Shells stuffed with minced meat: in Russian and Italian

Stuffing is a unique semi-finished product that will allow you to make a large number of dishes. The article will describe recipes and methods for cooking it with shells in Italian, as well as the Russian recipe - drying stuffed with minced meat.

You need to start with the fact that currently on the shelves of supermarkets there is a huge selection of pasta, ranging from ordinary and ending with horns for minced meat. When buying, priority should be given only to products made from durum wheat, otherwise a tasty dish will not work.

Shells stuffed with minced meat, with cream sauce. You need to boil large pasta for the filling, but cook them all dente (slightly undercooked). Fry minced chicken with very finely chopped onions, add finely chopped champignons. Salt and pepper a little. Stuff the shells right with hot minced meat, put in the stewpan to insist. At this time, boil sour cream in a pan with cream, add finely chopped dill and a little nutmeg. Pour pasta with hot sauce, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and close the lid. The dish should be infused for about five minutes, then immediately serve, decorated with sprigs of fresh dill.

Shells stuffed with minced meat with parmesan. In this embodiment, it will be necessary to cook minced pork and beef (in equal parts), onions and eggs. Knead well to make it tender. Next, the shells for the filling are boiled all dente, and the minced meat is fried until fully cooked. Stuff the pasta, sprinkle with grated parmesan and send to bake in the oven so that the cheese melts a little. Serve a dish with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Shells stuffed with minced meat with mushrooms are very tasty. It is necessary to separately grill minced pork minced meat with garlic, in another pan - cubes of mushrooms with onions. Mix the ingredients, salt them well and add more pepper. Can be seasoned with dried rosemary and thyme. Stuff the boiled shells and send them to the oven for several minutes, you can grease with mayonnaise.

Shells stuffed with minced meat "in Italian" are prepared as follows. It is necessary to make minced chicken breast, garlic, salt and one protein. Tightly stuff raw pasta and boil in boiling water, but not more than ten minutes. Then pull them out gently with a slotted spoon. While the horns are boiling, be sure to do the preparation of Italian sauce. To do this, fry finely chopped onions and garlic in olive oil, reduce the heat, pour half a glass of cream and the same amount of white wine. Most importantly, do not boil the sauce. Separate the four yolks, whip them with a half glass of cream, pour into a sauce in a thin stream. Gravy will need to be constantly mixed, but not brought to a boiling state. Now add pepper, ground nutmeg, salt and grated Parmesan. Mix the sauce until the cheese is completely dissolved, and turn off the heat. Serve warm stuffed shells. The recipe can be slightly varied by adding seasonings and Italian herbs to the sauce to taste.

In Russian cooking, horns were replaced by drying and bagels. To cook small drying with minced meat, you must first soak them in milk for about fifteen minutes. Forcemeat to cook, as for ordinary cutlets. Now start each β€œtin” and send to the baking sheet. In the oven, the temperature should be no more than 200 degrees. It will take about forty minutes. Serve hot with sour cream.

You can cook large bagels with minced meat and egg "Men's". Stuffing must be done with the addition of milk, and soak large bagels for about five minutes. They need to be started not to the top, making a small indentation in the minced meat, into which the raw egg is carefully poured. Bake for about fifty minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

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