser, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus.
Their main task is connected with this - the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. But there are certain contraceptives that have the property of blocking androgen receptors. They lower the intensity of the production of male sex hormones in the body of women, including testosterone. These hormones, as a rule, increase the activity of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the appearance of acne.
This group of oral contraceptives includes:
- Jess.
- "Yarina."
- "Jeanine."
With the help of their use, the hormonal background is stabilized, and the rashes no longer bother the patient.
Does "Jess" Help Acne
First of all, it should be noted that the drug is prescribed in adolescence and women in a situation if they have an active sex life, since the main purpose of this medication is contraception. Acne therapy is considered only a side effect of its use.
Therefore, you can use "Jess" only after consulting a gynecologist and a blood test for hormone levels. The drug is prescribed only in that situation if it turns out that:
- Male hormone levels increased.
- A girl or woman is concerned about acne.
- At the same time, the representative of the beautiful half of humanity leads an active sex life.
- A woman does not plan a pregnancy.
If the patient has one goal - the elimination of acne, then taking birth control medications is not recommended, since these are very powerful drugs that have certain adverse reactions.
Therefore, it is necessary to consult several medical specialists, for example, a dermatologist or gynecologist, before purchasing birth control pills "Jess" for acne.
"Jess" is a contraceptive for oral use that contains estrogen and gestagen, which inhibits the excessive production of testosterone - the male sex hormone. The positive reviews of medical specialists confirm not only its effectiveness, but also many other advantages compared to medicines of a similar effect:
- The hormone content in the medication is as low as possible compared with generics, which helps to achieve a milder effect on the body and reduce the severity of side effects, while the effect of oral contraceptives also remains at a high level.
- Eliminates acne of the second degree.
- Does not provoke weight gain.
- Improves the condition of hair and nail plate.
- Stabilizes the regularity of menstruation, helps eliminate pain during periodic bleeding.
In addition, the drug "Plus Plus" is made, the structure of which includes folic acid. They are intended for women who plan to become pregnant immediately after discontinuation of the drug, since folic acid is needed for the correct formation of the central nervous system of the unborn baby.
How fast is the drug
If acne appeared during the use of Jess, this can happen in the first or third months of use, while the body is still being rebuilt for new hormones. Positive dynamics can be noted not earlier than the beginning of the second menstrual cycle, then the situation can improve until the rash is completely eliminated.
The result of "Jess" for acne occurs with the start of the use of the drug (contraceptive effect), but the positive changes regarding the appearance of the woman will be noticeable a little later, after the second or third menstruation.
After you stop taking Jess, acne may return, as the previous hormonal background is restored. That is, the drug helps with acne only with constant use.
Like any other hormonal contraceptive, Jess acne pills have certain disadvantages that cannot be avoided. These are negative effects after taking the medicine, which may not occur at all. They, as a rule, appear in the first months of drug use, while the body gets used to the new regime:
- Dizziness.
- Headache.
- Mood swings.
- Irritability.
- Reduced sex drive.
When do side effects go away? For all people, this happens in different ways, but, as a rule, after the second or third menstruation, the woman's health completely returns to normal and no unpleasant symptoms appear in the future.
In any situation, hormonal contraceptives should be used under the supervision of the medical specialist who prescribed them. And if you have questions or doubts, you must contact him for advice.
Start taking and skipping pills
If a woman last month did not take any other contraceptive drugs, then the use of "Jess" begins on the first day of menstruation. It is allowed to take medication on the second day of the menstrual cycle, but in this situation it is already necessary to additionally use condoms during the first seven days of taking the medicine from the first package.
If an inactive tablet was missed, then this point can be ignored. However, they must be discarded so as not to accidentally prolong the use.
If the delay in taking the active pill was less than twelve hours, then the protection does not decrease. A woman should apply the missed pill as quickly as possible, and use the following as usual.
If the delay was more than twelve hours, then contraceptive protection can be slightly reduced. The more tablets a woman missed and the closer the pass to the inactive intake phase, the greater the chance of pregnancy. In this case, you must be guided by the following rules:
- the use of a medication should never be interrupted for longer than four days;
- to achieve a stable contraceptive effect, approximately seven days of continuous use of the drug are required.
How to use jess
There are twenty eight tablets per pack. The blister has graphic marks that indicate the order in which they are received. It is necessary to take 1 tablet per day at the same time with water.
Doctors advise using oral contraceptives in the morning. Of all the pills, twenty-four are considered active, and four are inactive, that is, a placebo (a substance without obvious healing properties). They are necessary so as not to go astray in the order of use of this drug.
Each subsequent packing should be begun only after completion of the previous one, not allowing breaks. During the use of inactive tablets, bleeding like menstruation may occur. How much effect does Jess Plus have for acne? Positive dynamics can be noted seven days after the start of therapy, after which time a contraceptive effect appears.
The use of the drug "Jess" is contraindicated in the following situations:
- Myocardial infarction (ischemic heart disease that occurs with the appearance of ischemic necrosis).
- Angina pectoris (an ailment that is characterized by an unpleasant sensation behind the chest).
- Thrombosis (the formation of clots inside the blood vessels).
- Damage to the vessels of the brain.
- Diabetes mellitus (an endocrine disease characterized by improper glucose uptake).
- High blood pressure.
- Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).
- Migraine (a neurological disease characterized by the appearance of pain in the head).
- Damage to the liver and kidneys.
- Lactation.
- Smoking from the age of thirty-five years.
- Malignant tumors of the genitals or mammary glands.
Before using the medication, you need to exclude the state of the body, which is a limitation to its use. To do this, it is enough to donate blood for analysis.
Is it possible to smoke when using the drug
Smoking when using a medication is fraught with the likelihood of arterial thromboembolism. This is a condition characterized by loss of consciousness or confusion, as well as severe weakness or fainting. It can cause death. The occurrence of thromboembolism is higher, the more cigarettes a representative of the fair half smokes per day.
The risk group includes women from thirty-five years of age who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes per day. For women younger than this age or who smoke a small number of cigarettes, there is no direct contraindication in this regard. If acne from "Jess" appeared, what should I do?
Will acne appear after drug withdrawal
Some representatives of the beautiful half note that as soon as they stopped using the Jess medication, the acne appeared again. There is an explanation for this: without hormonal treatment, the previous hormonal background returned. This means that skin problems can recur. If it is in the womanโs interests that her skin is always clean and beautiful, then she must continue to use the medication.
Alcohol and Jess
Taking the drug and alcohol, women fear that the effect of the tablets may be reduced. Medical experts note that alcohol in small doses does not reduce the contraceptive effect of the drug.
But when taking oral tablets, it is forbidden to take an excessive amount of strong drinks. In case of alcohol poisoning, other contraceptives should be additionally used.
During pregnancy, is it possible to take "Jess"
During the "interesting position" tablets are not recommended. If a woman took "Jess" and pregnancy did occur, you should immediately stop using the medication. When breastfeeding, the drug is also forbidden to use, since the drug can change the composition of milk.
On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews about "Jess" for acne. As a rule, representatives of the fair half evaluate this oral contraceptive positively. But there are reviews about birth control pills of those people who have not been suited to this medication.
As a result, oral contraceptive caused adverse reactions, including nausea, malaise, migraines. In such a situation, doctors tried to choose another, more suitable medication for women.
According to doctors' reviews about "Jes" from acne it is known that the drug has a beneficial effect on the body. Opinions about the drug at various sites also indicate that the drug helps get rid of acne and improves skin condition.
After stopping oral contraceptive use, the condition of the body does not worsen, so many women respond well to this drug.
Reviews about "Jess" from acne are usually positive, adverse reactions with its use are very rare. Representatives of the beautiful half also have a positive opinion about the contraceptive. Ease of use "Jess Plus", its effectiveness is noted. But in rare situations, nausea, headache, mood swings still appear.