Where was the shooting of the series "Crime"? Where was the series filmed?

This is one of those stories that makes you seriously think about life, about relationships, that a person whom everyone points out as a criminal can be completely innocent. While the true criminal is the one who is always in the shadows. Where did you shoot the series Crime, which shocked the audience a year ago with its realism and exciting storyline? This will be discussed in our article.

Story line

In one of the industrial cities, the mysterious murder of a young girl, Tanya Lavrova, took place. Her body was thrown into the car of a well-known official in this city. The search for her killers is carried out by investigator Alexander Moskvina (she was played by Daria Moroz) and her young assistant - trainee Andrei Chistyakov (actor Pavel Priluchny).

Igor Kostolevsky in the series "Crime"

At first, this business seems very confusing. It seems almost impossible to understand everything that happens. The plot is twisted in such a way that more and more participants in the events fall under suspicion. Investigation of the new version of the involvement of each of them takes only one series. In such a saturated mode, you can quickly enough understand the obviousness and predictability of the plot, but ... Gradually, step by step, Alexandra and Andrei begin to unravel a tangle of strange and incomprehensible events, approaching the solution to such a cruel crime.

Relations between characters

In addition to investigating this case, rather complex personal relations of Moskvina and her assistant, as well as other heroes, which are directly related to the investigation, are also woven into the plot of the picture. There are a lot of relationship histories here, and they are quite different - official, love, family. In each case, this was done very motivated and is of interest outside the criminal history. Psychologically, the director revealed the tragedy in the Lavrov family - his mother (she was played by Lyudmila Artemyeva) and father (actor Andrei Smolyakov). In many episodes, the work of this creative duo reached the highest acting peaks.

Andrei Chernyshov looks great as a candidate for mayor of Samoilov. His character is very controversial, which is difficult to reproduce as an actor: either he is just an ideal person, then he becomes a notorious villain. But the actor is good even in such a difficult context. The remaining artists also did not disappoint, and many episodes with their participation can be evaluated at the level of serious dramatic works.

Upscale camera work

Where they shot the series “Crime” (2017), it will be said a little later. And now we need to dwell on the excellent camera work, which is worthy of the author's cinema. Operator Yegor Kochubey is still a beginner master of his craft, but his work can now be called high-class. The city where the series Crime was filmed (2017) is Kaliningrad. The young cameraman made a very memorable shot from the drone - an unusually interesting and stylish city that you want to come to.

Andrey Smolyakov as Igor Lavrov

It is also striking that many scenes that seem insignificant were shot beautifully and harmoniously both in terms of filling the frame and the color scheme. When watching this series, it seems that you see not just a movie, but a graphic work of a talented artist. For viewers, this creates a mood and at the same time works on the characters' characters. One of the main characters, Andrei Chistyakov, is a graphic artist by education. Partly, the events taking place in the series, viewers see as if with his eyes and can perceive the world through the prism of his story, very extraordinary.

Cast: starring

When the audience watched the first episodes, they were interested, not only where the series “Crime” was filmed, but also who starred in it. After all, a well-chosen cast is a significant plus in working on a film.

The main female role - Sasha Moskvina - was chosen by Daria Moroz. Despite the fact that in life she is a rather gentle person, the role of a strict and serious investigator turned out to be on her shoulder. Her heroine very clearly and correctly built her work, so the killer was eventually caught.

The actress herself played her first role as a stolen baby in "Sweet, dear, only ..." at three months old. Since then, she has been in the acting profession, annually replenishes the treasury of Russian cinema with new and interesting roles. Frost not only acts in films (“Steel Butterfly”, “House of the Sun” and many others), she also plays in the theater studio of Oleg Tabakov and the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov.

Pavel Priluchny as Andrei Chistyakov

The second main role (Andrei Chistyakov) was approved by Pavel Priluchny. Spectators who enjoy watching movie news know him well for his roles as Maxim Morozov in Closed School, Doc in the drama At Game, and Igor Sokolovsky in Major.

Priluchny is a graduate of GITIS. At fourteen, he received the title of CCM in boxing, but after some time left this sport. Later, this skill helped him more than once during the filming. Now, being already a rather famous actor, he does not stop improving his skills, continuing to act in new projects.

Cast: Supporting Roles

The series “Crime” (2017) turned out to be rather unusual. Where they shot the film is already known: in Kaliningrad. And the choice of this city turned out to be a very correct director's idea. The film turned gloomy, gray against the backdrop of foggy city landscapes, which added the story of a half-tone of hopelessness and hopelessness.

In the supporting roles, actors no less talented and loved by the audience were involved. Let us dwell on those who played the parents of the murdered Tatyana Lavrova.

Lyudmila Artemyeva in the role of Anna Lavrova

The mother of Tanya, brutally murdered in the first series, was played by the famous actress Lyudmila Artemyeva, known for the series “Matchmakers”, “Taxi Driver”, “Matchmakers”. It seems that she is able to play exclusively comedic roles. But after watching at least one series of this story, it becomes clear that this actress is able to play dramatic roles. Moreover, looking at her, it seemed that she was not playing. She seemed to let everything that happened through herself, truly mourning the death of her daughter.

Her character - Anna Lavrova - was very difficult to play: Anna is literally on the verge, once trying to commit suicide, not even remembering that the youngest child remained in the family - the son.

The role of Igor Lavrov (the father of the murdered girl) was approved by Andrei Smolyakov, who is known from the TV series “Bourgeois’s Birthday”, “Mosgaz”, “The Executioner”, etc. This talented actor was able to convey how much his character is crushed by those who fell upon him and his family unhappiness. He can not understand why this happened with his daughter. But in mourning her, he must simultaneously take care of his little son and support his wife, who, it seems, sometimes does not realize what is happening around her.

Serial atmosphere

Last summer, a remake of the Scandinavian series Forbrydelsen, the name of which translates as “Murder,” appeared on Russian channels. Spectators of almost the whole world have already become fans of this story. Now it is the turn of the Russians, who saw an adapted version of the foreign series, which had previously been re-shot in the United States. In the Russian version, twenty episodes and each almost three quarters of an hour.

Where was the crime series filmed? The bulk of the film was shot in Kaliningrad. Worked on some episodes already in Moscow.

This is how the series Crime appeared (2017). Actors, where they shot, who the director is, whether there will be a sequel - this is all of interest to the audience who watched all two dozen episodes. But we are not talking about the continuation, so you have to be content with the footage already taken.

Actor Alexei Koryakov in the series Crime

Director Maxim Vasilenko simply could not refuse to adapt the deep Scandinavian dramaturgy of such a complex story for the Russian audience that lay at the heart of the script.

Feedback on this multi-part project is mostly positive. The only thing that the audience didn’t really like and what they agreed on was a certain length of the film. But where they shot the series “Crime”, now it’s no secret. The role of a small coastal city, in which the murder occurred, was Kaliningrad. Due to the climatic features of the area, the authors were able to maintain a special atmosphere. The gray color scheme and weather created the necessary atmosphere of hopelessness, longing, fear - all that was needed for this story.

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