The drug "Bepanten plus": reviews and application

Why is Bepanten Plus necessary? Reviews about this drug, indications and contraindications for its use, as well as adverse reactions will be presented a bit further. In addition, we will tell you about how to use this tool, in what form it is produced, what is included, etc.

bepanten plus reviews

Composition, form, description, packaging

The drug "Bepanten plus", reviews of which are only positive, is an opaque homogeneous cream. It has a weak specific odor, and also has a white or slightly yellowish color.

The medication in question is realized in tubes of 30 g, which are in a cardboard package.

The active ingredients of the drug are dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine dihydrochloride. In addition, the cream also includes such additional components as white soft paraffin, cetyl alcohol, water, DL-pantolactone, polyoxyl 40 stearate, stearyl alcohol, lanolin and liquid paraffin.

Pharmacodynamic properties

What is Bepanten Plus Cream? Reviews of experts say that this drug is a regenerative, analgesic and antiseptic.

Chlorhexidine dihydrochloride is an antiseptic that is effective against gram-positive bacteria, including strains of staphylococci. They are most often the cause of the development of infectious diseases of the skin. However, it should be noted that this substance is less active against gram-negative microorganisms.

bepanten plus acne reviews

This drug does not have antiviral activity. Although it has a mild antifungal effect.

As for dexpanthenol, when it enters the skin cells, it is processed and converted into pantothenic acid. Thus, this substance has a similar effect as vitamin.

Compared to pantothenic acid, dexpanthenol is absorbed more actively. But this is only if the product was used locally.

Pharmacokinetic properties

Is Bepanten Plus cream absorbed? Reviews of experts say that pantothenic acid is directly involved in cell metabolism. In this regard, it contributes to the effective healing of damaged mucous membranes and skin, as well as the formation of epithelium.

According to studies, the absorption of chlorhexidine through intact tissues does not occur. Through the skin, this substance is absorbed only in a minimal amount. There is no information about its distribution in the body.

If chlorhexidine was taken orally, then its highest concentration is observed after about half an hour. In this case, it is excreted along with feces.

Dexpanthenol is absorbed through the skin. In this case, it turns into pantothenic acid and binds well to plasma proteins. In the human body, this substance does not decompose. It is displayed in full, unchanged. About 70% of pantothenic acid comes out with urine, and the rest with feces.

Indications for use

Why is Bepanten Plus ointment needed? Reviews of experts say that such a drug is actively used in the following conditions:

bepanten plus for newborns reviews

  • superficial damage to the skin, if there is a risk of infection (cuts, scratches, cracks, dermatitis, burns and pyoderma);
  • skin infections, including secondarily infected eczema and neurodermatitis;
  • damage to the skin of a chronic type (for example, trophic ulcers or pressure sores);
  • nipple cracks during breastfeeding.

In what other cases use Bepanten Plus cream? Reviews of doctors say that such a tool is very effective for acne, as well as for surgical wounds and injuries in minimally invasive surgery.


What are the conditions for use of the Bepanten plus acne drug? Reviews of experts indicate that this tool is not used to treat patients with hypersensitivity to the substances that make up this medication. It is also not recommended to apply ointment to a perforated eardrum.

The drug "Bepanten plus": instructions for use

Patient reviews about this cream will be presented at the very end of the article. Now I want to tell you about how to use this drug.

According to the instructions, the tool in question can be used by children from only one year old. Ointment should be applied only to previously cleansed affected areas of the skin. It is recommended to do this once a day. If necessary, the drug can be used several times a day. In this case, the maximum dosage is 5 g (for adults).

In severe lesions, the drug is recommended to be used in conjunction with dressings.

How long can I use Bepanten Plus for acne? Reviews of doctors say that the duration of therapy depends on the type of tissue damage and the characteristics of the disease.

It should also be noted that the cream is not recommended for use on large areas of the skin.

bepanten plus instructions for use reviews

Overdose Signs

What symptoms appear when using high doses of a drug like Bepanten Plus cream? Reviews of experts suggest that with local application no signs of overdose are noted.

Dexpanthenol is relatively well tolerated. Even increased dosages are not toxic. There is evidence of an increase in aminotransferase due to chlorhexidine poisoning.

In rare cases, after repeated use, irritation may occur in the same areas of the skin.

In order to avoid negative consequences, it is very important to apply the medication only to superficial lesions of the skin.

Side effects after using the cream

Does the drug β€œBepanten” cause adverse reactions? The use of this cream can really cause negative effects. As a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, including in the form of dermatitis, itching, eczema, erythema, rash, hives, blisters, skin irritation and swelling.

Very rarely, patients have signs of hypersensitivity: anaphylactic shock and anaphylactic reactions. Side effects such as asthma, skin lesions, and respiratory and cardiac systems can be life threatening.

bepanten plus for eczema reviews

Drug interaction

Is it possible to use Bepanten Plus cream against burns together with other drugs? Experts say that chlorhexidine can not be combined with saponifying substances and anionic compounds.

It should also be noted that it is highly not recommended to practice treatment with this drug at the same time as other antiseptic agents.

Cream "Bepanten plus" for newborns

Reviews of pediatricians say that for children under one year of age, this drug is prohibited. However, if you need to care for the skin of a child, you can use a special cream marked "for newborns." But at the same time, all the requirements of the instruction must be clearly observed.

special instructions

What you need to know before using Bepanten Plus for face? Reviews of doctors say that it is extremely undesirable to allow this product to get into the eyes. Otherwise, immediately rinse with water.

It should also be noted that it is not recommended to use the ointment to treat the skin, if the risk of infection is negligible. Apply the cream to the face only in extreme cases. You should also not treat them with sunburn.

If the wounds do not heal for 10 days, and the release of pus increases, swelling and pain appear, then the appointment of the medication should be reviewed.

bepanten plus face reviews

Synonyms and analogues of the external drug

A synonym for this drug is Depantol Cream. As for the analogues, the following medicines are referred to them: Chlorhexidine, Lavasept, Hexicon, Amident, Citeal, Bigluconate and Depantol.

Use these funds instead of Bepanten Plus ointment only after the appointment of a doctor.

Reviews about the drug

What do patients say about Bepanten Plus? With eczema (patient reviews confirm this information), this drug helps very well. For other diseases, the cream in question also copes with the tasks.

In most reviews, it is noted that such a drug produces a more pronounced antiseptic effect than other ointments. It is often used as a baby cream for skin irritation, but only if there is a risk of infection.

bepanten plus burns reviews

Many patients note that this tool promotes partial anesthesia of wounds and their quick healing. Young mothers talk about the effectiveness of the cream for wounds and cracks in the nipples.

The drug can be used to treat the face, especially in the presence of acne, small wounds and irritations. In the reviews, it is noted that such a medication promotes the rapid healing of chapped lips and eliminates stretch marks that appeared after childbirth.

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