What is an architectural ensemble. The architectural ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin

Many poets were dedicated to the Moscow Kremlin by Russian poets. Many masterpieces of famous artists depict this masterpiece of medieval architecture. The Moscow Kremlin is an outstanding architectural ensemble in Russia. And it is precisely about him that will be discussed in this article.

An architectural ensemble is ...

The word "ensemble" of French origin. It translates as "unity, integrity, connectedness."

An architectural ensemble is a complex of residential and public buildings, as well as other structures (bridges, roads, monuments, etc.) that make up a single spatial composition. Its elements can be not only houses and structures, but also sculptures, monuments, works of art, squares and gardens. The perception of a particular architectural ensemble largely depends on the time of year, the level of illumination. The presence of people, as well as the intensity of traffic, also have weight.

The most important component of any architectural ensemble is the landscape surrounding it. Here, the terrain, as well as the presence of water bodies (rivers, lakes, reservoirs) plays a huge role.

Quite often, a monument or an obelisk appears as the compositional center of an architectural ensemble. Examples include St. Peter's Square in the Vatican or Round Square in Poltava. To honor the memory of an outstanding personality or to emphasize the historical importance of an event is the main goal pursued by such an architectural ensemble. You can see a photo of such a complex below (this is St. Peter's Square, Vatican).

architectural ensemble

Types of architectural ensembles

Some architectural ensembles are created immediately and comprehensively, according to a pre-prepared master plan. Others take shape over decades, gradually supplemented by new buildings and elements. By the way, the second option is found in the world much more often.

There are several different types of architectural ensembles. Among them:

  • ensembles of squares;
  • fortresses;
  • prospectuses;
  • palace and park;
  • farmsteads;
  • monastery ensembles.

Moscow Kremlin - an outstanding architectural ensemble of Europe

The Kremlin in Moscow is the largest fortress in Europe among those that have been fully preserved to this day. This architectural ensemble is located in the very center of the Russian capital, it is the main social and political complex of the city, as well as a kind of sacred symbol for the whole country. It is here that the main residence of the President of the Russian Federation is located.

architectural ensemble photo

The architectural ensemble of the Kremlin in Moscow was built at the confluence of the Neglinnaya rivulet into the Moscow River. Triangular in terms of the fortress covers an area of ​​27.5 hectares. On the one hand, the Kremlin borders on Red Square, and on the other, on the Alexander Garden.

In the early 90s, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out within the architectural complex: in particular, then the Senate building was restored, as well as several halls of the Grand Kremlin Palace. At the end of the twentieth century, fortress walls and ensemble towers were also restored.

By the way, not everyone knows that the walls of the Moscow Kremlin were not always red, as we all used to see them. Throughout the 18th-19th centuries, according to the preserved paintings and descriptions, they had a white color (up to the 1880s). Today, the walls of the Kremlin are tinted with red paint from time to time.

Another interesting historical fact about the Kremlin dates back to the Great Patriotic War. So, in 1941, an order was given to draw up windows on the fortress walls so that the structure had the appearance of a residential object.

Kremlin architectural ensemble

A brief history of the architectural ensemble

Defensive structures on the site of the modern Kremlin have existed in Moscow for a long time. However, in ancient times, they were wooden, and therefore suffered very much from fires. Therefore, in the XIV century, it was decided to surround the city ​​with stone walls (made of limestone).

The most outstanding architectural ensemble in Russia was formed in its present form at the end of the 15th century. The first tower was built here in 1485. Italian architects actively participated in the construction of the complex, however, the appearance of the fortress looks very "in Russian".

The huge clocks located on the Frolovskaya Tower are very interesting. Throughout history, they have been changed four times. Those that show the time today were installed in 1852. The five-pointed stars of ruby glass that adorn the Kremlin towers were installed in 1937.

The Moscow Kremlin was badly damaged during the Civil War of 1917. In particular, several towers of the complex, as well as all its temples, were damaged. But the Kremlin survived in World War II. Thanks to the competent disguise that the Soviet architects managed to carry out, the ensemble was not subject to bombing.

this architectural ensemble is located in

Kremlin walls, towers and temples

The architectural ensemble of the Kremlin in Moscow includes 20 towers (three of them are round in plan, the rest are square). The highest of them is Troitskaya, its height is 79 meters. All Kremlin towers are built in the same architectural style, except for the pseudo-Gothic Nikolskaya.

The towers of the Kremlin, as well as the walls were built at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries, and finally decorated in the XVII century. The total length of all the walls of the ensemble is more than two kilometers. Their thickness ranges from 3.5-6.5 meters, and the height is from 5 to 19 meters. The tops of the fortress walls are designed in the form of teeth, which resemble the tails of swallows in shape (their total number is 1045). They also preserved slits-loopholes and embrasures, reminiscent of the main purpose of this building.

On the territory of the Moscow Kremlin there are seven churches and one bell tower, five palace buildings, as well as two famous monuments - this is Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell.

architectural ensemble in Russia


The Moscow Kremlin is a unique architectural ensemble of Russia, the largest fortress in all of Europe. For Russians, it is a sacred place and a symbol of Russian statehood. For foreign tourists this is the number one object that they seek to see when they come to Russia.

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