Bulbitis of the stomach: varieties, causes, symptoms and treatment

One of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is bulbitis. This is a disease of the duodenum 12 and it is closely related to the stomach.

What is this disease? What are its forms and types? Is it possible to treat with medicines and folk remedies? What is the prevention of bulbitis? The answers to all these questions are here.

Concept of bulbit

Bulbitis of the stomach - what is it? This is a type of duodenitis. Directly, a disease of the duodenum 12. More precisely, it is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of its bulbar section.

Often, the disease is accompanied by gastritis. These diseases have a similar form. Therefore, for the name of the disease, the term bulbit of the stomach is used.

How not to get to the hospital

Causes of occurrence

Bulbitis of the stomach occurs due to such an unpleasant thing as Helicobacter, or Helicobacter pylori. Many bacteria live in the human body, but this is the cause of diseases such as gastroduodenitis, gastritis, bulbitis and other gastrointestinal diseases. There is a certain balance between the increased and low acidity of the gastric contents. It enters the duodenum. In case of violation of this balance, its mucous membrane is damaged. And this creates favorable conditions for Helicobacter reproduction. Thus, the disease occurs.

Diet must be followed

What triggers the disease?

In addition to the causes of stomach bulbit described above, there are indirect factors. These include:

  • Alcohol abuse.

  • Smoking.

  • Improper nutrition.

  • Genetic predisposition.

  • Weakened immunity.

  • Regular stress and lack of rest.

  • The presence of worms in the body.

  • Giardiasis

  • Crohn's disease.

Junk food is a source of disease.

Bulbit types

The main types of disease of the duodenum 12 can be divided into:

  • Catarrhal.

  • Surface.

  • Erosive.

  • Focal.

  • Follicular.

  • Moderate.

Erosive bulbitis: symptoms and causes

This type of disease is the most complex and dangerous. Its danger lies in the fact that a patient may have a duodenal ulcer. That is, a through defeat of the bulb. A person with erosive bulbitis appears erosion and bleeding.

The main symptoms of damage to the duodenal bulb of this type of disease are as follows:

  • Nausea and vomiting (or vomiting) after eating.

  • State of weakness.

  • Chills.

  • Dizziness.

Why does erosive bulbitis of the stomach develop? First of all, due to improper lifestyle, alcohol abuse and unbalanced nutrition. In addition, the causes of the disease can be poisoning, injuries of a different nature and those infections that can enter the human body along with products.

Catarrhal type

Catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach - what is it? This disease is intermediate in nature. It arises as a result of an increase in acidity in the duodenal bulb. The main symptom of the occurrence of catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach is a sharp pain in the latter. This type of disease is accompanied by a constant sour taste in the mouth and the occurrence of headaches.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Stomach ache.

  • Bad taste in the mouth, bad breath.

  • Burping.

  • Heartburn.

  • Constipation

  • The appearance of vomiting after eating.

  • Weakness.

  • Sleep disturbance.

Surface bulbit

The easiest type of disease. Only the external areas of the duodenal mucosa are affected. The patient for a long time does not suspect his illness. However, without medical intervention, this type of disease can develop into erosive.

The causes of such a disease as bulbitis of the stomach:

  • Genetic predisposition.

  • Drinking alcohol.

  • Smoking.

  • Improper nutrition.

  • Weak immunity.

Symptoms of superficial bulbitis are as follows:

  • Pain in the stomach. Moreover, they can occur both after eating, and without it.

  • White coating on the tongue.

  • Gas formation.

  • Nausea.

Focal type

This disease got its name due to the fact that it affects certain areas (foci) of the duodenal bulb. Focal bulbitis is very dangerous, therefore, to ignore its symptoms is extremely undesirable.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

  • Mild stomach pains.

  • Bloating.

  • Bitter taste in the mouth.

  • Constipation

  • Burping.

  • Heartburn.

If they occur, you must urgently visit a doctor.

Follicular bulbitis

The rarest. It is characterized by severe digestive disorders. Symptoms are as follows:

  • On an empty stomach, acute stomach pain occurs.

  • Pain gives in the back.

  • An eructation appears in which the taste of recently eaten dishes is felt.

  • Vomiting that relieves the patient.

  • Diarrhea.

Moderate type

It proceeds the same as superficial. The main symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and headache. It is important to consult a doctor on time in order to prevent the development of complications.

Forms of the disease

Acute and chronic forms of bulbitis are distinguished. Chronic stomach bulbitis can last for years with seasonal exacerbations. His overall picture is as follows:

  • Mild symptoms even during an exacerbation.

  • Lack of deep organ damage.

  • Alternation of exacerbation and remission.

The main symptoms of a chronic form are as follows:

  • Pain in different parts of the abdominal region. Usually the epicenter of pain falls on the epigastric zone.

  • Pain in the navel.

  • Shingles of pain.

  • Nausea 1.5-2 hours after eating.

  • Stitching pain in intestines.

  • Fullness of stomach.

  • Bloating.

How to treat a chronic form?

First of all, stomach bulbitis and diet are things inextricably linked. To get rid of the disease, you must definitely adjust your diet. The doctor selects the diet for the disease, however, general information and recommendations are given below.

Essential Diet Guidelines

Doctors give the following recommendations:

  • Food is consumed 5-6 times a day.

  • Servings should be small.

  • Closely monitor the temperature of the food. She must be warm.

  • In no case is the use of hot or cold food.

  • Be sure to refuse fast food, as well as smoked meats, pickles, fatty and spicy foods.

  • Sparkling water and packaged juices are prohibited.

  • Baking and fresh bread will have to be abandoned.

  • Do not eat raw vegetables and fruits.

  • Alcohol and smoking are the main enemy of the patient.

  • Eliminate stress.

  • Food is consumed in boiled, stewed or baked form.

Mushrooms, radishes, radishes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, dairy products, strong tea and coffee are mandatory excluded from the diet.

Need to monitor health

Drug treatment

Nobody has yet canceled the treatment of stomach bulbitis with pills. All medicines are prescribed by a doctor. The following preparations are for informational purposes only! Do not use without the advice of a doctor!

  • Antibiotics. As a rule, with chronic bulbitis, these drugs are prescribed (to eliminate Helicobacter pylori).

  • Vitamin complexes and minerals. Helps the immune system cope with the disease.

  • Antispasmodic drugs.

  • "Omeprazole" - to reduce the synthesis of hydrochloric acid.

  • "Almagel" - to protect the digestive system.

  • Espumisan - to reduce gas production.

  • "Dufalac" - to normalize the stool.

The doctor prescribes treatment

Folk remedies

In addition to diet and medications, you can try treatment with folk remedies of bulbitis of the stomach. Below are some recipes verified by human experience.

  • Propolis based product.

Necessary ingredients: 60 grams of propolis, a glass of alcohol.

Method of preparation: mix propolis with alcohol and leave to infuse for one week. Before using tincture, mix it with boiling water. 150 ml of water is taken per 5 ml. Drink in small sips during the day until recovery.

  • Hypericum tincture.

Necessary ingredients: dried St. John's wort - 2 tablespoons. Boiling water - 250 ml.

Method of preparation: mix St. John's wort with water and let it brew for 1 hour. Use tincture before meals, 3 times a day.

Acute form

In the acute form of the disease, treatment is carried out stationary, under the supervision of a doctor. Symptoms are similar to an attack of gastroenteritis or an acute form of pancreatitis. The acute form of bulbitis is accompanied by severe pain, nausea, vomiting mixed with bile. Severe poisoning or drug abuse can provoke an attack. The chemical composition of the tablets is such that it is a powerful irritant to the mucosa.

Pronounced gastric bulbitis

The diagnosis is made if the folds of the bulb of the duodenum 12 are slightly swollen, the color of the mucosa is brighter than the norm requires, and the capillaries located in it are very dilated.

The treatment of this type of disease is complex and lengthy. The patient will have to reconsider the quality of his life. It is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking forever. The food should be fractional, 5-6 times a day, and diet table number 1 - it is prescribed for peptic ulcers. In addition to following a diet, a patient is prescribed medication.

Another type of disease

It will be about atrophic bulbitis of the stomach. What it is? The disease is accompanied by heaviness in the stomach and rumbling in the abdomen. In addition, the symptoms of atrophic bulbitis include belching with a bitter or sour taste and constant heartburn. Treatment takes place with both medication and diet.

Nausea accompanies a disease

Bulbit diagnosis

In order to identify the disease, you must visit a gastroenterologist. The doctor will recommend what procedures the patient needs to go through. Usually this:

  • Gastroscopy. Not the most pleasant procedure, but it helps to identify various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including bulbitis.

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

  • Bacteriological examination.

  • Analysis of urine and blood.

Preventive measures

What are the preventive measures for a disease such as bulbitis of the stomach? They are easy to remember and do not carry any difficulties in compliance:

  • Be sure to follow a diet. Its duration is from 1 month to 6 months. The first two weeks of the diet are the most stringent. Then gradually, with the permission of the doctor, you can expand the diet. Yes, you will have to give up your favorite sandwiches, sausages with pasta and fried meat. But it will be possible to forget about what it is like to suffer from painful sensations.

  • Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol. These habits become sources of many diseases. So why pay voluntarily for something that kills your own health, and suffer from pain when you can just quit smoking and drink strong drinks?

  • Avoiding stressful situations. The world we live in is full of stress. Here they got a little nervous, they cried there - that’s the basis for the disease. Of course, it’s impossible to avoid trouble all my life. However, "cut back" stress factors is quite realistic. Not to enter, if possible, in conflict situations, not to get nervous over trifles - these measures will become assistants in the prevention of diseases.

  • It is advisable to spend more time in the fresh air. Walking strengthens the immune system, and one of the causes of bulbitis is just weakened immunity.

  • Exercising is not a panacea for disease. However, the protective wall from many of them. It is enough to allocate 15 minutes a day for physical activity. The benefits to the body are guaranteed.

Cause of the disease in smoking


The article described in detail what stomach bulbitis is, symptoms and treatment of the disease. The following conclusions can be drawn from the material presented:

  • Changing your usual lifestyle, diet and giving up bad habits will bring a positive effect.

  • If these symptoms are found, you must urgently visit a doctor.

  • Strictly follow the prescribed treatment.

  • Do not take any medications without consulting a specialist.

  • Folk remedies as one of the methods in the fight against bulbit can not be written off.

  • Once a year, you must undergo a medical examination. Be sure to do gastroscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, take biochemical materials for examination, urine and blood tests.

Compliance with these simple rules will help to overcome a difficult disease.

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