What are diet eggs, egg categories, shelf life

To begin with, the egg itself is considered a dietary product. This is an excellent source of protein, which contains, in addition, a huge amount of vitamins and minerals and is relatively small - kilocalories. In the article, we will consider what diet eggs are, their composition, benefits and properties.

What's inside

Eggs are a source of a large amount of protein and calcium. Due to the content in them of almost all the vitamins necessary for the human body, such as vitamin A, vitamins of group B and vitamin D, as well as such essential elements as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, their regular use in food has a beneficial effect on the work heart, strengthens and maintains in good condition bones, teeth, nervous system, vision and immunity.

Despite the not too low calorie content, eggs are a frequent guest of various diet menus. Their rich composition allows you to get enough and get the necessary elements in a small amount of product. Eggs have a nutritional value equal to 157 kcal (per 100 g). And if you eat only proteins, then only 45 kcal, which is ideal for diet foods.

Shelf Life of Diet Eggs

What is the difference

Now consider the concept of "dietary egg." This is the name of the product of first freshness. Within seven days after the chicken laid it, the egg is considered dietary. At this time, it is as useful as any fresh product. In addition, the egg, being a known allergen, is less harmful in this sense during this period.

After seven days, the eggs pass into the category of canteens. They are most often available in abundance on store shelves.

What is the difference between diet eggs and canteens? Outwardly - practically nothing. In diet eggs, the shell is softer and thinner. In the light, using a bright light source, you can see that from the blunt end they have a less pronounced air sac than in the dining rooms. This is due to the fact that over time, air enters the egg, and the sac increases.

When sold, the seller marks diet and table eggs in accordance with generally accepted rules. This is regulated by relevant laws. The letter "D" stands for dietary, the letter "C" stands for table eggs. In addition, the production date is always knocked out.

Egg Categories

What does the category of eggs mean?

After the letter "D" or "C" on the egg indicate "B", "O", "1", "2" or "3". This is the product category. It is assigned to it depending on size (weight):

  • B - the highest category - the weight of each such egg is over 75 grams;
  • O - selected eggs - over 65 grams (inclusive) and up to 75;
  • 1 - from 55 (inclusive) to 65 grams;
  • 2 - from 45 grams (inclusive) to 55;
  • 3 - the smallest eggs - from 35 grams to 45.

Now it’s easy to understand what a diet egg is. We give an example. If the label β€œDO” is applied on the product, this means that the egg produced no more than seven days ago is of the selected category, that is, weighing from 65 to 75 grams.

Terms and conditions of storage

This process is of great importance, since its non-compliance leads to spoilage of the product. More details:

  1. The shelf life of dietary eggs is not more than seven days from the date of production. It is indicated on the marking. Conditions - at room temperature up to +20 0 .
  2. The shelf life of table eggs is not more than twenty-five days from the date of production. The conditions are the same as in the previous paragraph.
  3. When kept in the refrigerator, the shelf life of eggs can be increased to three months.
What are table eggs

Is it possible to eat

If there is any doubt about the freshness of the product, then you can check it using the old proven method. Dip the egg in a deep container filled with cold water so that it covers the product on top for two to three centimeters (for example, a glass is suitable). Add a tablespoon of table salt to the liquid:

  1. The freshest egg will immediately sink to the bottom. Now it is easy to answer the question of what diet eggs are. They will behave this way.
  2. If the egg remains to float somewhere in the middle, then it can be considered relatively fresh, suitable for consumption. An ordinary table product should behave this way.
  3. If an egg dipped in water turns upside down with a blunt end, remaining on the surface, continues to swim, then it must be consumed in the next few days.
  4. A spoiled, expired product will simply float on the surface of the water. Throw away without thinking. Poisoning with rotten eggs is very dangerous.
How much to cook eggs

White or brown?

And one more parameter that haunts many when buying eggs: what color to choose - white or brown? In fact, this does not mean anything. From it you can only determine what color the chicken laid this egg. White chickens get light eggs, and brown chickens get dark ones.

Choose according to your needs. For example, if you need to paint eggs for Easter, you will need to use, of course, white ones.

Now we know what dietary eggs are and how they differ from canteens, how to choose the right product, focusing on your needs, how to determine the category, seeing the label on the price tag with the appropriate designation. We can also determine freshness.

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