"Lamisil": analogues, instructions for use

There are many domestic and imported drugs that solve the delicate problem of fungal infections of the foot. Therapy is based on suppressing the growth and activity of microbes, relieving inflammation, preventing secondary infection and getting rid of itching. Effectiveness in treatment is easier to achieve when the drug is made in several versions. The attending physician prescribes a remedy, and the patient selects the appropriate form. One of the affordable and easy to use drugs is Lamisil.

Composition and release forms

The medicine is made in Switzerland. Like most analogues, Lamisil has the antifungal substance terbinafine and several auxiliary components. The variety of dosage forms allows you to use the tool in various ways:

  1. Tablets with a dose of 250 mg are used once a day for 2 to 6 weeks.
  2. The gel is applied to a clean and dry surface once a day for about 7-10 days.
  3. The ointment is used identically to the gel in cases of excessive sweating or the need to soften the skin.
  4. The spray is sprayed on the affected skin up to 2 times a day until the symptoms disappear.
  5. Lubricate the feet and interdigital space, dry to form a film and leave for a day, then wash your feet with warm water and soap. The packaging of a solution of 4 grams is intended for single processing.
Dermgel "Lamisil"

Despite its popularity, the drug is quite expensive, has contraindications and side effects. In some cases, cheap Lamisil analogues are more suitable for the patient and are quite effective. Therefore, self-medication is not recommended. Only a call to a specialist will reveal the complete clinical picture. Examination of the skin will help the doctor choose a medicine and save the patient from unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time.


Identical to "Lamisilum" drugs are divided into 2 categories:

  • drugs in which terbinafine is used as the active ingredient;
  • funds with a different active substance, but prescribed according to the same indications and having a similar mechanism of action.

The most famous analogues of Lamisil from the fungus of the foot of the first group containing terbinafine are: Termikon, Atifin, Fungoterbin, Exifin. The second group includes: "Exoderil", "Mycoseptin", "Griseofulvin."


Forms of Thermicon

The drug produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company belongs to a low price category. The main reasons for the use of "Thermicon" experts call:

  • contact with the skin of the feet of a pathogenic fungus;
  • detection of fungus in the inguinal or axillary folds;
  • lichen;
  • yeast infections
  • prevention to prevent infection with the fungus.

The tool can be attributed to the closest analogues of Lamisil. The medicine not only contains terbinafine, but is also available in several identical forms: tablets, gel, spray. Doctors usually prescribe the external use of "Thermicon", and tablets are used only in advanced cases. Gel or spray treatment lasts from 1 to 6 weeks. At the same time, it is recommended that the preparation be applied twice and rubbed into a clean, dry skin surface. In case of diaper rash on the treated area, an additional dressing or gauze is applied.


Atifin ointment

The product is available in Russia and falls into the category of the cheapest Lamisil analogues. Thanks to the active substance "Atifin" destroys the cells of the fungus. Indications for use are absolutely identical to the original. One of the differences in the mass of similar drugs is the lack of a convenient form of spray. It is also impossible to cure the disease with a single use, since the form of the lotion is not provided. There are two types of Atifin in doctors' prescriptions: tablets for oral administration and cream for external use.


In the line of the manufacturer of the drug there is a spray, cream and tablets for getting rid of the fungus. The presence of urea in the external forms of the drug helps to retain moisture, fight inflammation and allows you to regenerate skin cells in the affected area with high speed. Contraindication "Fungoterbina", like all other drugs based on terbinafine, is children's age and individual intolerance to the components. The drug is not proven harmful to pregnant women. However, the bulk of specialists reject this tool and offers the expectant mother to use other analogues of Lamisil. In addition, it is not recommended to use tablets for diseases of the liver and kidneys. According to the instructions, it is necessary to carefully use the drug in patients with problems of blood formation and metabolism, tumors and vascular diseases.


Remedy for Exifin fungus

The principle of action of the drug from India is based on the destruction of the biochemistry of fungal cells and the accumulation of toxins with the aim of their subsequent death. The terbinafine component is as active as in other Lamisil analogues. The cream acts locally and often copes with infection. Pills are necessary to accelerate the healing process and immediately increase the concentration of the active substance in the body. The drug has earned a lot of positive reviews. But there is also a negative opinion, which is associated with the manifested side effects:

  • dizziness
  • vomiting
  • muscle pain
  • Depression
  • problems with the stomach and intestines.


The drug exoderil

The drug is available in Australia in the form of a solution and ointment. The Lamisil analogue contains naphthyphine hydrochloride. The active component is included in the group of allylamines, and therefore has an antimycotic effect. The drug stops the growth of the fungus, resulting in its death. The ability to prevent re-infection and quickly eliminate the symptoms of the existing puts Exoderil in first place among antifungal agents.

The ointment is used once a day, applying to the damaged surface and a halo around. The course of treatment of fungal skin diseases is from 2 to 8 weeks. With nail fungus, it is recommended that the ointment be applied twice to a pre-sawn nail plate. The duration of therapy often reaches 5-6 months.

A solution of "Exoderil" daily lubricate the infected area. In the case of the diagnosis of onychomycosis, a two-day daily use of the drug is prescribed. The duration of use of the Lamisil analogue is several months.

Solution "Exoderil"

The only contraindication manufacturers note individual intolerance to the main and auxiliary components. Do not use the drug on wounds and burned surfaces. If there are side effects in the form of dryness, burning and redness, the abolition of treatment is not required. Correction of therapy is necessary in the absence of effect after 5 days of using Exoderil.


A Czech-made preparation is one of the cheapest analogues of Lamisil ointment. "Mikoseptin" has a single form of release: ointment in an amount of 30 grams, packed in an aluminum tube. The tool includes two active components: zinc undecylenate and undecylenic acid. Active substances contribute to the cessation of growth, and as a result, the death of the fungus. Zinc additionally dries and tightens the skin, which shortens the regeneration period.

Ointment "Mikoseptin" is not recommended for use in childhood and with intolerance to the components of the drug. Use can cause side effects in the form of itching and hyperemia, which pass on their own. Unless otherwise prescribed, the treatment regimen has three stages:

  1. The ointment is applied for one to two weeks twice a day on clean skin until external symptoms disappear.
  2. Continue to apply at intervals of 24 hours for another 7 days.
  3. To prevent re-infection, the manufacturer recommends using the drug for another 2 weeks with a frequency of 1 time in three days.


Griseofulvin tablets

The basis of the domestic drug is the active substance of the same name - griseofulvin. Two forms of release: tablets and liniment, allow you to prescribe the drug for local external and internal use. “Griseofulvin” is widely known for its ability to cope with the treatment of not only foot fungus, but also problems of nails and scalp. According to the instructions, the Lamisil analogue is contraindicated in case of malignant tumors, kidney and liver diseases, diabetes mellitus and during pregnancy.

It is advisable to take tablets with meals with a spoonful of vegetable oil. For adults, the initial dosage is 8 pieces per day. After the disappearance of visible lesions of the fungus, the same amount of the drug is taken every other day. A month after the start of treatment, the frequency of tablets is reduced to 2 times a week. In the treatment of head mycosis, tablets are accompanied by weekly shaving and washing the skin with a soapy solution.

Liniment is applied to the infected surface 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Occasionally, the attending physician prescribes a complex intake of two types of the drug.

In cases of detection of dermatological problems and suspicion of a fungus, domestic experts recommend contacting a medical institution for making the correct diagnosis and prescribing competent therapy. The independent use of the drug "Lamisil" or its analogues does not guarantee getting rid of problems, regardless of the quality and effectiveness of the drug.

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