Comprehensive treatment of colored lichen

Pityriasis versicolor, popularly called colored, refers to the infectious pathologies of the epidermis.

treatment of colored lichen
It is expressed in the form of scaly spots on the body from light yellow to dark brown. This disease is more common in countries with high air temperatures and is caused by the fungus Malassezia. Treatment of colored lichen is a lengthy procedure, under the supervision of a dermatologist, which, incidentally, determines the cause and stage of the disease.

Causes of lichen

As already mentioned, the fungus is the provocateur of this infectious disease. Oddly enough, it is on the skin of every person, regardless of gender, age, hygiene and other factors. His negative activity begins under the influence of circumstances such as stress, a seasonal decrease in immunity, as well as the often repeated and lengthy tanning procedure - both natural and in the solarium. The risk group includes people with problematic (oily) skin, endocrine disorders, excessive sweating, as well as those who use ointments and gels with antibacterial properties for a long time.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor

You can independently determine that skin modifications are just color lichen. The treatment of this disease in the early stages, as well as its quick diagnosis are the key to the success of all the procedures performed. The main symptom of this infection is a lot of spots of different shapes in the upper part of the body (head, neck, back, shoulders, chest, sometimes the stomach and armpits). They have a flaky surface, and in the absence of treatment, they grow, forming an almost continuous spot. The treatment of colored lichen in such an advanced stage takes a long time, and as a result, scars remain on the skin. Diagnosis of color lichen is carried out in medical conditions using two methods: Balzer test and Wood's lamp rays .

Tinea versicolor: treatment

lichen color treatment pills
The photo at the beginning of the article reflects the first symptoms of this disease - small spots on the back. With their manifestation, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately, this is the key to a successful recovery, and at the same time prevention. Dermatologists recommend an integrated approach, prescribing both external and internal drugs. But do not forget about folk methods that help eradicate lichen.

Treatment: tablets and ointments

Here is a list of the most effective drugs. This includes drugs with imidazole, selenium sulfide, which have antibacterial properties and a triazole spectrum.

  1. Antiseptic "Boric acid".
  2. Ointment "Clotrimazole".
  3. Cream, tablets or Nizoral shampoo.
  4. Cream "Batrafen".
  5. Ointment, tablets, Mycosoral shampoo.
  6. Mycoseptin ointment.
  7. Ointment, spray, Thermicon tablets.
  8. Cream, ointment, tablets "Fungoterbin."
  9. Tablets "Cycloserine".

Important: do not self-medicate and do not exclude from the list of prescribed medications “unnecessary” (in your opinion). It is necessary to take drugs not only until the disappearance of visible symptoms, but also for some time after that.

lichen color treatment photo
Treatment of colored lichen with folk remedies

These are mainly baths, lotions and compresses. For example, it is quite effective to wipe with infusion of leaves of a string and eucalyptus, lotions using celandine, applications with viburnum or onion juice.

Consolidation of results

After the treatment of colored lichen has been completed, it is important to follow some rules: stay less in the sun, devote maximum time to hygiene procedures, and disinfect personal items.

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