The drug "Sibutramine": instructions

Sibutramine is intended to treat obese people. The essence of the drug is to accelerate the onset of a feeling of fullness, which contributes to a significant reduction in the amount of food consumed. In addition, the Sibutramin agent increases energy consumption, which also affects the loss of body weight.

The medicine "Sibutramine": instructions. Indications

This drug is prescribed for patients who have problems with increased body weight due to obesity. Before taking this medicine, consult your doctor, as it may be contraindicated to you.

If you are taking other medications at the same time, then you should warn your doctor about this.

The drug "Sibutramine": instructions. Contraindications

Sibutramine has many contraindications. Before starting a course of treatment, be sure to read this list.

Contraindications include:

• anorexia nervosa;

• bulimia nervosa;

• heart failure occurring in the stage of decompensation, a chronic form;

• Tourette's syndrome;

• arrhythmias;

• pregnancy;

• malnutrition;

• Hypersensitivity to Sibutramine;

• glaucoma;

• severe impairment of kidney function;

• severe violations in the functioning of the liver;

• pharmacological alcohol or drug addiction;

• benign prostatic hyperplasia;

• arterial hypertension;

• coronary heart disease;

• mental illness;

• pheochromocytoma;

• lactation;

• tachycardia;

• hyperthyroidism;

• Congenital heart defect;

• organic causes of obesity;

• occlusive diseases of the peripheral arteries;

• circulatory disorders in the brain.

If you neglect these instructions and take Sibutramine, the consequences can be quite serious and detrimental to health.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug should not be used during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, as this can adversely affect the development of the child.

Some components can go to it with milk, and the result can be anything.

The drug "Sibutramine": instructions. Overdose

In the event of an overdose of the drug, any specific symptoms do not occur, but side effects may occur or significantly increase.

In this case, it is necessary to take activated charcoal and undergo a course of symptomatic therapy. And, of course, cancel the drug or significantly reduce its dose.

Medication "Sibutramine": instructions. Side effects

The drug has a lot of side effects, which can be protected only by following the instructions for use.

Side effects include:

in the digestive system:

• loss of appetite,

• constipation,

• transient increase in activity in liver enzymes,

• dry mouth

• nausea;

in the central nervous system:

• paresthesia,

• headaches,

• convulsive seizures,

• anxiety,

• taste change,

• increased sweating,

• dizziness,

• insomnia;

in the cardiovascular system:

• tachycardia,

• palpitations,

• increased heart rate,

• increase in blood pressure,

• exacerbation of hemorrhoids,

• vasodilation;

in the urinary system:

• mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis,

• interstitial nephritis, in acute form;

blood coagulability:

• purple of Shenlein-Genoch,

• thrombocytopenia.

It is worth noting that side effects, if they occur, only at the beginning of taking the medicine and disappear completely over time.

Additional Information

Treatment should be under the strict supervision of a doctor who has sufficient experience in the correction of obesity. Therapy is carried out using various diets, lifestyle changes, nutrition and the like.

Sibutramine: analogues

This drug has a lot of analogues. These include:

• Goldline;

• Lindax;

• Goldline;

• Meridia;

• Slimia;

• Lindax;

• Reduxin.

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