How to cut a herring without damaging the carcass?

Quite often, we do not have enough time for household chores and worries. Cooking takes too much time, so I want to do everything much faster and easier. This also applies to how to carve herring. We used to come home, rinse the fish with water, cut into pieces and serve. But this is not entirely correct and true. The food should be beautiful and healthy.

Herring is a product that everyone loves - both adults and children. But it’s right to serve it, and even more so, not everyone likes to carve, and it does not have special skills. Therefore, we will try to explain in detail how to properly carve herring.

First of all, you need to be able to choose fish of this kind. It should be in a special brine and at a certain temperature. If such norms are not taken into account, then the fish can have an unpleasant smell and taste. It is best to buy herring from trusted sellers and trusted stores.

Before you cut herring, be sure to have a cutting board, knife, scissors, napkins at hand. The first thing you need to cut off all the fins, as well as the tail. Then carefully, starting from the ridge, remove the skin. To do this is quite easy, the main thing is to pick it up a little with a knife. If the skin stretches along with the meat of the fish, then make another incision and begin to remove the skin from this place.

After the skin is completely removed, it is necessary to gut the herring. To do this, cut off the head (if there was one), then from the side of the belly you need to make a large incision for the entire length of the fish. We take out the core and discard it in a separate bag. It must be tightly closed so that the smell of fish does not spread to the entire room.

Then it is necessary to rinse herring under a stream of cold water. Do not get involved in this process, as you can wash the whole brackish taste of fish. After you need to slightly pat the carcass with a paper towel.

What follows is the most difficult and crucial stage - removing the ridge and bones. It depends on him how to carve the herring without damaging the carcass. We put the fish "on the back." Pressing the fingers in the middle of the carcass knocks out the ridge. Now you can take it with your fingers and take it out. Other bones that remain must be removed separately. Using a knife, we also remove the black film under which the costal bones were located.

When we get the filet, it can be cut into pieces of the right size and serve or prepare the next dish.

We figured out how to carve the herring, but we will try to figure out how to find an approach to another water inhabitant - squid.

Squid is a rather delicate marine product that requires a particularly scrupulous attitude to oneself. It is difficult to cut it in its raw form, as the skin adheres strongly to the squid base. If you try to remove it, then you can injure the carcass itself, which in principle should not be done. Therefore, how to cut the squid, the tips given below will correctly prompt:

  1. Rinse squid in cool water. Dip it in a pot of water and bring to a boil. Squid should cook for no more than three minutes, otherwise the meat will become hard and tasteless. If you do not have time to turn off the water in time, then cook the squid for an hour and a half. Only then will the former softness and elasticity return to it. Salt water is also not recommended. Salt can greatly affect the texture, and squid meat will become quite stiff and rubbery.
  2. After the squid is boiled slightly, the peel falls off of it by itself. Only in the tail area is it necessary to scrape it a little with a knife. You also need to remove the core. After cooking, it gets well with your hands, and at the same time there will be nothing superfluous.

Thus, you can get excellent squid meat in its pure form. And then, following the recipe, prepare from it everything that the soul desires.

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