Antibiotic "Flemoxin Solutab": reviews, instructions for use and composition

Everyone is susceptible to the development of diseases caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. Of course, with good immunity, there can be no question of any bacterial pathologies. However, if the immune system fails, you need to think about treatment methods.

In the modern pharmaceutical market there is a huge amount of antibacterial drugs. If before there was only penicillin obtained from yeast fungi, now scientists have developed a large number of its synthetic substitutes. One of them is Flemoxin Solutab.

Instructions for use, price, reviews, as well as indications and contraindications for such a tool are described in this article. Be sure to familiarize yourself with all the features of the use of this tool. Only in this case will the treatment be considered effective and safe.

What you need to know about the composition and form of release

The drug "Flemoxin Solutab", reviews of which are more positive, is available in the form of tablets intended for oral use. The active substance of the drug is amoxicillin trihydrate. However, besides him, the composition also includes such auxiliary components as saccharin, magnesium stearate, cellulose, vanillin and flavorings.

tablets "Flemoxin Solutab"

Instructions for use and reviews of "Flemoxin Solutab" indicate that such tablets may have a different dosage of the active substance. Your doctor will let you know which one is right for you. The minimum dosage of the drug is 125 mg per tablet. Such pills are placed in blisters - five or seven pieces each. The blisters themselves are already packed in a cardboard box - two or four in each.

Also, the dosage of the drug can be 250, 500 or 1000 mg of the active substance in each pill. Such tablets will be packaged in blisters, each of which contains five pieces. Blisters are placed in a cardboard box - four in each.

The pills are white. Sometimes they can acquire a slightly yellowish tint. However, do not worry about this. This is the norm. Each tablet has an oval shape and a separator in the middle. On the one hand, you can notice the numerical designations, and on the other, the logo of the manufacturer who issued the medication.

Pharmacological features

Reviews about "Flemoxin Solutab" report that such a medication performs very good bactericidal and antibacterial effects.

The active component of the drug is very effective against a wide range of different microorganisms. It is effective due to its ability to destroy the protein of the bacterial walls during the period when pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply. The tool is really very effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as many other microorganisms.

However, note that the drug will not be able to cope with proteins, enterobacteria and viruses. In these cases, you will need to choose another drug.

A very important advantage of such a drug is that it is almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the drug can be taken independently of food intake. This will not have any effect on its absorption by the body. In this case, the maximum amount of the active component in the blood can be noticed one to two hours after the use of the tablet. To a greater extent, the drug is excreted from the body with the help of the kidneys.

what pills look like

When can I take medicine?

Instructions and reviews on Flemoxin Solutab suggest that such a drug has a fairly wide range of uses. Consider in what cases, doctors recommend this tool to their patients most often:

  • In the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. These include pathologies such as pneumonia, middle ear diseases, bronchitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis.
  • Also, the medicine copes well with various diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women. Such a tool copes with pathologies such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, encephalitis, and many others.
  • According to reviews of Flemoxin Solutab, the drug helps in eliminating diseases of the skin, as well as soft tissues of the body. The medication showed itself well in the treatment of erysipelas, impetigo, as well as various dermatoses.
  • The drug also shows its effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The medicine is able to cope with salmonellosis, typhoid fever, peritonitis and cholecystitis.

As you can see, the number of pathologies that this medication can handle is really huge. The main thing is not to self-medicate in any case. Unreasonable use of antibacterial drugs can lead to significant health problems throughout the body.

Can I use the kids?

Should I give the drug to children? Reviews of "Flemoxin Solutab" at 250 mg confirm that such a tool is very often used in pediatrics. Most often, pediatricians prescribe such a medication to children in the presence of serious infectious diseases of the respiratory system.

The remedy really does very well with angina, otitis media, pneumonia, as well as sinusitis. At the same time, the medication is perfect for children of all age categories, since they usually tolerate treatment very well.

Are there any contraindications to its use

The reviews of Flemoxin Solutab confirm that such a remedy is indeed very serious. Therefore, you need to use it as carefully as possible. Note that the drug can not be used in all cases. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its use.

bacteria appearance

So, doctors forbid the use of such a medication in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding;
  • Do not use the medication for patients who are individually intolerant to some of the components that make up the drug;
  • the drug is not recommended for use in the presence of serious kidney pathologies, since the drug is excreted through them;
  • the drug is not recommended for use in the presence of diseases of the digestive system that are not related to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • refuse to use the drug for lymphocytic leukemia, as well as for mononucleosis.

Is it possible to develop unwanted reactions?

The drug "Flemoxin Solutab", the price and reviews of which are indicated in this article, can lead to some side effects. This is especially true when the medication was used incorrectly.

sore throat

Most often, the use of this medicine not according to the instructions leads to such negative reactions as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, loss, appetite, as well as to a change in taste in the oral cavity. Sometimes the drug is able to disrupt the activity of liver enzymes.

In very rare cases, the drug leads to such negative effects as anemia and thrombocytopenia. According to the opinions of doctors and patients, this medicine does not lead to undesirable reactions from the central nervous system, which cannot be said about many other drugs.

Application features

“Flemoxin Solutab”, the price and reviews of which you can find in the following sections, is very simple to take. This can be done both before meals and after meals, since the use of such a medicine is absolutely independent of food intake. The tablet can be swallowed whole, or you can dissolve it in a small amount of liquid. Take the medicine as you wish.

Depending on the amount of active substance that is part of the drug, the dosage will depend. So, if you are taking a drug containing 250 mg of amoxicillin, then the drug should be taken twice a day for two to three tablets. If the tablet contains 500 mg of the substance, then in this case one tablet twice a day will be sufficient. A drug containing 1000 mg of the active substance is taken in a dosage of half a tablet, but three times a day.

If the disease has already managed to acquire a severe form, then the dosage is slightly increased, and at the same time, the drug is taken three times a day.

If the patient suffers from kidney diseases, then doctors strongly recommend lowering the dosage of the active substance, as well as increasing the intervals between doses of the drug.

"Flemoxin Solutab": instructions for children

Reviews of pediatricians about such a drug are positive, so the drug is very often prescribed for children of all age categories. Children's dosage is considered to be 125 and 250 mg of the active substance. The method of application, as well as the determination of the dose, depends on the age of the small patient, as well as on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of his body.

the child has a sore throat

In the presence of moderate diseases, the most optimal dosage will be 3-4 tablets containing 125 mg of the active substance. In this case, the drug should be taken three times a day.

For small patients aged three to ten years, the drug should be taken twice a day, using 375 mg each time.

But the smallest children need to be given one tablet three times a day.

According to reviews of Flemoxin Solutab, for children under 3 years old, it is best to dilute the product in water. But older ones can swallow tablets whole.

The medicine can be used not only in a dosage of 125 mg of the active substance. Sometimes doctors prescribe a remedy for children and in a dosage of 250 mg. In this case, for children over ten years old, you need to take two tablets twice a day. For patients from three years, one tablet two to three times a day will be sufficient. But for kids, one pill twice a day is enough.

However, note that each case is individual, so the pediatrician can adjust the dose. In no case do not self-medicate and do not treat your children without the knowledge of a doctor. So you only exacerbate the situation and cause irreparable harm to the body.

How long should the treatment last?

The drug "Flemoxin Solutab", on the application (with reviews) of which you can read on this resource, experts recommend taking about a week if the pathology was not severe.

If the disease has already managed to acquire a severe form, then in this case it may take you about ten days. Also, experts recommend continuing treatment for two days after the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared.

urinary system diseases

Are there any substitutes

Today, the modern pharmaceutical market represents a huge number of medicines that can replace the Flemoxin Solutab drug. Analogues are drugs that have a similar composition or have a similar effect on the human body.

Most often, doctors prescribe such substitutes for their patients as Amosin, Ampioks, Ecobol, Standacillin, Ampicillin and many others. Usually, analogues are selected by a doctor only if, for some reason, the patient cannot take the medication described. Do not select substitutes yourself.

Price category

The price of the medicine depends on the network of pharmacies, as well as on the dosage of the active substance. So, on average, for a pack of tablets containing 125 mg of amoxicillin, you will have to pay about 180 rubles. 250 mg will cost about 240 rubles. Tablets with a dosage of 500 mg have a price of about 300 rubles. Well, for 1000 mg of active substance you will have to pay about 420 rubles.

doctor visit

What do doctors and patients think

It is very important to read reviews before using any drug. "Flemoxin Solutab", the price of which is quite affordable, is able to cope with a large number of various pathogenic microorganisms. The tool has high bioavailability, which means it can overcome the disease in a very short time. Doctors are very pleased with this medication, and therefore they prescribe it to their patients, including recommending it for children.

Reviews about "Flemoxin Solutab" (250 mg) are positive, since the remedy is really very effective. Patients confirm this fact. Usually, against the background of its use, the state of health significantly improves already on the first or second day, even if the pathology was extremely neglected.

Reviews about "Flemoxin Solutab" 1000 mg do not differ from responses about drugs having a different dosage. The medicine not only has an excellent therapeutic effect, but also very rarely leads to undesirable reactions, so it can be used even in pediatrics.

Do not forget that the sooner you start treatment, the more effective it will be.

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