"Octenisept": instructions, indications for use, composition, analogues, reviews

"Octenisept" is a new generation antiseptic, widely used in clinical practice. Against the background of the use of the medication, the resistance of the pathogens does not develop, which allows it to be used in the treatment of a wide variety of ailments.

Pharmacological forms, composition of the drug

In accordance with the instructions to "Octenisept", the manufacturer produces the drug in a single pharmacological form - a solution intended for local use. It is packaged in bottles of polyethylene, which are equipped with a spray. In addition, the solution can be purchased in ordinary bottles of polyethylene, each of which may contain 250, 450, 1000 ml of the drug.

octenisept spray

Every 100 ml of "Octenisept" in the composition contains phenoxyethanol in an amount of 2 grams and octenidine dihydrochloride in an amount of 0.1 grams.

As auxiliary ingredients are used: sodium D-gluconate, cocamidopropyl betaine, glycerol, water, sodium chloride.

The mechanism of action of this tool

Spray "Octenisept" is a drug of the antiseptic group, which is intended for external use and has a wide range of effects. The therapeutic effect of the solution is based on the fact that the active components in its composition are able to destroy the cell membranes of pathogenic bacteria.

The medication allows you to fight against such pathogens as:

  1. Lipophilic viruses that are the causative agents of hepatitis B, C, D, as well as herpetic infection.
  2. Staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci.
  3. Fungal microorganisms.

Effective "Octenisept" with angina.

The drug is characterized by bactericidal, virostatic and fungicidal properties, which it exhibits in relation to strains resistant to other medical substances.

As indicated by the instructions for "Octenisept", the solution is characterized by low toxicity, does not enter the general bloodstream, even if used on damaged integuments. The treatment of burns and wounds allows you to accelerate their healing. A similar effect is due to the presence of an immunostimulating effect in the drug.

The effect of the drug with external use begins after 30 seconds, and the effect obtained can persist for a long time.

octenisept reviews

The benefits of this medication

Spray "Octenisept" has a number of undeniable advantages over other antiseptics:

  1. Different containers come on sale.
  2. The composition contains no dyes.
  3. Inability to penetrate into the systemic circulation, in connection with which it is permissible to use the solution in the treatment of patients of all categories, including pregnant women and infants.
  4. After opening the bottle, the drug retains its therapeutic properties for a long time.
  5. Ethanol and its derivatives are absent in the medicine.
  6. The effect occurs within a short time.
  7. The drug is universal, it allows you to fight most fungi, bacteria and viruses.
  8. The tool can be used in various concentrations. It is allowed to use both a pure solution and mixed with water.
  9. The tool is modern and almost harmless, harmful components are not contained in it.

Indications for use

"Octenisept" is indicated for use in the following situations:

  1. With injuries and burns of the skin.
  2. With ulcerative defects localized in the vessels.
  3. With diaper rash.
  4. With the death of soft tissue cells.
  5. With a rash on the skin.
  6. With infectious pathologies of the nasopharynx.
  7. For the purpose of antiseptic treatment of postoperative sutures.
  8. In order to prevent mycosis.
  9. With throat lesions.

What else can you learn from the instructions?

Use of this drug

The rules of use and the dosage regimen of "Octenisept" depends on its pharmacological form, as well as on the nature of the disease for the treatment of which it is used.

Oktenisept solution goes on sale in bottles of various capacities. It tastes bitter, has no color (transparent), has a mild characteristic odor. Each container with a solution has a label, on one side it contains a name, and on the other there is a user manual.

octenisept analogues

Use of this product for rinsing and rinsing

The medication can be used as a means for rinsing or rinsing. It is allowed to rinse "Octenisept" of the oral cavity and throat, burying it in the nose. The specific method of application depends on the disease, the treatment of which is carried out:

  1. In order to treat damaged skin, a solution should be used undiluted. Prior to treatment with a medication, the wound is recommended to be cleaned. The product should be applied twice: first with a swab dipped in Oktenisept, wipe the affected surface, then dry and apply a bandage soaked in the product.
  2. When rinsing the mouth, throat or nose, use Oktenisept diluted in water. The doctor will tell you the rules of dilution of the drug, but most often, prevention involves mixing with clean water in a ratio of 1: 3, and treatment in a ratio of 1: 6. Rinse should be performed once or twice during the day.
  3. If genital treatment is required, then Octenisept must be mixed with the sodium salt of hydrochloric acid. The proportion in this case should be 1: 2. Washings are carried out twice a day. It is allowed to treat mucous membranes with a swab soaked in the composition.
    medicine octenisept
  4. In the treatment of diseases of an inflammatory nature affecting the genitourinary system, it is recommended to use undiluted "Octenisept." Up to 6 ml of the substance should be injected into the urethra, administration is carried out three times a day.
  5. If a patient is diagnosed with staphylococcal infection, the solution is diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 6. If children are being treated, the ratio should be 1: 4. The tool in this situation is used to rinse the nasopharynx up to 5 times a day.

Octenisept in the form of a spray is produced by the manufacturer in white bottles. Each bottle is equipped with a spray bottle and a protective cap. The spray does not have color (transparent), it should be applied with a thin uniform layer. After application, the drug is quickly absorbed, leaves no residue. The spray has a mild aroma, leaves a bitter aftertaste in the mouth.

octenisept rinse

According to the instructions for "Oktenisept" before applying the spray, it is important to pre-dry the skin, release the mucous membranes from the secret they secrete. Most often, doctors recommend triple use of the medication during the day. If the case is complex, then the doctor may recommend an increase in the frequency of use of the spray up to 6 times. An important condition is that the drug should in no case enter the inner ear.

Features of the use of this medication

Depending on the disease, the therapy of which is performed, the use of the spray has some features:

  1. Patients who are infected with Lefler's bacillus should be sprayed with โ€œOkteniseptโ€ in their mouth with a nozzle. This must be done three times a day, and spraying should be carried out several hours before or after a meal.
  2. If necessary, treatment of the genital area should use a vaginal applicator. As in the previous case, triple spraying of the drug per day is indicated.
  3. Treatment of sutures after surgical interventions is carried out by spraying the drug into the suture until the scars appear.
  4. Pressure ulcers are treated with the drug five times a day.
  5. Preventive treatment of the feet from the appearance of fungal infections is performed once a day.
  6. Wet wounds, burns are recommended to be treated four times a day until the signs of healing appear.

This confirms the instructions for the drug "Octenisept".

Features of the use of the drug in the treatment of throat

Octenisept is often prescribed by doctors if throat therapy is required. Rinsing, for example with angina, is carried out in compliance with the following simple rules:

  1. 20 ml of the solution should be mixed with 60 ml of water, which was previously boiled. Or the product should be used undiluted.
  2. Rinse should be carried out twice, the interval between rinses should not exceed 30 seconds.
  3. Swallowing is strictly prohibited.
octenisept with angina

Analogues of "Octenisept"

If the patient has an individual intolerance to the drug, the doctor may recommend replacing the medication with a similar drug. Analogs include such antimicrobial and disinfectant drugs as:

  1. Chlorophyllipt. The tool is used in many areas. It can be used in pregnant and young children.
  2. "Lugol." It is an antiseptic, which is produced by the manufacturer in two dosage forms - in the form of a solution and a spray. It is allowed for use in pediatrics. Pregnant patients are contraindicated.
  3. Stopangin. Produced by the manufacturer in the form of a spray, in the form of a solution. The substance is characterized by antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Often used in the treatment of pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis. It can be used after manipulations in the oral cavity. It is allowed to treat children from 6 years old, pregnant women from the second trimester.
  4. Hexoral. Antimicrobial agent in the form of a spray. It allows for the treatment of tracheitis, tonsillitis. Allowed to treat children from 3 years. Pregnant women may be prescribed with great care.

In comparison with analogues, "Octenisept" is a more versatile antiseptic.

There are also several analogues of the drug, the cost of which is much lower, among them - hydrogen peroxide, as well as Chlorhexidine. However, it should be remembered that these drugs are not suitable for the treatment of children.

The cost of this medication

The average cost of the medicine "Octenisept" may vary depending on the region of sale, as well as on the volume of the drug in the bottle. So, a bottle that holds 50 ml will cost about 260 rubles, and a bottle that holds 1 liter of solution will cost 1150 rubles.

octenisept composition

Reviews on this drug

What do people say about him? The vast majority of reviews about Octenisept are positive. The drug is widely used by doctors, it is recommended for use at home. The solution is effective in the treatment of tonsillitis and other diseases of the oral cavity. Oktenisept receives good reviews from patients who use it to treat vaginal infections.

It is also used in cosmetology - girls note that the solution is effective in combating acne, and its effect on the skin is gentle and does not provoke dryness and irritation.

Nevertheless, despite the huge number of positive feedback, the appropriateness of the use of "Octenisept" should be agreed with the doctor. This will avoid the deterioration and the occurrence of allergic reactions, although such are extremely rare.

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