'Klaira' birth control pills are an effective contraceptive

Birth control pills "Klayra" are a complex consisting of tablets of different colors. Their number corresponds to the days of admission, and the instructions indicate how to take the drug (in what sequence). So, the whole package contains twenty eight tablets, which corresponds to the average cycle in a healthy woman. Two tablets are stained in rich yellow, another five are pink, seventeen are pale yellow, two are red and two are white. The tablets are packaged on a blister, which is pasted into the book - there is a calendar and instructions on how to take the Klaira contraceptive.

Tablets, depending on the color, have a different dosage of the active substance, they are marked with different markings (Latin letters).

Klaira birth control pills are based on the regulation of two interrelated processes in the female body - ovulation and the formation of cervical mucus. Due to its properties, β€œKlayra” suppresses ovulation and changes the properties of mucus, thereby preventing pregnancy. In addition, the drug actively eliminates the pain and duration of bleeding. As a result of this, a woman loses less blood, which improves her well-being, since she also loses less iron (a stable level of hemoglobin is kept). Recent studies have found that women taking the Klaira contraceptive were much less likely to have ovarian disease and endometriosis, but they also included a reduction in the risk of cancer of the female genital organs.

A direct indication for taking the drug is the desire to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

Despite all its positive qualities, the Klaira birth control pills also have contraindications. These include venous or arterial thrombosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, migraine, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, liver failure, liver tumors, tumors, the growth of which depends on hormones, vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology, suspected pregnancy, individual hypersensitivity to individual components " Klayra ".

It is necessary to take birth control pills "Klayra" at the same time (very desirable), regardless of the meal. Pills should not be interrupted for the entire twenty-eight-day cycle. A new pack of contraceptives begins immediately after the last pill from the previous pack without a break. For some women, the period of the end of the old pack and the beginning of a new one may coincide with menstruation, and for some, they begin with the beginning of a new pack. Such processes should not worry a woman - the main thing is to continue taking pills. If the Klaira birth control pills are taken correctly, then the probability of getting pregnant is quite small - approximately one percent, which does not differ from the reliability indicators of other contraceptives (for example, approximately ninety-five percent in a condom, from ninety to ninety-five in the spiral, seventy-five - ninety - caps and patch). If you miss at least one pill, then the risk of becoming pregnant increases significantly, because we are not talking about any separate pill intake - the whole system is violated.

Take birth control pills "Klayra" you need on the first day of menstruation (for those who do this for the first time). If before that a different contraceptive was taken, which the woman decided to change for certain reasons, then the first tablet of the drug is drunk after the last tablet of the former contraceptive. If before that there was an intrauterine device, a vaginal ring, a patch or injections, it is best to consult a doctor and use a condom in the first week.

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