"Mirodez Basic": instructions for use

Mirodez Bazik is a Russian-made disinfectant. This clear concentrated liquid has a faint and somewhat specific odor. This product has antimicrobial activity against various bacteria, including mycobacterium tuberculosis. The drug is also effective against parenteral hepatitis viruses, HIV and Candida fungus.

Instructions for the "Mirodes base" will consider below.

Mirodez Bazik instructions for use

The properties

The named preparation is distinguished by its washing properties. This product does not discolor tissue, it does not cause corrosion of medical instruments. In addition, they do not fix organic pollution, and the drug retains its property even after freezing. The shelf life for unopened packaging is five years. And the finished working solution is suitable for fourteen days. Next, find out in which cases it is necessary to use this tool.

Assignment of funds

As indicated by the instructions for use, Mirodez Basic is primarily suitable for disinfection, including one that is combined with pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices from various materials, including dental and surgical instruments (including rotating instruments). Thanks to this tool, saliva-suction devices are also cleaned along with dental materials (impressions from alginate and silicone, denture blanks and articulators), rigid and flexible endoscopes, instruments for them and so on.

Mirodez Bazik instruction

With the use of Mirodez Basic, disinfection is carried out, combined with pre-sterilization cleaning of surgical and dental instruments (including those that rotate). Thanks to this tool, dental materials are disinfected along with tools for endoscopes. In addition, the following cleaning options are carried out:

  • Disinfection of medical waste in the form of products intended for single use (laboratory glassware, including). Cleansing dressings, disposable items, and so on.
  • Blood and biological disinfection (urine, feces, sputum, vomit) in medical and preventive institutions, and, in addition, in clinical laboratories and diagnostic centers, at stations and points specializing in blood transfusion and collection.
  • Disinfection and washing of surfaces in the room, cleaning of hard furniture, the outer surface of appliances and devices, sanitary and technical equipment, dishes and dining room and laboratory.
  • Cleaning of cleaning equipment along with patient care items, personal hygiene products, toys, polypropylene mats, special shoes, plastic and other polymeric materials in medical and preventive care institutions (it’s important to find out in advance how to make Mirodez Basic correctly).
  • Disinfection at public transport facilities, public utilities in hotels, hostels, hairdressers, beauty salons, baths, saunas, laundries and the like.
  • Disinfection in catering, in industrial markets, within public toilets, educational institutions, etc.
  • The implementation of preventive disinfection at the enterprises of the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries for the production of non-sterile medicines in the premises of cleanliness class “C”.
  • For carrying out general cleaning, combating mushrooms, and, in addition, disinfection, cleaning, washing and deodorization of garbage containers and garbage collection equipment.
Mirodez Bazik instructions for use how to breed

The composition of the drug

In the role of active substances, Mirodes Base includes a whole complex of ammonium quaternary compounds in the form of benzalkonium chloride and didecyldimethylammonium. In addition, polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride is present in the composition . Auxiliary components are surfactants along with synergists of biocides, corrosion inhibitors and more.

What else does the instruction for use with Mirodez Basic tell us?

Consumption rate for ready-made solutions: how to dilute

The surface in the room, along with hard furniture, appliances and appliances, is wiped with a rag that is moistened in a solution of the product. In this case, the rate of flow of the solution is 100 milliliters per square meter of the treated surface. You can also carry out irrigation at the rate of 300 milliliters per square meter when using a hydraulic console. It is allowed to use 150 milliliters per square meter when using the Quasar atomizer.

Double processing is carried out with an interval of fifteen minutes. Rinsing the Mirodez Basic solution from the treated surface after disinfection, as a rule, is not required. Sanitary and technical equipment is processed using a brush, and, in addition, through the use of a ruff. You can wipe with rags moistened previously in solution at a rate of consumption of 100 milliliters per square meter. Against the background of irrigation treatment, 300 milliliters per square meter are used. Upon completion of the disinfection, the equipment is washed with water.

Mirodez Bazik analogues

Application features

The agent in question is used for disinfection, including as part of cleaning combined with pre-sterilization cleaning of products that differ in medical purpose, including dental and surgical instruments. Thus, with this tool it is best to process any endoscopes and instruments from different materials (metal, rubber based on silicone and natural rubber, plastic, glass). In addition, saliva-suction installations along with dental materials are very often cleaned.

Analogs "Mirodez Basic"

To analogues of the disinfectant in question include drugs in the form of “Ayusolyutsida”, “Avansept”, “AquaDesa”, “AktivBioProtekta” and so on. You need to select them with caution.

mirodez basik composition


It should be noted that this tool is characterized by some toxicity. For example, according to the degree of action on the body according to GOST, it belongs to the fourth class of low hazardous components when it enters the stomach, and, in addition, if applied to the skin and when inhaled in the form of steam. The agent under consideration is also referred to the fifth class of practically non-toxic elements in the case of parenteral administration.

This tool does not have a local irritant effect on the skin, provided that it is applied once. It should also be emphasized that this drug has a mild irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes. In addition, this drug does not have skin, resorptive and sensitizing effects.

how to breed mirodez basik

Special properties and effectiveness of the drug

It is also worth mentioning some of the special properties of the drug "Mirodes base":

  • This drug does not cause metal corrosion.
  • They do not discolor the treated fabric.
  • They do not record organic pollution.
  • This drug is not at all aggressive towards various treatment objects.

This tool is very active and effective in coping with various bacteria and viruses (adenovirus, SARS, HIV, herpes, influenza, parainfluenza, parenteral hepatitis, polio, all kinds of pathogens of otolaryngological pathologies, bird flu, rotavirus, enteric hepatitis and so on).

instruction for use

Storage conditions

Store this medication exclusively in a cool place. At the same time, the product is kept in a closed container away from the heat source, in addition, storage in direct sunlight should be avoided. It is best to keep this drug at a temperature of between five degrees and not higher than forty. Store it separately from other medicines, food products and only in places inaccessible to children. It is worth noting that this tool is non-combustible, however, promotes combustion.

We reviewed the instructions for use "Mirodes base." How to breed, store and apply is now clear.

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