How to quickly peel eggs in a few seconds?

Sometimes the simple procedure of freeing eggs from the shell becomes a real culinary test, annoying even experienced housewives: then almost all the protein is removed along with the shells, then the film clings to the fingers, then the shells crack unevenly, making it possible to clean the egg only in small sections. All this is long and tedious. All this can be applied when you have a stock car of time.

how to clean eggs quickly

And in the event that guests are on the doorstep and ordered your signature dish: meatloaf with eggs or salad, the main ingredient of which is a boiled egg? Rather, a lot of eggs ...

How to quickly clean the eggs so that they look neat and take a little time, and the nerves do not have time to spoil? There are ways!


In order to remove the shell from an egg without excesses, you must first properly cook it:

  1. For cooking, it is not the first freshness to take eggs - the day before yesterday, or one week ago - in such instances the protein does not cling to the shell so much and leaves it smoothly and easily.
  2. In the water where the eggs are boiled, you can add salt and vinegar - a means against cracking the shell and leakage of protein.
  3. Boiled eggs need to arrange a “contrast shower” - dip them in cold water immediately after being taken out of boiling water.

how to quickly clean an egg

Quick Cleaning Methods

There are several ways to quickly clean eggs, each of them is ingeniously simple and affordable.

All of them are based on the principle of lightning fast release of eggs from shells and take no more than seven seconds of time (per one egg).

Some of them are so exciting that children perceive egg cleaning as a game. Therefore, mothers use this process to attract children to help in the kitchen.

The first method is “blowing”

If there is absolutely no time, and in the kitchen a couple of dozens of ready-made, but unpeeled shells are waiting for the shell, if you have no idea how to quickly peel an egg (even one!), Learn this method and entrust the process to the kids: believe me, they will manage and will be very satisfied.

  1. After knocking your peaks on something solid, make two holes in the egg - from the blunt and sharp ends.
  2. The diameter of the "holes" should not be too large, 1 cm will be enough.
  3. After laying the egg with a sharp base on the lips, blow as hard as possible - the egg will pop out of the shell through the opposite hole. Hold it with your hand, catch it so that it does not fly far.

The second way, elegant

how to quickly clean a boiled egg

This technique was presented to the world by the British. Scrupulous even in the smallest detail, punctual until the second when you need to eat breakfast on time, they know very well how to quickly peel the eggs: you need to lightly press the shell on all sides to break, then put a teaspoon under it and quickly clean it egg.

The third way: an egg, water, a glass

Without wasting time thinking about how to quickly clean a boiled egg, put it in an ordinary glass (preferably with strong walls), fill it with cold water, cover the top of the glass with your palm and shake the container several times. After such movements, it remains only to take out the egg freed from the shell.

how to quickly clean a boiled egg

The method is very convenient and fast, not leaving the slightest shell fragment on the “body” of the egg.

Fourth way: roll the egg

Another way how to quickly clean an egg, from the category of elementary. It consists in cracking and separating the shell in the process of rolling the eggs on a solid horizontal surface - on a cutting board, for example, or on a countertop.

When rolling an egg, with a palm it is necessary to press slightly on the shell so that it crackes and leaves.

The way to quickly clean quail eggs

These miniature specimens obtained from small birds turn out to be much stronger than chicken ones and do not at all fit into the general theme “How to quickly clean eggs”, introducing nuances into the standard process.

The shell in quail eggs leaves a little tight, peeling them is quite problematic and takes a very long time.

how to quickly peel quail eggs

But even in this case, the housewives had a way to quickly clean the quail eggs. True, the whole process will take at least three hours, but the cleaning process itself should take place quickly.

Make a solution of 9 percent vinegar (one part) and cold water (two parts), place eggs in it for three to four hours and calmly go about your business.

Over the allotted time, the shell should, if not completely dissolve in vinegar, then visibly soften. It remains only to remove its remnants and rinse the eggs under a stream of cold water.

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