Nervous system diseases

It is the nervous system that is responsible for the interconnection and work of all organs and systems of our body. It combines the central nervous and peripheral systems. Note that the peripheral nerves include those that depart from the spinal cord and brain, and the central one includes the spinal cord and brain itself. There is also an autonomic nervous system.

Diseases are numerous and varied. Diversity is primarily due to the fact that the system in question is branched, and each part of it is unique in its own way. Diseases of the central nervous system have a detrimental effect on all organs of our body. Problems can arise very serious.

There are several types of diseases considered:

- infectious;

- vascular;

- chronic progressive;

- traumatic pathologies;

- hereditary.

The most common vascular disease. By the way, they are considered the most dangerous. In some cases, they lead to disability or even death of the patient. This group includes circulatory disorders called strokes, cerebrovascular insufficiency, and so on. Similar diseases of the nervous system develop due to atherosclerosis or hypertension. Their most common symptoms include headaches, vomiting, nausea, impaired motor activity, and decreased sensitivity.

Infectious diseases of the nervous system can develop due to exposure to all kinds of viruses, parasites or fungi. It is worth noting that these deviations do not happen often. As an example of these diseases can be called lesions with measles, malaria and so on.

Chronic progressive diseases in this case can occur due to the pathogenic effects of infections, improper structure of the nervous system, problems with metabolic processes or intoxication of the body. An example is myasthenia gravis, sclerosis. In most cases, the lesion has a systemic character. The disease itself can last a very long time. With all this, signs appear and develop slowly.

Hereditary diseases of the nervous system, in turn, are divided into genomic and chromosomal. The most famous chromosomal disease is Down's disease. In this case, pathologies in the muscular system can be observed. Signs include impaired motor apparatus, endocrine system disorders, dementia.

Traumatic diseases of the nervous system occur after damage to the body, bruises, compression of the brain and spinal cord. The most striking example is concussion. Symptoms are loss of consciousness, nausea and vomiting. Loss of orientation in space, memory, and so on.

Why do nervous system diseases occur?

From the foregoing, we can conclude that often people get sick due to infectious pathogens. These include fungi, bacteria, viruses.

Many infections are transmitted in utero. Their transmission is, of course, during pregnancy. The peripheral nervous system is also affected by infections.

In principle, due to a bruise in the brain or spinal cord, almost any disease can develop, not just those classified as traumatic.

It is worth noting that the state of our nervous system is adversely affected by an improper lifestyle, constant hassle, poor nutrition, non-use of necessary minerals and vitamins. Most often, diseases from nerves occur in those people who are constantly in an excited state, and rarely rest. Remember that any of us simply needs a vacation.

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