Catarrhal sore throat: symptoms of the disease and methods of treatment

Every person in his life has encountered the problem of the appearance of a sore throat, and some regularly suffer from this ailment. One of its varieties is catarrhal sore throat. Its essence lies in the fact that the inflammatory process spreads to the surface of the mucous membrane of the throat.

Diagnosis of this kind of inflammation in a good doctor takes several minutes, because its symptoms are quite superficial and can be easily and quickly detected. Due to the fact that most specialists treat the fact of redness and do not find out the reasons, more than half of the cases of prescribing antibiotics in the end are completely useless bullying of the body.

There are a lot of reasons for the manifestation of this disease, for example, catarrhal sore throat can occur due to the development of an infection or virus. The appearance of the disease is associated either with the influence of external factors, or it is a symptomatic manifestation of another, more serious disease.

According to statistics, children over the age of three are more susceptible to such diseases than adults. It is known that catarrhal sore throat affects about 10% of adults and about 30% of children. On average, inflammation of this kind affects the nine millionth population of the world during the year. Timely treatment of tonsillitis is very important, as inaction often leads to serious health problems. It would seem that the consequences of such a simple disease should be insignificant, but inflammation can affect the work of the cardiovascular system and even the hearing aid.

Catarrhal sore throat: symptoms.

Even before the appearance of severe inflammation in the larynx, a person experiences some discomfort when swallowing, sometimes severe pain, while there is a general weakness of the body, for example, a feeling of cotton legs or a heavy head, which leads to rapid fatigue. Modern experts note that most patients complain of abdominal pain shortly before the disease develops actively. Almost always, catarrhal sore throat is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, sometimes up to the masculine mark. If you do not help the body fight infection with medication, this condition can last more than a week. The body is so weakened that the patient constantly wants to sleep, and with sudden movements, severe dizziness appears.

The inflammatory process is pronounced on the mini-lengths, as they are very swollen and acquire a red tint. For this type of angina, the absence of ulcers or white plaque is characteristic.

Catarrhal sore throat: treatment.

Diagnosis of the inflammation itself can be done in a few minutes, but in order to prescribe a rational and effective treatment, it is necessary to find the cause of its occurrence, that is, an etiological diagnosis should be made. Such a result can be obtained only with the help of a special study or test.

For a qualified doctor, the goal is to quickly prescribe an effective and correct treatment in order to remove the symptomatic manifestations at the very early stages of the disease, and, of course, eliminate the cause itself. First of all, the patient needs to ensure bed rest, as the previous activity will only aggravate the situation. Since edema and inflammation create uncomfortable sensations in the larynx, then the food should be appropriate, that is, you should not eat solid food, which will only intensify the pain. During the illness, you should drink as much fluid as possible, but the drink should be warm.

Such simple actions, plus proper treatment and regular rinsing of the throat with a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile or sage, or a solution of furacilin tablets, will soon be put on the patient’s feet and there will be no trace of the disease.

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