Pink salmon is a fish from the salmon family. Excellent taste, as well as not too high cost of this fish makes it popular among connoisseurs of seafood dishes.
It should be noted that just the fried pink salmon is a little dry, but the cutlets and meatballs from it turn out to be very tasty.
So, to fry fish cutlets from pink salmon, we need a kilogram of fish, a couple of onions, about two hundred grams of lard (you can take bacon), an egg, a couple of cloves of garlic, 150 grams of a loaf without crusts, some milk, flour or crackers ground for breading and vegetable oil.
If you have frozen fish, then you need to pull it out of the freezer in advance for thawing. Then pink salmon will need to be cleaned and cut into fillets, and the remaining bones after cutting can be used to prepare the broth.
The fish fillet needs to be dried and chopped by passing through a meat grinder along with a loaf and pork fat, soaked in milk and squeezed from excess fluid. Drive a raw egg into the minced meat, add spices and salt to taste. We mix everything in the most thorough manner and knock out, achieving that the mass becomes completely homogeneous and magnificent.
Now we divide the minced meat into portions, form the patties, bread them in breadcrumbs or flour and send them to the skillet, where the vegetable oil has already been warmed up well. Fry on one side until a crust is obtained, then turn on the second side, keep on high heat for two minutes. After that we reduce the heating and fry the fish cutlets from pink salmon until ready under the lid. With this method of preparation, cutlets are obtained with a delicious crust, and inside - juicy and soft.
And hereโs the recipe for making delicious meatballs that donโt need to add bread to. We need about four hundred grams of pink salmon fillet, one or two onions, one hundred grams of frozen butter, the same amount of cheese, seasonings and breadcrumbs.
We grind the fish fillet with a blender or a meat grinder, add chopped onions to the resulting minced meat (you can just finely chop or chop together with the fish in a blender). Salt the minced meat, season and knead well. Grate the cheese and add to the fish mass. Now we divide the minced meat into portions, placing a small piece of frozen butter inside each cutlet. Breaded our fish cutlets from pink salmon in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan.
And you can cook such a dish without chopping the fillet into minced meat, but simply chopping it with a knife. Take about five hundred grams of pink salmon fillet and cut it into small pieces. It is more convenient to do this when the fish is still slightly frozen. Finely chop the onion, send it into a bowl of fish. Now beat two eggs with the addition of a spoonful of mayonnaise and a spoonful of starch (you can take semolina). Mix fish with onions and egg mixture, do not forget to salt and pepper. We put the bowl with the cooked mass in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. You can make minced meat in the morning, and fry fish cutlets from pink salmon for dinner. We spread the mass in a pan with a spoon, as in the preparation of fritters, fry on both sides.
And if you follow a diet and avoid eating fried, then you should cook fish meatballs. The recipe for this dish is simple.
Grind four hundred grams of fish fillet (in a blender or in a meat grinder). Finely chop the onion and boil fifty grams of rice. Mix the minced fish with boiled chilled rice, beaten egg and onion. If the mass turned out to be too liquid, then add a couple of tablespoons of flour.
We sculpt small balls from the resulting mass. It is best to cook fish meatballs in a double boiler, they will be ready in forty minutes. But you can put out meatballs in a saucepan in a small amount of water. You can serve this dish with any sauce, and the best side dish will be fresh vegetables or vegetable stew.