How to treat gastritis at home: medications, folk remedies and diet

The stomach is one of the vital organs that cannot be dispensed with. Therefore, it must be protected. Unfortunately, currently there are a huge number of factors that negatively affect it:

  • poor nutrition;
  • stress
  • bad ecology;
  • decreased immunity.

All this can lead to a disease such as gastritis. How to relieve an attack at home than to be treated - you will learn about all this by reading this material.

General information

This pathology occurs in several forms and can have a different nature: infectious, chemical, autoimmune. The depth and degree of damage to the gastric mucosa is also taken into account. An important diagnostic method is pH-measurement to determine the acidity of the stomach. Only a thorough examination, which includes both the determination of acidity and gastroscopy, a general and biochemical blood test will help the gastroenterologist appoint the right treatment. The specialist will tell you how to treat gastritis at home, if there is no reason to be in a hospital.

Why does gastritis occur?

It is necessary to understand in more detail why the disease appears. The mucous membrane of the stomach, despite the fact that it protects the walls of the organ from the effects of gastric juice, is a delicate tissue that is affected by poor-quality food, some aggressive drugs, and microorganisms. How does this happen? For example, you eat a lot of fried or smoked fish, meat. In this case, the acidity of the stomach may change. Defective chewing of food leads to the fact that the walls of the stomach, duodenum are damaged, and the intestinal tract is also injured.

Bacteria and parasites that enter from the outside also infect the gastric mucosa. But they can only live in a certain environment. For example, the Helicobacter pylori bacterium feels great in a very acidic environment, which means that it can be in those people who have an increased acidity.

Helicobacter pylori with gastritis

Reduced acidity of the stomach most often occurs due to improper intake of water. Gastric juice is diluted when a person consumes water with food or drinks it earlier than 1.5 hours after eating.

An effective treatment for gastritis in any case is to change the quality of food and lifestyle in general.

Symptoms of the disease

It is possible to recognize a just starting disease. You can not ignore symptoms such as:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • discomfort during or after eating;
  • belching with air;
  • inability to breathe freely;
  • burning "in the stomach";
  • bad breath.

Even if only pain bothers (periodic or regular), then you should already think about the fact that not everything is in order in the body and consult a specialist.

gastritis symptoms

What to do with gastritis at home if it is impossible to visit a doctor in the coming days? Exclude aggressive food, eat only sparing foods and dishes, drink mineral water. Then at the first opportunity, if the symptoms persist, go to the doctor.

Therapeutic diet

With any type of gastritis, a diet is prescribed, which is aimed at effectively and quickly restoring the walls of the stomach. If gastritis appeared due to mechanical damage or because of drugs, then the mucous membrane can be restored with one gentle diet. Food should be mashed, boiled or stewed, steamed. The diet can include:

  • carrot;
  • cauliflower;
  • potatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • beets;
  • Bell pepper.

All these vegetables must be thermally processed (cooked or steamed). You can make them salad or vinaigrette. Carrots, beets and potatoes should be grated. While eating, you need to chew it very carefully. This is all that helps with gastritis at home.

You can also include bananas in your diet. After all, they are considered the most sparing fruits for a sick stomach. You can also eat a baked apple and some honey. Of sweets, only natural pastille is allowed.

As for cereals, dairy and meat products, baking, it is allowed:

  • butter, but not trans fats;
  • yesterday's or earlier white bread;
  • milk;
  • yogurt;
  • milk porridge;
  • porridge on the water.

Do not eat cakes, chocolate, broths, fried meat, cheese and mushrooms. That is, the food should be light enough for the stomach.

cauliflower for gastritis

Usually, the course of treatment lasts from 1 month or more, depending on the degree of stomach damage.

Mineral water

Mineral water has an excellent healing effect. You just need to pay attention to the label for each bottle, which indicates the indications for use. The fact is that there is water that can be used only for gastritis with reduced or normal secretion of gastric juice or, conversely, with increased. Universal is, for example, Essentuki 4.

How to treat gastritis at home with a mineral water? Open the lid? Be sure to let the gas out of the liquid. Water should be slightly warm. To carry out high-quality degassing, you can leave the bottle open for a day or constantly shake and mix in a jar or glass. Also, gas can be released when heated on a stove in an enameled or glass mug. Only in no case should you overheat the liquid. The optimum water temperature is from +30 Β° to +35 Β° . Drink should be as prescribed by the doctor. The number and time of admission for each patient may vary.

Eliminate harmful products

Not only during treatment, but also generally should be excluded from the diet harmful products containing dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers and so on. Carcinogenic and chemically processed foods should not be consumed:

  • French fries;
  • chips;
  • marmalade;
  • jelly Bean;
  • too sharp dishes;
  • smoked meats;
  • too salty foods.

You should also drink coffee and strong black tea as little as possible. It is better to drink a glass of clean water. Here are such simple types of treatment, diet. Gastritis is a disease that requires very strict food restrictions.

Try not to buy products with prohibited or harmful additives that can harm not only the stomach, but the whole body. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such substances. Save yourself a table to periodically check the quality of everything you eat.

table of harmful food additives

The more natural foods you have in your diet, the more likely you are to fully restore your stomach health.

Pharmacy medicines for gastritis

Most often, with gastritis, a drug such as De-Nol is prescribed. Dosage and duration of administration are prescribed by a doctor. The course of treatment should not be exceeded, since the drug contains bismuth, which accumulates in the body and, in excess, leads to poisoning.

If necessary, doctors can prescribe such tablets for gastritis as "Maalox", which can reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Unfortunately, the effect of the drug is short-lived. Omeprazole is prescribed by many doctors (not only gastroenterologists) in order to reduce the secretion of gastric juice.

pills for gastritis

Often with infectious gastritis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.

All prescribed drugs should be taken strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Tablets from gastritis should be washed down with water in the amount indicated in the instructions.

Serving Size and Number of Meals

Not only with an exacerbation of the disease, but also in remission, as well as a healthy person for prevention, it is advisable to eat food in small quantities, but often. There is such a rule: the ideal portion is two palms connected by a boat. Of course, this produces an individual serving. After all, a child has less hands than an adult. Therefore, this instruction is quite true. But for those who have exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to reduce the portion by almost half, so as not to overload the diseased organ.

In addition, you need to eat every 3-4 hours (with exacerbation of the disease - every 2-3 hours). Of course, a modern person, working or studying, in fact will not be able to devote so much time to his stomach. Still try to have a snack, for example, with pre-prepared slices of a baked apple with honey.

Do not treat exacerbated gastritis at home, as well as carry it on your feet. What to do? Go to the hospital, in a hospital it is easier to follow not only a diet, but also bed rest. Recovery will be faster.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of gastritis, folk remedies have proven themselves well. But here it is necessary to undergo diagnostics and consult with a gastroenterologist or phytotherapist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

gastritis treatment folk remedies

An almost universal remedy is oat in husk. You can prepare an infusion, a decoction or even boil jelly. In practice, it is widely used broth. Take one glass of oats and washed. It is necessary to remove black grains and foreign elements, dirt. When the oats are washed, they need to be poured into the pan. Then pure water is poured (best if it is distilled, structured or spring). Let it all infuse from 4 to 12 hours (as you prefer), or you can pour it in the evening to prepare a healing drink in the morning. Next, put on fire. Be sure to cover. As it boils, cook for 15-20 minutes. Let it brew for 45 minutes. Drink should be half an hour before meals, about half a glass.

How to treat gastritis at home with herbs? According to the doctor’s recommendations, they take the necessary raw materials. It can be chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow, heifer and other plants. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and heated in a water bath. Do not forget to cover during the cooking process. Then after 20 minutes the pan is removed from the heat. The broth is insisted for about 45 minutes. Drink should be as indicated by the doctor.

Stress management

Gastritis and stress are two interrelated processes. Often this disease is considered psychosomatic. When a person constantly and for a long time worries about something, then the stomach, as well as the entire gastrointestinal tract, fails. If gastritis has played out against the backdrop of stress, then first of all you need to start treating the nervous system with a psychotherapist or clinical psychologist. Of course, a visit to a gastroenterologist should not be postponed. Simply, together these two methods of treatment will be more effective, and recovery will come quickly enough.

gastritis diet

Therefore, first aid for gastritis at home is to calm the nervous system. If there is no way to get to the doctor, then treatment can be started with a decoction of oats and mineral water in compliance with a strict diet.

Is it possible to independently determine the acidity of the stomach

There are some methods that help determine the acidity of the stomach outside the walls of the hospital. Usually some symptoms help. For example, heartburn can clearly indicate that the acidity of the gastric juice is increased. At the same time, if you drink a small amount of soda solution, there will certainly be belching, since alkali and acid react. Reduced acidity is more difficult to determine. But often the patient is tormented by heaviness in the stomach after eating.

You should consult a specialist who will help determine exactly what acidity is in the stomach. This is very important, the only way you can understand how to get rid of gastritis. At home, treating the stomach is quite simple, since such funds are prescribed that can be bought at any store or pharmacy.

Nevertheless, the quality of nutrition affects the state of the stomach. Therefore, try to eat healthy foods grown in environmentally friendly conditions without chemical processing. As for drinks, preference should be given to pure drinking water, rather than strong tea and coffee.

Food by the clock and when you want

Some scientists and gastroenterologists have come to the conclusion that you need to eat strictly at the designated time. For example, a person is used to having breakfast from 7 years old at 7:00, lunch at 12:00, and dinner at 17:00, the last meal consisting of fermented milk products falls at 21:00. In this case, the regime should be maintained in adulthood. Of course, with a modern rhythm, this is almost impossible. The regime of many has long gone astray. How to proceed? You need to take time to eat when it begins to "rumble in the stomach." The only exception is nutrition for gastritis. At home, of course, treatment is easier. Therefore, try to take a sick leave for the sake of a speedy recovery.

Getting rid of bad habits

Smoking, drinking alcohol do not affect the stomach in the best way. Therefore, if you want to recover as soon as possible, you need to get rid of addiction. But this rule must be respected throughout life, and not only during treatment. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, less nervous, then you do not have to ask a doctor about how to treat gastritis at home. Your health is in your hands!

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