The so-called Armenian bread, or pita bread, is becoming more and more popular every year in Russia. This fresh thin cake can already be bought in any supermarket and used instead of ordinary bread, or stuffed with something. The choice of fillings for stuffing pita bread is just a huge amount. Let's try to talk about a few of them. So, the first recipe.
Stuffed Pita Bread with Red Fish
Take 300 g of slightly salted red fish (any one is suitable), 1 pita, 250 grams of any processed cheese and a little greens.
Expand pita bread and spread it with cheese. From above we put a fish cut into small thin slices, sprinkle with chopped herbs and roll it into a roll. This roll must be wrapped in foil and left in the refrigerator for a couple of hours for impregnation.
Stuffed Lavash with Cheese and Egg
For cooking, you need 1 pita 1 raw egg, 100 gr. cheese and a little pepper and salt.
Beat the egg with grated cheese, salt and pepper until a dense mass is obtained. Sprinkle pita bread with water and put on a frying pan, previously sprinkled with oil. Pour ½ mixture on top and cover the pan with a lid. We wait until the cheese and egg mass hardens a little, and turn the pita bread. Again, fill with a mixture and a little brown. Pita bread taken from the pan can be rolled up or cut into pieces.
Stuffed Pita Bread with Vegetables
Buy 3 pita bread, 200 g of ordinary cabbage, 1 onion, a couple of tomatoes, a little pickled mushrooms and Korean carrots, ketchup and mayonnaise to your liking.
Finely chop the cabbage, season with pepper and salt and fry a little. Cut the tomatoes into slices, onions - as small as possible. Grease the spread pita bread with ketchup, put tomatoes, cabbage and all other ingredients. Lubricate with mayonnaise and wrap the roll. The resulting rolls must be put on a baking sheet poured with oil and put in the oven for 10 minutes.
Stuffed Lavash with Chicken and Cucumber
For 1 piece of pita bread you will need 3 pickles, 300 grams of fried or smoked chicken, 1 Bulgarian pepper, 2 onions and tomatoes, mayonnaise.
We cut the meat finely, and large cucumbers three on a grater. Chill pepper and onion as finely as possible. Tomatoes also cut smaller and diced. Put this filling on pita bread, wrap it in a roll and let it soak for half an hour. Garnish with greens on top.
Stuffed Lavash with Tuna
For 2 pita bread you will need 1 jar of tuna, a pair of pickled cucumbers, 100 gr. sausage cheese, a couple of eggs, mayonnaise and greens.
Hard-boiled eggs and grind. Rub the cheese, chop the cucumbers and greens as much as possible. Mash tuna with a fork. Mix all the ingredients, if it seems unsalted - salt, add a little mayonnaise and spread 1 pita bread. On top we put the 1st pita bread and another layer of filling, and only then we turn it into a plump roll. Wrapped in film, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Stuffed Lavash with Cheese
For cooking, buy 1 large pita bread, 600 grams of Adyghe cheese, 1 pc. Bulgarian pepper, a pair of sprigs of parsley, basil and dill and a couple of cloves of garlic. Mayonnaise is also needed.
Soft Adyghe cheese should be kneaded by hand and add finely chopped greens and sweet pepper to it. Squeeze the garlic there and mix thoroughly. This stuffing should be put on pita bread, spin it into a roll and let it brew in the refrigerator. When serving, you need to cut the roll into rings.
Fruit Pita Bread
Pita bread can also be used as a dessert, for example, if you stuff it with fruit. For cooking, take the following set of fruits: watermelon, blueberries, melon, raspberries, seedless cherries, strawberries (in fact, you can take any fruits and berries that you like). For the sauce: 1 egg yolk, half a liter of milk, a spoonful of flour and sugar and a little vanilla.
Wash all fruits and cut into small slices. The proportions can be different, depending on which fruits you like best. Pound sugar with yolk, pour in 0.5 stack. milk. The remaining milk is boiled with vanilla and, adding to it the previously prepared mixture, cook. Then we smear pita bread with this sauce, put the fruit on it, pour the sauce on top again and turn it over. Delicious dessert is ready!