The drug "Chitosan": instructions for use

The drug "Chitosan" is an active biological supplement, which is taken with food. The drug has a general strengthening effect, helps lower blood cholesterol, and improves digestion.

The therapeutic effect of the drug "Chitosan"

chitosan instruction

The instruction indicates that the main property of the drug is the ability to remove and bind metal ions, including heavy ones. It acts on both toxic elements and radioactive isotopes. The drug is an aminosaccharide that is obtained from the shell shell of crustaceans. The medicine has a detoxification and hypocholesterolemic effect. The medication reduces the level of glucose, uric acid and cholesterol in the blood, promotes the absorption of calcium from food, and has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Forming hydrogen compounds in large quantities, the additive can also bind water-soluble organic substances, which include bacterial toxins, as well as harmful elements formed during digestion. The drug is most effective when it is used as a sorbent, dissolving in acetic, citric, succinic or oxalic acids. The main source of chitosan is chitin, which is found in the shell of crayfish, lobsters, krill, lobsters, shrimps, as well as the outer skeletons of jellyfish and zooplankton. The medicine "Chitosan", having the ability to connect in the digestive tract with fat molecules, is part of various products designed to reduce weight, accelerate cholesterol metabolism and improve bowel function.

chitosan treatment

The use of the drug "Chitosan"

The instruction shows that due to the entry of the active component of chitosan, the medicine is able to enhance intestinal motility, prevent the absorption of fats and their accumulation in tissues and cells, and normalize the intestinal microflora. In addition, the drug accelerates the elimination of toxins, dietary fats and toxins from the body, causing a feeling of satiety. The medicine is in the form of tablets.

The use of the drug "Chitosan"

The instruction indicates that the medicine is taken for complex therapy and prevention of cholesterol metabolism disorders, hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. A medication is used for gallstone disease, dysbiosis, dyskinesia of the colon and biliary tract. Chitosan treatment is performed for hypertension, gout, osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, cardiac ischemia.

chitosan price reviews
The additive is effective as a means of cleansing of toxins and toxins - the result of intoxication, allergies. The tool allows you to reduce body weight.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Chitosan"

The instruction indicates that the supplement should not be used for hypersensitivity to its components, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. There are no reports of side effects.

Medication "Chitosan": price, reviews and analogues

The cost of the supplement is approximately 250 rubles. Patient reviews indicate the existence of analogues, which include drugs "Poseidonol", "Cholestin", "Garcilin", "Karinat", "Bonaktiv", "Krusmarin", "Anticholesterol" and others.

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