Herculean porridge recipes in a slow cooker on milk and water

The most useful and delicious breakfast option is oatmeal porridge. With the advent of the multicooker in the kitchen, the process of its preparation was greatly simplified. Ingredients can be prepared in advance from the evening, and then breakfast will be ready at the appointed time in the morning. There are many recipes for herculean porridge in a slow cooker with various additives.

oatmeal with fruit

Recipe number 1: Porridge in milk

To cook porridge in milk, the following foods are needed:

  • 1 cup Hercules flakes;
  • 1 cup cow's milk
  • 1 cup cream
  • 2 teaspoons of butter;
  • sugar and salt to taste.

This recipe for Herculean porridge in milk in a multicooker is traditional and most famous among cooks and housewives.

So, the cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. The bowl of the multicooker must be greased with butter.
  2. A glass of Herculean flakes is poured into a greased bowl and filled with milk and cream. Cream is not a mandatory ingredient, so you can not add them, but they give an additional aroma and make the taste of the dish more tender.
  3. On the control panel of the multicooker, you must select a special mode for milk porridge. Cooking will take from 20 to 25 minutes.
  4. Breakfast can be served on a beautiful plate with the addition of salt, sugar and a small piece of butter in the middle.

Recipe number 2: Breakfast from whole oatmeal

porridge with honey

Unlike oatmeal porridge, a multicooker using milk for this recipe uses coarse grinding of oatmeal. The only drawback is the increase in cooking time, but a significant advantage will be the great benefit of the dish for the body.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2.5 cups of milk;
  • 1 cup of hercules grains;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 35 g butter;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

The step-by-step process for preparing herculean porridge in a multicooker looks like this:

  1. As in the first recipe, a piece of butter is used to lubricate the multicooker bowl.
  2. The oatmeal rinsed in water should be laid at the very bottom of the bowl.
  3. Then it must be poured with milk.
  4. Next, salt and sugar are added.
  5. Cooking time is 1 hour in the "Porridge" multicooker mode.

Recipe number 3: Porridge on the water

oatmeal with banana

Hercules porridge in a slow cooker on the water is the most dietary and healthy dish for breakfast. To cook it, you will need:

  • 600-800 ml of boiled or bottled water;
  • 300-400 g of oatmeal;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • dried fruits or berries.

5 stages, having done which, you can cook a wonderful breakfast:

  1. First of all, you need to grease the multicooker bowl with oil.
  2. Hercules groats need to be washed under water (preferably warm).
  3. Pour the entire volume of cereals into a greased bowl and pour boiled water.
  4. The dish will be ready in 20 minutes, select the "Porridge" mode in the multicooker.
  5. When serving porridge can be decorated with nuts, dried apricots, berries and a slice of butter.

Recipe number 4: Steamed porridge

oatmeal in a plate

Herculean porridge in a multicooker can be tasty and healthy to cook in so many ways. If the multicooker available in the kitchen has a โ€œSteamingโ€ mode, then this recipe will definitely suit you.

Necessary products for cooking:

  • 50 g of hercules;
  • 2.5 cups of milk;
  • 20 g butter;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

How to cook a steamy breakfast rich in vitamins:

  1. For cooking in this way, you need cookware that is resistant to high temperatures. A ceramic, iron or glass container will be suitable, in which porridge will be cooked.
  2. Oat flakes are poured into the prepared deep container, all milk is poured.
  3. Pour water to a certain point in the bowl, which will be below the plate with cereals.
  4. The multicooker mode for this recipe is Steaming. The porridge will reach readiness in 20-25 minutes.
  5. After the cooking time has expired, it is recommended to turn on the heating, so that the porridge acquires a thicker consistency.

When serving, add spices to the table. Dried fruits, honey, jam, berries can also be an excellent addition.

Recipe number 5: Hercules with mushrooms and onions

Oddly enough, herculean porridge in a slow cooker can be cooked not only as a dessert for breakfast, but also as an excellent hearty dish for the second. The porridge prepared according to this recipe has a very pleasant aroma of fresh mushrooms and spicy onions. You will need:

  • a glass of flakes of hercules - 200 g;
  • bouillon cube with the taste of mushrooms - 1 pc.;
  • honey agarics (fresh or frozen) - 250 g;
  • champignons - 150 g;
  • medium-sized onion head - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices to the taste of the cook.

Description of the preparation of oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker with mushrooms and onions:

  1. Before starting cooking, pour 1 cube of mushroom broth with 3 cups boiling water. Stir thoroughly until fluid is completely homogeneous.
  2. Hercules flakes are poured into the multicooker bowl and pour them with the previously diluted cube broth. If there is not enough salt, then you need to add.
  3. For the recipe, the "Extinguishing" or "Cooking" mode is suitable. Cooking time is 25-30 minutes.
  4. While porridge is cooked, honey mushrooms and champignons must be cut into small pieces.
  5. In a frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the onions until a light golden hue, then add the chopped mushrooms and bring them to readiness.
  6. After all the actions, mix herbal porridge and fry and serve. To decorate the dish, you can use parsley, dill and other herbs.

The benefits of Hercules

oatmeal with berries in a bowl

The most useful recipe for oatmeal is the one that involves cooking on water in a slow cooker. Such porridge preserves almost all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. The best oatmeal breakfast supplements are apples, dried fruits, nuts, honey.

Useful properties possessed by hercules:

  1. With the regular use of oatmeal porridge, the level of cholesterol in the blood drops, the risk of cholesterol plaque formation decreases.
  2. Croup has a low glycemic index and is therefore suitable for people with diabetes.
  3. Normalizes blood sugar levels in humans.
  4. Eliminates the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing its work.
  5. Gives a lasting feeling of satiety.
  6. Beneficial effect on the condition of bones and teeth.
  7. Accelerates the intellectual work of the brain.
  8. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in Hercules, the aging of the human body slows down.

Remember that Extra flakes are considered the most useful. They are obtained from whole grains, they are large and cooked for a rather long time, but at the same time they have the highest content of trace elements, fiber and vitamins.

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