Useful properties of turnips in simple dishes from it

This vegetable was used by humans for food almost four thousand years ago. Even in those days, turnip fell in love both fresh and thermally processed: boiled, fried, steamed. In Russia, it was the main food product. Of all the dishes, the most common was a malt and turnip stew, the so-called "repetition". Everything changed when potatoes were brought under Catherine II, and he gradually began to displace turnips from the diet. The useful properties of turnips are so diverse that this vegetable can be called "golden". It contains not only vitamins of groups A and B, but also micro and macrocells, the main of which are iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, as well as organic acids and fiber.

useful properties of turnips

Healing properties

The beneficial properties of turnips are manifested in the many healing qualities of this wonderful vegetable. Regular eating of dishes prepared using turnips will provide you with:

- general strengthening of the whole organism;

- protection of the immune system, as there is a stimulation of the formation in the human body of substances responsible for strengthening immunity ;

- the absence of disturbances in the digestive tract, especially the intestines, because thanks to turnip, there is an improvement in the process of removing toxins and the development of beneficial intestinal bacteria;

- high-quality blood supply to the brain;

- prevention of colds;

- protection in cases of food poisoning.

In addition, based on scientists' studies, it was found that turnip contains a rare component of glucoraphanin, which can cure diabetes and slow down the formation of cancer cells.

How to cook turnips

In modern cuisine, this vegetable is undeservedly rarely used. And in vain, because the useful properties of turnips, especially in the off-season, are a real storehouse of โ€œnatural strengthโ€. It will not only provide the body with the necessary vitamins, which will strengthen the immune system, but also diversifies the menu with new dishes. It is a kind of substitute for potatoes to taste, but leaves can often be used as a spice. Fresh salads, in which turnip can be combined with pumpkin, apples, carrots, cranberries, cranberries, are especially useful. A good dressing for such a summer assortment may be honey. Another cooking option is second courses: all kinds of vegetable and meat stews, stuffed turnips, stews, etc. This vegetable is also widely used for cooking first courses - borscht, stew, soups. We suggest you try making mashed potatoes, the main composition of which is carrots and turnips. The photos are shown in addition to the stages of preparing a simple dish that preserves all the useful properties of turnips.

cook turnips

Making turnip and carrot puree

A successful combination of the taste of vegetables and the original "cheerful" color may make this dish for you and your children loved and often used in the diet. You will need two medium-sized turnips and four to five pieces of carrots. Dice the vegetables and put the stew in a deep pan with butter (100 g), cover and add a little water.

turnip photo

After 30 minutes, the vegetables will become soft. Add salt and, if desired, add onion or green onion and spices (ground pepper, paprika, finely chopped garlic) fried in vegetable oil.

turnip puree

Push and serve hot as a side dish for meat dishes. Bon appetit and health!

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