Sweet and sour chicken wings: simple recipes

Many young housewives completely unreasonably neglect such a product as chicken wings. In fact, you can cook many delicious and original dishes from them. They are baked in the oven, fried on the grill or in an ordinary frying pan. In today's article you will find more than one interesting recipe for chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce.

Wine Vinegar Option

A dish made using this technology has a spicy taste and pleasant aroma. It goes well with mashed potatoes or vegetable salads. Therefore, it will be a good option for a family dinner. To make chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce, check in advance if you have everything at hand. In this case, you will need:

  • 60 milliliters of wine vinegar.
  • A kilo of chicken wings.
  • 60 milliliters of water and soy sauce.
  • 15 grams of cornmeal.
  • 20 milliliters of sesame oil.
  • 30 grams of sugar.
  • A teaspoon of ground chili.

sweet and sour chicken wings

Process description

First of all, you need to do the preparation of the sauce. To do this, sugar, cornmeal and wine vinegar are combined in one bowl. Water, ground chili pepper, sesame oil and soy sauce are poured there. All is thoroughly mixed until the bulk components are completely dissolved and sent to the stove. Prepare the future sauce on low heat for no longer than five minutes.

Now you can do the wings. They are washed, dried and dipped in the resulting sauce. Then the product is gently spread on a baking sheet and place the oven. Prepare chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce in the oven, heated to one hundred and ninety degrees. After about half an hour, they are removed from the oven and served on the table.

Honey and Garlic Option

This dish has a pleasant taste and unusual aroma. It is prepared according to an extremely simple technology and from budget ingredients. Therefore, it can often be served at the family table. To feed your relatives chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce, make sure in advance that at the right time you will have all the necessary products at hand. You will need:

  • 1.5 tablespoons of honey.
  • A pound of chicken wings.
  • 4 tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • ½ lemon.
  • 3 tablespoons of hot tomato sauce.
  • A pair of cloves of garlic.
  • Chili pepper pod.

wings in sweet and sour sauce in the oven


As in the previous case, you need to start the process with the preparation of the sauce. For this, chopped garlic, honey and sliced ​​lemon are combined in one bowl. Soy sauce and half of chopped hot pepper are poured there. All mix well.

The resulting sauce is coated with previously washed and dried wings and removed to the side. After about fifteen or twenty minutes, hot tomato sauce is added to the chicken bowl. All this is placed in a baking sleeve and knotted. Prepare chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce at two hundred degrees. After about a quarter of an hour, the temperature is increased to 220 0 C and another ten minutes are expected. Browned wings with crispy rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, baked or fresh vegetables are served.

sweet and sour chicken wings recipe

Mustard and Apple Option

This gourmet spicy dish goes well with almost any side dish. Therefore, it can be a good option for a family dinner. It is prepared from inexpensive and readily available ingredients, and the use of a slow cooker greatly facilitates the process itself. To create such a treat you will need:

  • A kilo of chicken wings.
  • A tablespoon of ketchup, soy sauce and mustard.
  • Some liquid honey.
  • A pair of teaspoons of crystalline salt.
  • Ripe apple.
  • 3 tablespoons of any refined oil.

To make your dish a pleasant aroma, you can add garlic, ground paprika, basil, oregano or any other herbs to it.

Cooking algorithm

At the initial stage, wings should be tackled. From the pre-washed chicken, cut off the thinnest part and pluck out the remaining feathers. Then the prepared wings are rubbed with salt and sent to a slow cooker, at the bottom of which there is already vegetable oil. Cook them in the “Baking” mode for twenty minutes. Then the wings are flipped to the other side and wait for the same amount of time.

sweet and sour chicken wings in a slow cooker

A cleaned and diced apple is added to the browned parts of the chicken. Then it is poured with a mixture of liquid honey, mustard, ketchup and soy sauce. All mix gently and cover. Prepare chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce in a slow cooker operating in the “Stew” mode for fifteen or twenty minutes. After a signal indicating the completion of the program, the dish is insisted for about a quarter of an hour and only then laid out in portioned plates and served for lunch or dinner. As for the side dish, the spicy chicken wings made according to the above recipe go well with pasta, boiled rice, mashed potatoes or vegetable salad.

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