How to cause diarrhea?

Diarrhea (the reasons that caused it may have a different origin) occurs with the accelerated movement of food and fluid through the large intestine. The appearance of loose stools can cause the use of sugar and fructose, as well as certain types of medications. Various parasites and pathogens that enter the digestive system during meals can also cause diarrhea. Sometimes loose stools arise due to the individual intolerance of lactose contained in dairy products.

Often there are situations when it is necessary to carry out a body cleansing procedure. For these purposes, it is recommended to cause diarrhea. It is he who is able to cleanse certain organs.

If a situation has arisen that requires loose stools for medicinal purposes, the first thing you need to solve is how to cause diarrhea. Many health problems arise due to intestinal slagging. In terms of its functional features, it is this organ that accumulates food debris. By clogging the villi located in the intestine, the toxins prevent the intake of useful substances into the body, without which the normal functioning of all systems of the human body becomes impossible. Food debris undergoes fermentation and putrefactive processes, which contributes to the formation of toxins, which, when released into the bloodstream, cause a decrease in working capacity, headache and weakness.

To maintain health, it is necessary to periodically cleanse the body by thinning the stool. This procedure is performed with laxatives. These include substances that promote the movement of feces and accelerate the process of defecation. At the same time, these funds do not negatively affect the condition of other organs and help us in resolving the issue of how to cause diarrhea. The use of laxatives is recommended before surgery, as well as after a course of treatment with anthelmintic drugs.

It is not recommended to take drugs that can thin the stool with ulcerative pathologies and bleeding of internal organs. With extreme caution, their use is prescribed to pregnant women. Laxatives are divided into groups of organic (plant) and inorganic origin.

How to cause diarrhea with medications should be recommended by a specialist. The pharmaceutical industry produces four types of laxatives. These include:

- softening preparations (liquid paraffin, almond oil, candles with glycerin) ;

- drugs that stimulate bowel function ("Bisacodyl", "Stadalax");

- probiotics (lactobacilli and bifidobacteria);

- osmotic preparations (Forlax, Prelax).

Traditional medicine will help us answer the question of how to cause diarrhea. The most common method is an enema. It can be made using vinegar from apples, lemon juice and decoctions of various herbs. The introduction of warm water, previously subjected to boiling, is also effective. Of the many existing methods that are used to cause diarrhea, the use of salted solution can be distinguished. To determine the required volume of salt per unit of water, prior consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Diarrhea after eating can occur if prunes or powdered ground peas are consumed. A salad with grated carrots, beets and celery with the addition of chopped white cabbage chopped into small pieces will also serve as a wonderful laxative. The combination of these vegetables allows you to effectively cleanse the intestines. A wonderful remedy will also be the laxative collection of medicinal herbs, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

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