Bazarov and Odintsova: relationship and love story

Russian literature is famous for the depth of its work. One of these is “Fathers and Sons” by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. The main theme is the birth and cultivation of new progressive ideas, the vector of which is to ignore art in favor of the exact sciences. In the circle of nihilists there is no place for feelings and old truths. But no matter what the author put into the novel, for readers in the first place is the love story of Bazarov and Odintsova.

"Fathers and Sons" of Turgenev

The novel was written in the 60s of the XIX century and immediately conquered the world with its youth ideas. Then, as now, Bazarov is an example of a new, modern person. But, as the author showed, one should not strive for such an example. However, the main character captivated the hearts of many readers. He always had something to say, his remarks are clear, and the dialogue with him is intriguing. The important thing is that in the novel, Ivan Sergeyevich showed how easily life can be destroyed due to an incorrect interpretation.

No wonder the work is called "Fathers and Sons." The protagonist neglects not only the elders, but also their parents. In his thoughts, he respects many adults, but in fact he is daring. Turgenev's “Fathers and Sons” showed how the ideals of different generations differ and how young people degrade every year.

Summary of a large work:

acquaintance with the hero

Events begin their countdown on May 20, 1859 upon the arrival of Arkady home together with his friend Evgeny Bazarov. The latter is a sharp, proud and quiet person. He draws people of the weak-willed, like a magnet, into his net, but against his will. Those who are willing to argue automatically become his enemies. Bazarov despises love, poetry and his people in his soul. He is a nihilist who professes faith in liberal and conservative ideas.

The birth of feelings

But the meeting between Bazarov and Odintsova sets new priorities. The young, beautiful and rich widow Anna immediately captures Eugene. Feelings, it seems to him, are mutual, but the woman decides to remain calm and not develop love. The hero, captivated by his rules, also decides to remain true to the principles. He runs away from love for parents. But high feelings defeated life stereotypes. Bazarov’s love for Odintsova makes him return to Arkady’s house.

From sadness, the hero seduces a strange woman, for which he is called to a duel. With the passage of circumstances, everyone is happy, except for Eugene. Anna does not respond to feelings, and readers lose hope that there will be a pair of Bazarov and Odintsova. Relationships do not improve, so the hero finally says goodbye to his beloved and friend, burns bridges and returns home.

The end of the story that never started

At home, Bazarov drowns in work for several days. But sadness and feeling catch up with him and gradually become the essence of life. Due to carelessness, he becomes infected from the deceased by typhus and realizes his near death, so he decides to ask his beloved to come and say goodbye to him.

In a dying conversation, the hero admits that the relationship of Bazarov and Odintsova did not work out to a greater extent because of his character. He realizes that his life credos prevented him from building a relationship, but the young man expresses little regret. Leaving this world, the protagonist is not satisfied with what he spent his life on. But if fate had given him another chance to rewrite his story in a new way, he probably would not have changed a single look. Relations between Bazarov and Odintsova were doomed from the very beginning. After this sad event, several weddings are played in the novel. But the feelings are as if staged. Anna Sergeyevna is getting married again by calculation.

As a result, only old and suffering parents, whom he did not respect during his lifetime, come to Bazarov’s grave.

Evgeny Bazarov: the role that he has carried through his whole life

One of the main characters of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” is Evgeny Bazarov. Reading the work, there is a double impression of the character. Moreover, the dual perception of this person pursues immediately after meeting. On the one hand, we see his cold, dry character, on the other hand, intuition constantly suggests that the figure is not fully disclosed. The taste of the fact that somewhere deep down Bazarov will surprise us with his chivalrous acts remains. But an ambiguous assessment keeps us in suspense until the end of the book. Later, some explanations are given by the love of Bazarov and Odintsov.

The appearance of the hero is fully consistent with his face. A pointed nose, large green eyes, a wide flat forehead on a thin face framed by whiskers, dark blonde hair and a smile, behind which a bright mind, self-confidence and dignity are poorly masked. This is how the character appears before us for the first time. His image beckons with a certain mystery.

And all would be fine, but in the future we are faced with another, real Bazarov, whose character traits were initially invisible. He looks down on everyone with pride, does not recognize the sanctity of marriage and love, does not believe in authority and considers it below his dignity to prove his point of view to a friend or enemy.

Nevertheless, we can observe new flashes of character right after the romance of Bazarov and Odintsova broke out. The relationships that have arisen between young people are changing the world they are used to.

Anna Odintsova - challenge, punishment and reward for Bazarov

In the space in which the protagonist lives, there was no room for love until he met Anna Sergeyevna. Cold, calculating widow - Bazarov in a female image.

The aristocrat, whom Eugene fell in love with, is proud and smart. The deceased old husband left her a great material fortune. This allows her to live independently and do whatever she pleases.

Two more such similar and different people in the world literature can not be found. The love story of Bazarov and Odintsova - a review of the book "How not to live." An attractive young woman has no purpose in life. It exists between time, not distinguishing between day and night.

A barely noticeable smile and a wasp waist - Odintsova, like Bazarov, knew how to effectively show herself. But unlike the main character, a woman really does not know how to love. Or was her heart petrified as a child? And perhaps the reason was the new trends in society? The only important thing is that Bazarov did not immediately admit his feelings, and Anna’s love did not arise.

The fact that the heartless woman was indifferent, says her attitude to the young man. He is fun for her. Indifference to his death scares readers. For Odintsova (even the surname itself says a lot), feelings such as grief and joy were far away. The novel ends with her marriage to a new profitable party.

In the world of literature

There are cliches by which the main characters write. And precisely such heroes subsequently become the most popular. Under this line were created and the heroes of Turgenev. These are soulless young men and women who do not dream of love.

There were men and colder, more reserved than Eugene. Many lovers of world literature differed from each other: Darcy and Lizzie Bennet, Rochester and Jane Eyre, Rhett Butler and Scarlett, among them the heroes of Turgenev - Bazarov and Odintsova. The relationship of the latter were doomed to failure. The walls that they built were impossible to destroy even with the help of love.

Criticism on the choice of the protagonist

Critics perceived the attitude of Bazarov and Odintsova to life ambiguously. On the one hand, young people remain true to themselves, and behind them are new grandiose theories. Bazarov is a representative of a new society, independent, free from artificially planted authorities. He and his supporters are raising ideas ahead of their time. To abandon them would mean the impossibility of free development.

On the other hand, the height of love has been tested for millennia. It was this wonderful feeling that inspired to create. Therefore, the choice of a hero in favor of the so-called progressive society is low and unreasonable. Bazarov could clearly achieve great results by abandoning his theory.

Feelings Changing the World

Probably the hardest thing a person can survive is the treachery of their own principles. But it’s even worse to be left alone with your rules, ignoring love.

Throughout the work, an unusual, non-artistic line of sympathy of two characters is drawn. These main characters are Bazarov and Odintsova, whose relationships flare up brightly and gradually go downhill.

The beauty of the character is clearly contradictory. By all the criteria of the then world, he does not reach the standard of perfection. But he only has to open his mouth, which, we note, he does quite rarely, as the flow of his thoughts, the strength of character in words and the confidence in his rightness conquer. Despite the cold emanating from the main character, Bazarov and Odintsova, whose relationship was very complex, they still managed to catch fire with each other's feelings.

Bazarov is faced with a choice: to remain true to his principles or fall to a state for which people have always despised. To be romantic and happily in love means to be low. “This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art,” Bazarov somehow expresses his thoughts.

Unfortunately, Bazarov and Odintsova did not pass the test of love. However, in the work of Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons,” the eternal theme of the large and wide human soul is clearly expressed.

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