Dishes from catfish. Nutritional Recipes

Nutritionists claim that fish is healthier than meat. Why so? The fish and its tissues contain enough protein, almost as much as in meat. It is known that when a person eats few protein foods, he becomes vulnerable to infectious and viral diseases, his ability to work decreases, apathy and lethargy appear.

However, not all proteins are the same. Unlike meat, fish is a source of high-grade proteins. The nutritional value of various fish species is not limited to proteins alone. They also contain high-quality and easily digestible fats, mineral elements. Phosphorus is one of the most important minerals found in fish. It is simply necessary for the body to fight fatigue, lethargy. Among other things, this element is used by the body for the functioning of nerve cells, for the formation and maintenance of a normal state of teeth, bones, and in the regulation of metabolism.

Cooking with catfish is not so difficult. But since this fish is very oily, it is best to cook it with a minimum amount of oil or eliminate it altogether. Fish should first be prepared as follows:

  1. Washed under running water and cut the belly.

  2. Remove the insides.

  3. Cut off the head or, if the recipe uses all the fish with the head, remove the gills.

  4. Once again, thoroughly washed and clean the carcass of the scales.

After all these manipulations, the fish is disassembled on a fillet without skin and bones, or on a fillet without bones, or left whole, cut into portions. Catfish dishes can be prepared in the oven, on fire, in a pan or grill. You can use the fish for shish kebab, or you can smoke it by stuffing its abdomen with some filling before it.

Catfish dish on open fire

We take:

- fifty grams of white dry wine;

- one hundred grams of soy sauce;

- three tablespoons of mayonnaise;

- ginger;

- caraway seeds;

- mustard seeds;

- coriander in grains;

- gutted catfish.

We prepare the prepared catfish in a bowl, add seasonings mixed with wine, and leave to marinate for half an hour, placing it in the refrigerator. Thirty minutes later we remove the fish from the marinade, wait until the excess drains, and then cook on the grill over an open fire until cooked. In addition to this recipe, there are also other dishes from catfish, which are also very tasty.

Catfish fried in pastry

For this meal you need to take:

- a pound of catfish fillet without skin and bones;

- one hundred grams of fat for deep fat;

- a glass of flour;

- five eggs;

- a glass of milk;

- half a lemon;

- tomato sauce or mayonnaise;

- greens, seasonings.

To make dishes from catfish incredibly tasty, they usually pickle it before that. To do this, cut the fillet into pieces and add seasonings, lemon juice, herbs to it and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. We add salt, butter, flour to cold milk and mix. At the very end, add beaten egg white to the dough. Dip the marinated fillet in the dough and deep-fry until tender - about three minutes. Spread the finished pieces on a plate covered with a napkin, decorate with chopped lemon and herbs. Fried potatoes with tomato sauce can be served with fish.

What else can I cook from catfish? Here are some recipes.

  1. Cut the fish in portions, grate seasonings and roll in flour or breadcrumbs. Fry in a pan until cooked.

  2. Wrap the catfish chopped in portions in foil, after adding seasonings, and bake in the oven.

  3. Fill the gutted fish (with the head) with greens and lemon or carrots with buckwheat porridge, wrap in foil and bake in the oven. In the oven, the whole fish is cooked for about an hour, and the chopped fish is forty minutes.

This fish is very healthy and tasty, it is not a shame to serve it as a main dish on the table. In addition to the second hot dishes, one can make an excellent aspic from catfish, only previously the skin is removed from the fish with the stocking, the entrails are separated from the bones, boiled, then mixed with some side dish. They are stuffed with skin. The fish is placed on a dish, decorated and filled with jelly.

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